《Cole Johnson x Reader》21


"Are you sure we'll be safe here?" He asks, as i fiddle with her stuff.

"Should be. And who cares if we're not, we're badasses, we'll be fine"

"You promise?"

I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah dude. I promise."

He smiles. But we hear a noise. I yelp, but trip over, but Cole grabs my arms. I look up at him, and chuckle, but stand up properly, him not letting go of my arms.

"Thanks" i smile.

"You're welcome" We stay still for a couple of seconds. But he quickly moves away, letting go of my arms.

"A cassette player!" He smiles. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, and clear my throat. "These are so exilerating because there so fragile, and everytime you play them, it could be the last" But he starts playing it and Apache starts playing. I grin.

"I love his song!" He yells.

"Me to!" I giggle.

"I think one time, me and Bee listened to this song for 48 hours straight" He laughs.

"Bee was pretty cool weren't she?" I ask, as Cole takes a step forward.

"Yeah" We stay still for a few seconds, me hearing my heartbeat in my ears. I gulp, but quickly look at his lips, but look back up at his eyes again.


"Yeah?" He says, before pressing his lips on mine? i tense up, but soon melt into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"If i'm being honest" I say, as i gently play with his hair, as he lays his head on my lap. "I thought you were gonna kiss like a turtle. But you're surpiringly good. Well, i think you are, you are the only person i've ever kissed" We chuckle.

"Wowww, the first man to ever kiss Y/n L/n. I feel so empowered now" I laugh a little.


"You're such a twat"

"Yeah but you love it. Y/n?"


"I just wanted to let you know that i uh... I never actually liked Melanie. And those stupid things uhm.. Weren't for her"


"Y-yeah. You were the first person to ever treat me like i was normal, the first person who doesn't treat me like i was about to break because i was to fragile. And i liked you for that, i've liked you since i met you. You are this amazing, bundle of joy, that treats everyone as equals, who doesn't treat anyone any less because of their past. You made me over come my fear of spiders, you've saved me loads of times. Literally killed to protect me. You are amazing"

My eyes widen.


"Y-yeah. if that's not cringe"

"Kinda. But it was adorable" I giggle, as i hug him tightly. He laughs, but starts tickiling me. I scream as i laugh.

"Cole! Buddy!!" We hear. We stop and look up.


"Why don't you come on up buddy, let's go home" Mr Johnson tells him.

"We have to go up there" Cole says.

"What? No we can't. what if it's a trap?" i ask.

"if it is a trap, then we need to go up there and save my dad" I sigh.

"But we can't go up there unarmed. Luckily, the note on the bunny, says hunting gear, and the passode. All we need to do is find it" I smile. he grins, but we pull up a carpet and see a pass code.

"First try baby!" We yell, then high five. Then i put the number code in. I stand up and look down at it in awe.

"Could this night. Get anymore erotic?"

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