《Volturi kings mate》3


Carlisle's pov:

What the heck were they thinking!? I told them right before Maya arrived that one of my most trusted friends will come to help us. And what does my family do!? They make her feel like a total outcast and like she isn't welcomed here in any way or form. I am so unbelievable furious at them. Yes I shouldn't of get myself distracted by my mates kisses but I thought that my kids would introduce themselves to her and make her feel welcomed. I saw the hurt look in her eyes. How could they treat her so badly!?

„I hope you guys are happy now! She didn't even liked to stay here but instead preferred to go to stay at a motel because she thinks you wouldn't want her here." I growl out at them. Maya is such a sweetheart that had it really hard throughout her existence! She is lonely all the time because no one ever cared enough to get to know her. Always overlooking her or simply using her for her gifts before getting reed of her again. I never understood how anyone could do that to her. She really has no mean bone in her! I mean yes she can inflict extrem pain and kill without a problem, but only to keep everyone else on this planet safe!

„Carlisle we are sorry ok! We just didn't expect your amazing friend to be a human girl. How do you think she would be any help for us!?" Edward says while the others look everywhere but at me.

„She isn't human though! She only makes everyone else believe that she is to live in peace! If she isn't going to be on our side during this battle we have absolutely zero chance of coming out alive from it. So you not only hurt the one person I repeatedly asked you to be nice to, no, you also signed our death if she is no longer willing to help us. And i couldn't even blame her if she decides to just leave again!" I tell them feeling myself getting angrier and angrier by the second. They all look shocked and worried but still they weren't believing me fully just yet. A loud ring sounds through the house and I quickly pick up the phone.


„Please tell me that my idiots of siblings didn't just make our only chance of survival leave!" Alice says bitterly through the phone. I wouldn't really call those two the best of friends, for that they don't know each other long enough. But they both care for one another deeply.

„I am guessing you have seen it in a Vision." i say matter of factly.

„I want to talk to them right now! Oh, and you better talk to esme as well! How dare her act like this after we have told her so much about Maya!" she says before I hand the phone over towards my shocked and frightened looking children. Alice is right, I need to talk with esme as well about what had gotten into her when she saw maya.

„Esme, a word!" I say and drag her along onto the balcony. She looks surprised at me since I just pulled her along, but right now I really am not happy with either one of my family, well Alice and jasper aside! those two weren't here, otherwise the surely would of stopped their behavior right on the spot!

„Why were you so rude to Maya? I have told you about her so often and you always said you would love to meet her. Now when you did finally have the chance to, you were completely jealous and rude!" I say and ask all at one. Why would she react like that!? that is so completely out of her usual character!

„You were hugging her way too long! I got jealous and I needed to make sure she knows that you are taken!" she says and i do believe her. She looks sadly towards her feet. Seemingly knowing that she has hurt me deeply by her reaction to Maya.


„I hope I can make it up to her again. I know you would never leave me but at that moment I just couldn't think strait anymore." she apologizes again. So after a nod we walk back into the living room where all my kids are now looking completely depressed and guilty. Seems like Alice got through to them! That at least is something!

„Do you know where she is staying? I would like to talk to her, as well as apologize. It's the least I could do, the least we all could do!" Edward asks me softly holding little renesmee in his arms.

„No idea. She just left after declining my offer to stay here." I answer him truthfully. Well I do have my suspicion where she might be staying but I know nothing for sure, so I wasn't lying!

„Alice informed us that she saw your guys phone call. That she knew that this would be a possibility. She also knows others like renesmee and we made her run off. The one that could of answered some questions. We are really sorry Carlisle!" he sighs a frown now on his face.

„That you Did!" I say not feeling like sugar coating it. They were acting like spoiled brats and that's what they get for that! The only thing I hope for is that Maya still will come back tomorrow to help us. But even more importantly, I do hope that she is alright after my family has obviously hurt her feelings really badly.

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