《Volturi kings mate》2


Maya's pov:

„Maya!" Carlisle shouts out happily and engulfs me right into a tight hug, relieved I got here to help. I also can feel the confusion coming in waves towards me from everyone standing and sitting around us. Guess they also are confused on why in the hell Carlisle would be this happy to see a human here. Especially since a war is coming soon towards them and they have more than enough trouble on their hand already as it is.

„You haven't changed a bit." he says after pulling slightly away, still holding tightly onto my arms thought.

„I could tell you the same. But instead I would like to finally meet your family properly." I tell him with a smile. Happy to finally see him again, even though the situation isn't really pleasant.

„Preferably before they jump me for hugging you too long." I add with a small giggle after seeing one woman looking at me in jealousy. As if she get that I meant her she only looks smugly at me before walking towards Carlisle and kissing him passionately.

„Ugh! Get a room already!" I tell them with another round of giggles. They all look at me as if I have lost my mind. All except for the little mixed breed, she smiles widely and runs towards me with outstretched arms as if she already knows me.

„So I am guessing you are renesmee." I ask the cute little girl which I now am holding in my arms protectively. Her face lights up even more that I already know who she is. She softly lays a hand on my cheek and shows me her whole life through her eyes. What an interesting gift this little cutie has!

„You are pretty talented! Not many in your age can control their powers nor can they play piano like that!" I complement her softly. Her cheeks get bright red at that, still her smile doesn't leave her face.


„Renesmee why don't you come back to us again? You shouldn't run to strangers like that." a vampire with slightly copper hair says. He looks to be about 17 year old, well he was when he was changed. But instead of leaving my arms she cuddles even closer into me before closing her eyes and falling asleep completely calm.

„since Carlisle is still busy with his mate, I take a wide guess myself and say you are Edward which would make you Bella. The parents off this little girl cuddled in my arms." I say towards them and point to the girl standing left to him. They nod slowly, still not leaving their child out of their eyes.

„I wouldn't hurt her, so you can calm down." I say reassuringly. But since I understand their uneasiness, especially with what is going to come in no time. I softly hand the little girl over towards them, careful to not wake her. They look relieved, their calculating eyes never leaving me though. Sighing softly, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here. But since I am here now, I as well can go on.

„Well than I would say you are Rosalie, which would mean that the guy you are leaning into is emmet your mate." I go on to slowly put each name towards a person.

„Since Carlisle isn't the guy to betray his mate, I would guess esme is currently hanging around his neck. But than, where is my little Alice and Jasper?" I say and ask with my head slightly tilted to the side. I really missed Alice and I also know she would be able to make this situation way less awkward. Because Slowly I am getting irritated that I don't get any reply.

„Maya, i see you have already started to get to know my family. I hope they were treating you good!?" Carlisle says with hopeful eyes which quickly turn into a frown the second he sees my face.


„Please tell me you weren't rude to her!" Carlisle sternly says towards his children in bewilderment. Since I don't like to intrude on their family discussion, I turn around to walk back out of the house, wanting to give them some privacy. I mean seriously, was a nod to much to ask for!?

„Maya? Where are you going?" Carlisle asked me afraid I might just leave again. Even though I would like to do so, especially after their cold greetings. I wouldn't do it. As I already said, Carlisle is my friend, so I will help him with everything I have in me. and Let's be honest, renesmee is simply to cute to not help.

„Getting outside so you can talk this out with your family." I inform him before shutting the door behind me. Taking a seat on the huge stairway leading up to their door, soaking up the voices and everything around me. No idea how long I have been sitting here like that, trying my best to ignore their discussions inside. Carlisle seems to be deeply disappointed with his kids that they wouldn't even tell me their names or even if I was right with my assumptions. He explains to them that I came here right away to help them, even though I don't know any of them except himself, as well as the fact that this could get pretty dangerous for me as well. They all agree that they were going to apologize to me for being rude, but they had no clue who I am nor what the heck was going on. Those kids can't be too intelligent if you ask me! I mean they weren't even able to figure out my name after Carlisle said it a few times with them around. Taking another deep breath! It doesn't matter anyway. Why I even tried to talk to them is beyond me, i should of known that they wouldn't care to get to know me or even befriend with me. I hear the door gets opened and close before two familiar arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

„I am really sorry sweetheart. I honestly don't understand why they acted like they did, I have told them that you were coming so it shouldn't of surprised them that much." he apologizes with a sad frown, knowing that their reaction had hurt me way more than I would ever say.

„Don't worry about it Carlisle. I should of expected it. Their reaction wasn't that unusual." I say quickly turning my head away from his observing eyes. He sighs again, but doesn't say anything more since he knows me well enough to just drop the topic.

„I should get going to find a motel or something along the lines. Other than you i still need my sleep." I say already standing up and padding down my jeans to get reed of any dirt.

„You know you could always stay here. I have a room ready for you already." he says hopeful that I would agree on staying here but I don't feel comfortable to do so.

„I don't think your family would like that idea." I whisper trying hard to keep my tears from falling in front of him. I will have time enough to cry in the safety of my motel room later on.

„See you tomorrow." i say before teleporting myself away from him. Instead I do stand in front of a small motel. Grabbing my suitcase a bit tighter, I walk in to ask if they may have a room I could stay in for a few days. After paying in advance, not wanting them to snoop around or anything like that I put yet another spell on the room and quickly change it to a beautiful hotel room. At times like this it pays off to be able to use magic.

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