《Cole Johnson x Reader》18


I pant, as we try to figure out the password to the rental boat.

"Shit shit" i say, as the passcode goes red.

"Believe it or not i missed you! Is that weird? You killed me, ans yet i like you more!" Max laughs.

"Get'em Max" We hear John say.

"Sixty-nine, sixty-nine?" It goes red.

"Sixty-nine sixty-nine?!" Cole shouts.

"Well you don't know!!" I yell back.

"That's my boat. ma names Jenny" Max says in a weird voice. "God i love that song. Jenny! Tommy Tutones 1981 classic!!" Me and Cole look at eachother with a smile, before writing the code in.

"Eight, six, seven, sive, three, oh nine?" He says. But it works.

"Fuck yeah!!" We shout, then start the boat.

"OH COLEYYYY!!" We hear? We turn to eachother, but look behind us to see Max on thge infaltible, ring, thing?



I grunt, as i try to undo the rope, but look up to see Max pulling himself closer.



I grunt, then grab Phoebies bag and rummage through but find the teddy from before? I shake it off, then find silly string?

"Silly string?" I whisper.

"I have an idea!" I shout, then turn the boat off.

"Y/n!!" He yells.

"Trust me!"

"Woww giving up? That's no fun" Max laughs, as he climbs onto the boat. I look up at him. Then hold up the silly string.

"Easy lady-killer" he chuckles.

I grunt, then spray his face in string.

"Silly string? pretty lame" I take the lighter out of my pocket, and hold it infront of the can.

"Pretty flamable" I smile, then spray, causing fire! Me and Cole scream as well as Max, as his entire head get's covered in fire, before he falls into the ocean. We pant, but look at the ocean, but Max pops his head out, causing us both to scream. I grunt and turn the engine on then leave it on for a few seconds, then turn it off.


"Fuck you to!!" Max shouts.

"Suck it asswipe!!" I yell, then turn it on again. We pant, but after a few seoncds, our faces quickly get drenched in blood.

We pant, unsure of what to do. But whine, as we take the blood out of our eyes.

"Ew! It got in my mouth!" I whine, before sitting in the drivers seat, then clean my face off.

"Well drive!" Cole shouts.

"Hold on, let me just process the fact, that i just killed my brother twice...Okay i'm done" Then i start driving.

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