《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》Chilling


"Amy? What's wrong?" Sam asked, seeing me sitting in the corner with tears in my eyes.

"Nothing. Im fine." I spoke, wiping my eyes and turning away. He just came closer.

"Amy?" I sighed exasperated and went on a rant.

"I cant do it! I'm not the prophet to save the world! I can't fucking do it! I'm just a kid! Thirteen! I can't...." I cried a little and took a breath before continuing softer. "I don't know how to do it." Sam knelt down on the floor to be with me.

"It's okay. Calm down." He spoke softly. I nodded and wiped my eyes again.

"I'll be fine. Im mostly just scared." I told him. He nodded and hugged me. It caught me by surprise, Amy anyway. I'm usually the one giving hugs, not receiving. I didn't complain though, I hugged back. It was nice. I let go of him and felt a small smile form. "Where's Dean?"

"Out getting food." Sam answered.

"Typical." I scoffed. He nodded and stood up.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded slowly. It was believable to Sam but not believable to the audience because they know what's up.

"Yeah. Of course. Just scared." I smiled. He nodded and walked away, leaving me to sit on the floor again and Lucifer to appear beside me.

I nodded at the scene my dad was showing me. He was directing this episode and it was so cool. "It seems really good. I like how we look." I told him.

"Good because I do too. You can be emotional." My dad laughed. "And dramatic.

"I am an actress." I said, flipping my hair. He smiled and called Jared over. He had already seen the scene but my dad needed to talk to him about the next one.

I walked over to a chair and sighed. Mel wasn't here because she wasn't in this episode. She could just chill at her house back home. It was back to the rush of work. Don't get me wrong. It's great. Absolutely fantastic. It's just that there are days when you just want to do nothing at all. "Hey, Sara." Misha spoke from behind me. I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"My God, Misha!" I gasped. He laughed and sat beside me.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing. Being bored." I sighed. "Kinda sucks."

"Your boyfriend couldn't come?"

"Nah, he had to get back to school soon so his mom needed him to stay home." I answered.

"I see." He nodded. I nodded with him and he smiled. "You want to do a livestream with me?"

"Sure." I smiled. He got out his phone and did everything needed for a livestream and began the stream.

"Hey guys." He started. "I'm sitting on set with Sara right now while Jensen and Jared talk about scenes. Youre getting a behind the scenes look at everything but it's totally classified."

"Totally." I nodded when Misha pointed the screen at me.

"Yes, actually, that's a great question....Jamie. It I not hot in here. This is fake sweat. Makeup." Misha spoke.


"Ha. Misha wears makeup." I laughed. Still weird to me.

"You wear makeup too." He pointed out.

"Yes I do." I nodded. That's all I said. He rolled his eyes and looked into the phone again.

"Hi Karyn. Brian. Tyler. Lucas. Morgan. Thanks for being here." Misha read some names from people commenting hi. I saw a name quickly flash and it was James'. I smiled and grabbed my phone.

"I'll be right back." I told Misha. He nodded and looked at the phone.

"Guess it's just you and me now." He said. I smiled and texted James.

Me: you're watching the live stream with Misha?

James💖: duh, you're in it

Me: awe.

I walked back over to Misha and joined the stream again. We walked around a bit and showed people until we had to shoot another scene so, yeah.

Later that day, dad and I were snuggled on the couch watching old classic movies.

Afterwards, I laid in my room watching youtube. That's what my days consisted of. Weekends were mostly either doing stuff for Blackwater Cave or catching up on schoolwork. I hadn't had time to just chill since Christmas break.

That weekend, I decided to take time for me. Just chilling at my house. Of course, that was ruined when dad told me I had to catch up on school. I didn't want to complain but its alot.

After a couple weeks, it would be hiatus for Supernatural and the super filming for Blackwater Cave would begin. Stressed didn't even begin to describe it, but it was fun. It was an adventure!

February 5, 2016, I finally had caught up on all schoolwork, we couldn't do anything more for Blackwater Cave at the moment and the weekend was mine again. I could do anything. Chill with anyone. Of course I invited James. Then I invited Mel over as well. I was happy that they could both come over.

"Hey hey hey party peeps!" Mel shouted, walking into my house. James and I were already sitting on the couch talking. I was leaning against the arm of the couch with my legs on James' lap. It was quite comfy.

"You're nuts, Melly." I laughed, tossing her a Hershey kiss. She caught it and smiled.

"Thanks." She spoke. She plopped down on the couch behind me, allowing me to lean on her side.

"You literally have no idea how happy I am to just chill." I spoke, a kiss in my own mouth.

"Oh, I know." James nodded.

"I've been pretty busy too." Mel nodded.

"We are probably some of the busiest kids, I swear." I spoke. "No denying it's fun though."

"The best." James agreed.

"Without a doubt." Mel nodded again. I smiled and sighed.

"This is nice though." Everyone nodded and we sat in silence.

"So, how's the show coming along?" James asked.

"Pretty great actually. I am main writer for Amy's part and Laurens part. Andrew and Robert help a lot though." I spoke. "Character development is key."

"Sounds fun." James laughed.

"I haven't been in as many episodes though. Mostly because season eleven is about that darkness you saw at the end of ten." Mel said.


"Yeah, I remember that." James nodded.

"Yeah. How about you? How's school?" I asked.

"Well, my teachers understand that I'm really busy but I try to get all my world done. I actually have the highest average in Algebra." He boasted.

"Yeah?" I smiled. He nodded and I grinned. James, Mel and I took advanced classes. So, he really is taking algebra in eighth grade. We are all taking two high school (ninth grade) classes in eighth grade. "My algebra grade is okay. Though, I can't exactly compare it to anyone." I laughed. James smiled and nodded.

"I get it." Mel nodded. "I'm passing it, but I'm not the highest like I usually am. One, because I'm gone a few weeks at a time and two, it's hard to self teach. I manage though and I'm third. Which is pretty good to be working and yeah." I laughed and nodded.

"That's pretty great." I told her. She nodded and I sighed. James also sighed, his different though. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He sighed. So, I looked at Mel. When she wasn't in Canada with me, she was in school with James. That's pretty hard to do.

"He's probably sighing because he wants to take you to the Valentines Dance with him." She told me. I looked back at my boyfriend and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Yeah?" I asked. He smiled and blushed.

"Yeah." He nodded quietly. I got out my phone and looked at the calendar.

"Twelvth or nineteenth?" I asked.

"Nineteenth." He said softly. I nodded.

"We'll see."

"I understand if you can't. You have work and all." He said. I nodded slowly and sighed.

"I hope you can. Then I can go and won't be a complete potato." Mel said. I smirked a little.

"Yeah. I'm sure you're a potato. How people have asked you to the dance really?" I asked. She put up her hand ready to call off names on her finger.

"Wesley Quinn."


"Brian Patterson."




"Henry Velobagos."

"Stop! Henry asked you to the dance?" I smiled. She'd had a crush on him since the second grade so this was pretty big. She nodded and I thought a moment. "What'd he say?"

"Well, we were doing a thing and he sits at my table so we were doing this group discussion thing. We were talking and he was joking around like 'youre never around anymore' or 'Young's to famous for us now.'" I giggled a little. It was funny how she said her last name.


"That's what he said! But anyway, I told him I was the same Mel and he said something like 'no, you're a lot more open to people' and I didnt know what that meant but I pretended I did. So I go 'oh yeah, you think so' and he goes 'yeah'. And then he says 'if you were the same, we wouldn't even be talking right now.' and I told him that wasn't true and he tells me it is."

"It is." I nodded. Mel gave me a look and I held my hands up in defense, a light chuckle escaping my lips.

"Anyway, after that be tells me I was cute and I was like yeah right. And he asked me to the dance. His exact words were, 'you can come...with me....only if you want. Im not forcing you.'"

"He's so adorable." I smiled. She gave me an odd look and I sighed. "Alright. Secrets out. Ill tell you."


"Well, before we were in Supernatural, Henry would always come to me and ask questions about you but you would never talk to him because you were so reserved. He's liked you forever, Mel!"

"No way." She spoke.

"Yes way!" I nodded. "I have screenshots!"

"Is this what girls normally talk about?" James asked. I sighed and patted his shoulder.

"You have no idea what girls talk about." I laughed. He shrugged and I smiled at my friend. "Mel, I say go with Henry. Hes not rude, he's smart, handsome, I'd say he's a keeper." Mel thought it over for a minute.

"We'll see." She spoke. I smiled and nodded. "Am I in the next episode?"

"Yeah. A small part." I nodded. "Robert told me to tell you that we would do your scenes Monday and Tuesday do you can be at school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday."

"Why don't I just get schooled on the set like you?" She huffed.

"Because, you're not in every single episode." I pointed out. She sighed and nodded.

"Yeah yeah. Meaning in probably going to die soon and make Any go through some mental breakdown and lock herself away." She said. I was silent because I knew that was probably going to happen sooner or later. I had no say in the deaths. If I did, Charlie would be alive. And Bobby. And Kevin! I miss Osric being around. He's great.

"You know I have no say." I sighed. She nodded and looked at James.

"You have a say of who goes in though." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"You're weird." I laughed. She shrugged and looked at me seriously.

"If you have no say in who dies, can't you die?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably. But you know how Dean is about family. He'll probably bring me back some how." I told her.

"That's very true." She laughed. James moved and I pouted.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To get something to eat." He laughed.

"Oh! Me too!" Mel jumped up, making me fall back.

"I guess I'll come since my back and leg support left me." I joked. They smiled and we walked into the kitchen where my dad was reading the new script. I would do it later. "Father." I nodded.

"Daughter." He nodded back. I smiled and sat on his lap.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"I was thinking about crashing Jareds dinner." He answered.

"Ooh! Sounds fun!" I nodded. Dad laughed and nodded.

"Okay. We'll do that then." He said.

"Great!" I smirked.

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