《Cole Johnson x Reader》19


"How much longer till morning?" I ask, turning to Cole. He looks up at the sky.

"About three hours" I scoff. "What?"

"There's no way you got that time just by looking at the stars"

"Yeah, cuz you know the constilations all revolve around the north star so it's kinda like a clock" I sightly tilt my head to the side amazed at this. "Sorry, it's something my dad taught me when i was a kid. i used to dream that i'd be the kinda guy who could be lost in the middle of nowhere and just with the courage of my convction and the night sky, i could survive"

I smile.

"Kinda like now"

He smiles at me.

"Sp what did you wanna be when you grow up?"

I chuckle.

"Nooo, you're gonna think it's weirdddd" I laugh.

"C'mon it can't be that weird" He chuckles.

"Nope! My lips our sealed"

"Pleaseeee" I look at him, but groan.

"I always wanted to be... A panda caretaker"

"What?" He laughs.

"See i knew you'd laugh!!" I shout.

"No, no i'm not laughing! I'm not" He chuckles. I role my eyes with a smile. "Why?"

"Well first off, pandas are super cute. And second...Well,...My parents always, favoured Max, he was their little star, who could do no wrong so they had no time for me. I never even got any hugs from them. And you were my only friend back then, and even then me and you barley hugged. I had no one to snuggle up to when i was upset or cry to when i scraped my knees or something. And i always felt. Wrong y'know i never felt right. I just wanted to hug someone all the time. And if i couldn't hug people, then hy not super cute pandas. And get paid for it!!" I laugh, and he joins me. "I think that's why i'm so clingy now? and why i'm so childish. Cuz i never actually had a proper childhood, i was already making my own meals at 6, so i guess i'm kinda unintentalally making up for it now"


"I'm sorry"

"Nah, don't be. That's just how life is. Some people are born with mansions with theit whole lifes ahead of them, and some people are stuck selling drugs just to survive" i shrug.

"Hey. is that a house?" Cole asks.

"What? Where?"

"Up there" he points to it.

"Yeah. Wanna go check it out?"

He nods. I smile, then i drive faster, then ark onto the dock, i grunt, as i get off the boat, and hold out my hand to Cole.

He chuckles, but takes it, and gets down, handing me the bag.

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