《Cole Johnson x Reader》20


"Are you sure this is the place?" Cole asks, as we look up at the building.

"No" But i undo the bag, and pull out the teddy. Seeing a key. I raise an eyebrow, but take it off, then put it in the key hole.

"Hey dude it works!" I smile.

"Shh, keep it down"

"Oh as if their gonna hear us up here" Then i unlock the door. "Ladys first" I wink. he chuckles, then walks inside, with me following.

"Whoah" I say, as i look around. "This plase is cozy" Then i turn to Cole who's standing really weirdly, i raise an eyebrow.

"The fuck's wrong with you?"

"I really need to go to the bathroom"

"I think i saw an outhouse out there"

"What?! We can't go outside" I groan.

"One or two?" He gives me a really bitch face.

"I would kill us both before i poop infront of you" I chuckle.

"Can you hold it?"

"That would damage my pevlic floor?"

"Seriously? God. Alright use the vase"

"What? I'm not pissing in a vase"

"Piss in the vase Cole"


"Would you rather piss your pants?"

He sighs.

"Can you at least, turn around?"

"Nooo, i'll stand here and watch" I say sarcastically and turn around.

"Can you also uh, cover your ears"


"I'm insecure of my stream" I chuckle, but cover my ears.

I wonder how long it would take me to role down that hill. That was awesome! After this me and Cole should come back and role down it together!! It would be sick!!

"You done?" I ask.

"Yep" I smile.

"Finally" But i take a step forward, but hear a weird sound? I raise an eyebrow, then take the curpit off and see a little hut? Basement thing?


"Nice" Cole smiles, as he stands next to me. I grunt as i open it and look down at the dark abyss.

"You don't think Phoebies gonna haunt us if we go down there right?"

"Y/n i just pissed in a vase, we probably already are gonna get haunted now" I role my eyes, and climb down. I sigh, as i look up at Cole who's just staring at me.

"Come on! This is our best bet!" He nods, and slowly starts climbing down.

"It's so dark in here" He sighs. But i flick the light switch and my eyes widen.

"Whoah, it's amazing down here" i smile, as i look around.

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