《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》The Valentines Dance


"And are you coming to the Valentines Dance?" Mel asked through the phone.

"I hope so. I want to surprise him." I sighed, trying to keep quiet so Misha, Jared or my dad wouldn't hear. They have all been hounding me about it and it was awful. I heard Mel sigh and move around on her bed.

"He misses you. Its actually pathetic." She said. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're pathetic." I smiled.

"Thanks. I know." She laughed.

"You should date Henry."

"I don't know, Sara. I like him but-"

"I knew it!" I shouted, interrupting everything going on. Everyone glared at me, I ruined a scene, I just disrupted everyone. "Sorry, guys, continue with your lives!" I apologized.

"You're such a bum." Mel spoke into the phone.

"I know." I smiled. "Anyway, continue."

"I like him but I just don't know if I want to date him." She said.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Its such a responsibility I don't know that I'm ready for." She sighed.

"But a relationship is nice for stability. James and I have been together for almost two years now. It's pretty great." I told her.

"You guys haven't even kissed yet." She said.

"Meh." I shrugged. She laughed and suddenly I heard her mom. "Hey Mrs. Young!" I said loudly.

"Hey Sara!" I heard her mom shout back. I smiled and let Mel talk to her mom. After a moment, she spoke into the phone again.

"Mom said I have to do this stupid project." She said. I could just hear her roll her eyes.

"You do that Melly." I smiled. "Tell me how it goes."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and looked up to see my dad staring at me. I smiled shyly as I put my phone in my back pocket. "Hi." I told him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Was that Mel?" He asked. I nodded and he followed suit.

"Yeah. She was just talking to me about school and the Valentines Dance and stuff." I smiled.

"Do you want to go?" He asked.

"I mean, it's tomorrow and don't we have to record?" He smiled and it got me super excited.

"Well, I asked if you wanted to go or not?" He said. I was going to speak but I knew if I did, I would rant so I just nodded. He nodded and then walked away. I just stood there for a moment until Robert yelled my name. I skipped over to him and he smiled.

"You want to go to a school dance?" He asked. I nodded slowly and smiled.

"Yes sir." I spoke quietly. He nodded and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Well, I'll tell you what, Sara. You've been working real hard the past week. I think we can let you and your dad go for a day." He said. My heart dropped, my jaw dropped, my knees buckled but I somehow stayed up. All this in excitement.

"Really?" I squealed. He nodded and I ran up to him and wrapped him in a hug. "Oh my gosh. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Robert laughed and nodded.

"No problem, Sara. You better get going though. Cliff won't want to take you guys if it's past midnight." He joked.

"Cliff honestly wouldn't mind." I laughed. "He's just going to be happy Im doing something normal." Robert nodded and sighed.


"Well get along then." I rolled my eyes at that saying. It made me think of when I was super young. I smiled anyway though.

"Thanks Robert. See you Monday!" I said, walking off to tell the others bye.


"And you're sure this is the dress you want?" My dad asked. I nodded staring down at the sky blue dress. It wasn't super spectacular. Perfect for a school dance.

"Yes sir. It looks fabulous." I smiled. He was on the other side of the dressing room door so not even he knew what it looked like on me.

"Alright. Then get dressed and we'll pay for it. You're surprising them, aren't you?" Dad asked through the door.

"Yeah. I'm going to walk in. Luckily the middle school remembers me." I chuckled, putting my normal jeans on. The dance was later on and I was super excited to surprise my bestie and my boyfriend.

I walked out of the dressing room, dress in hand. "Alright. Let's get going." Dad spoke, ushering me toward the register. As dad was paying for me, my phone rang.

"Sara!" Mel shouted as soon as I answered.

"Oh my geez. Mel? Why the world are you screaming?" I questioned.

"I said yes! Yes! GAH! I'm so excited!" She shouted. The cashier lady smiled and handed me my bag and I thanked her. "Who are you thanking?"

"Robert handed me something." I lied, I'm getting a little better when I think of lying as acting. "Anyway, what are you talking about?"

"I told Henry I'd go to the dance with him!" She shouted. I smiled.

"Congrats mi amigo!" I laughed. "I knew you would end up going with him. He picking you up like a cutie?"

"He can't drive, Sara." Mel laughed.

"I know, Mel." I smiled. "When is it?"

"Six you goofball." She said.

"I see." I giggled. "I won't be able to text you at that time because you'll be too busy sucking face with Henry Velobagos."

"What?" Dad questioned, hearing me. I laughed as I heard Mel fake gag.

"I should be saying that about you and James!" She spoke.

"We haven't kissed yet and we've been dating for about years." I smiled.

"You should. I hope you guys grow up and have little Sames children."

"Sames? Is that the ship name you came up with?" I asked.

"Yup. Just now." She spoke. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're crazy, Melly." I smiled, shutting the car door as quietly as possible.

"I know." She said. "Well, I'm going to get going. I promised I'd help Morgan get ready. She wants to impress someone."

"Cute. Bye Mel. Have fun."

"Bye." She hung up and I listened to music while on the way home. Once home, I ate a cup of noodles then bolted upstairs to change. J.J. and mom were at the store so I didn't have them. I put on the dress and did my hair before applying beautiful makeup. I was honestly proud. How could I not be?

By the time I was done, mom was home and it was five fifty. "You look so beautiful!" Mom gushed.

"Thanks mom." I giggled. "I tried really hard." She smiled and nodded.

"You're getting to old too fast." She said.

"I know. Soon I'll be as old as you guys." I joked, pointing at my parents. My mom fake gasped and I laughed.


"I see how it is!" She laughed. I shook my head and looked at my dad.

"You taking me or is mom?" I asked.

"I'll take you. I have to tell James to keep his hands off my princess." He said.

"You're so protective." I sad as we linked arms. He nodded and smiled.

"It's my job." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Of course, father." I chuckled. We got in the car and I decided to text Mel.

Me: how's the dance

Mel: music is lit af

Me: lol okay?

Mel: yes

We got to the school and I sighed. "Well, father, this is where we part ways." I say.

"Nope. I'm going in." Dad said.

"No. Dad. Please stop." I begged as he opened the car door. I was planning on walking in all fashionably late and beautiful and going up to James and dancing together and stuff. Like movies and stuff.

"No. Im going in for a minute." I groan and sigh.

"Fine." I spoke. I walked in and immediately people saw me.

"Oh my God! Sara!" My old friend, Laine, cried. I hugged her and smiled. We talked for a while, I talked to some other people. My dad behind me the whole time.

"Hey. Where's James and Mel?" I asked.

"Over by the food." Laine answered. I nodded and thanked her, walking over to the snack table. I saw Henry and Mel talking and laughing while James stood in the corner looking uncomfortable and bored.

"You seem bored." I spoke once I was in front of him. He looked up at me and his eyes lit up.

"Sara!" He cheered, hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back. Taking in his scent. He was wearing the cologne I told him was my favorite.

"Hey." I spoke.

"I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too." I smiled.

"You look great." He said once we parted.

"Oh. Thanks." I giggled. "You look very handsome."

"Thank you." He spoke, popping his collar.

"You're so cheesy." I laughed. Just then, I heard my dads voice behind me.

"Hey kids." He said. I sighed and turned around.

"Hey daddy." I spoke.

"You kids be good, alright?" I nodded and he walked away.

"What a bum." I laughed once he was gone. James smiled and handed me a cup of punch.

"Thanks." I spoke. He nodded and took a sip of his own. He was quiet, just staring at me for a while. "What are you staring at me for?" I asked, a slight chuckle in my voice.

"I don't know. Youre just so beautiful." He said.

"You're too sweet." I laughed. He laughed and suddenly I was wrapped in Mels hug.

"Sara! Oh my God!" She squealed.

"Hey Melly. You left your boyfriend." I laughed, waving at Henry.

"He's fine." She said. "My wife is before any guys." I smiled and nodded.

"She annoying you?" I asked Henry. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nah. It's cute." He said. Henry was not at all what the normal school jock was like. He was super smart and sweet and caring. I remember having the smallest crush on him but I got over it because he liked Mel and I knew she liked him back. Now I had my James.

We all talked a while before James wanted me to dance with him. That was a sight to see. We were dancing and laughing to the fast paced dancing song. It was ridiculous.

The twerk circle wasn't as big as I expected it to be. It was pretty great. "I think they spiked the punch." I laughed. James laughed and nodded.

Soon, there was a slow song. I looked at the DJ and saw Mel and Henry begin to dance near there, telling me she picked the song. James and I looked hesitantly at each other but he smiled. "May I have this dance?" He asked placing his hand in front of me. I smiled and took it. We began to dance slowly and it was honestly quite nice.

I ended up laying against his chest as we danced as if in the movies. He kissed the top of my head and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. It was now I realized just how much I liked him. Loved him even. I had been with him for about two years and it all led up to me really liking him. Correction...loving him.

He smiled a little and I noticed tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing. I just realized how much....how much I....I love you." He said with a ton of hesitation, obviously worried I would reject it. It was the exact opposite though.

"I love you too." I said. He smiled so wide it was crazy.

"I really want to kiss you but I feel like your dad would kill me." He said. I looked down and nodded.

"He probably would...but I wouldn't mind." I admitted. I looked back up at his blue eyes. He looked into my own green. The butterflies in my stomach decided to fly around even more. He was leaning down and I knew it was going to happen. I was about to have my first kiss.

Right before It was about to happen, Mel popped up out of nowhere and we quickly let go of each other. The world suddenly got alot louder as reality flooded back into my mind. The song was over and Mel was bouncing in front of me talking but I wasn't listening. I looked at James and he was looking at me. There wasn't a look of disappointment on either of our faces. We both just had a happy smirk on our faces.

Finally I began listening to Mel. "-and then Henry was like 'Ive liked you for a really long time' and I was like 'Does I've heard' and then he chose the song and we were dancing and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Oh my gosh! I'm so happy!"

"Congrats bud." I smiled. She nodded and dragged me away. We were talking but all through the night, all I could think about was what James and I went through. My dad picked me up and I sat quietly in the front seat.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Fun." I answered.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I smiled and leaned against the window.

"Nothing daddy. I'm just tired." I spoke.

We got to the house and I walked into my room. I got into some sweats and a tank top then laid in my bed. I heard a ring from my phone. I looked at it and it was a long message from James.

James: thank you so much for coming tonight. I thought I was going to be all alone. But what I told you was real. I really do love you. More than I've ever loved anyone I think. Youre the Jack to my Mark. The Cas to my Dean. I love you more than I thought love could be. But I know how you are about lovey sorry stuff so I'm just going to continue. Before Mel came up and we were about to have our first kiss, I was honestly really happy you felt the same. Or at least, I hope you did. I don't want to do anything you dont feel comfortable doing. But ik you're tired and I'm going to let you sleep. I love you Sara. Sweet dreams. <3

I smiled and just put the phone down. I had no idea how to reply but I was happy with everything he said. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face.

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