《Cole Johnson x Reader》17


"COME HERE COLE!!" We hear.

"Why would you wear hells to a desert?!" I shout, at Allison, as i dodge one of her bullets.

"Cuz i'm hot!!" She replies. But Phoebie jumps down a gap. I look down at it, but go dizzy.

"Ugh. no" I gag.

"Y/n come on!"

"I'm not jumping down there. A high tight space? No. I refuse"

"I'm coming for you!!" She yells.

"C'mon Y/n!!"


"Y/n please!!"

"Look how small that gap is!!"

"Y/n please you will die if you don't!"

"I'D RATHER DIE!!" I scream, but he grunts and pushes me. I scream, as i fall down, but collapse onto the floor. Phoebie pulls me up to my feet. And i gag.

"That. was awful" I gag. But Cole stands next to me, i hit him.



But suddenly we hear a boof kinda noise.

"Help!" We look up, and see Allison head trapped inbetween these two rocks. "Cole! You better not be looking at my butt you perv!! Get me down please!!"

We all look at eachother and nod, then grab her legs.

"Guys! Let go! I'll fucking shoot you! Let me go!! No!!"

"On three!" We nod at Cole.

"Three! Two! One!!" Immidiatly, we all start pulling on her legs, ignoring her screams of pain. I grunt, and pant, as her now headless body falls to the floor.

I phew, then Phoebie drops her bag, and goes to check the body out.

"C'mon Phoebie we gotta go" i chuckle, picking her bag up.

"This is awesome" She smiles at us. But suddenly gets crushed by A BOULDER?!?!

My eyes widen, it happened to fast i can't even react!!

"I...." Is all we can say.


"Holy..Wow" We turn and see Max.

"Did you just, crush your friend. With a boulder?" He laughs. I look back at her, seeing her blood everywhere and gag.

"That's awesome!!" But he swings at us. I yelp, then dodge it, phoebies bag falling off.

I pant, and look around, while Cole dodges, then grab the gun.

"Easy Maxie" I say, aiming it at him.

He turns to me.

"Sis you don't have the balls to shoot me" He scoffs.

"Yeah well i thought that you would always protect me, yet here we are. And i loved you! But oh the tables have turned.I hate you, Even before all this shit i still kinda did, Mum and dad always favoured you. It was always, Aww max did this today, i'm so proud of max, Max is my pride and joy. And after that! you stabbed me, and got me sent to a shitty asylum, where they drugged me, tortured me! Hell i can't even eat properly without puking! Then even when you were dead! M/n and D/n still favoured you! And our parents disowned me! Now i'm in shitty foster care! With no one!! You ruined my life even in the afterlife!! So fuck you!" Then i shoot him, but there were no bullets. "Seriously? All that and you don't even work? Ugh. That would have been so badass to"

"Wait seriously? Aw dude, are you okay?"

"Like you care"

"C'mon you're still my sister. And you being here now after that? Dressing like that? I'm proud of you sis"

I blow some hair out of my face.

"Well i still hate you"

Then Cole slams Allison's leg onto his shoulder, splattering blood all over. Max turns and tries to hit him. I yelp, and quickly run over.


"You can't kill me you need me for the ritual!" Cole grunts, then i hit Max at the back of the head with th gun. He turns to me, and i grunt, he tries to swing at me. But Cole stabs him with a heel.

"C'mon." Cole says as we run.

"Wait shit the bag!" I say, turning to it.

"Really? A shoe? Have i taught you nothing?" I grunt, then run towards the bag, but just as Max was about to swing, i slide under it. I smile, then grab the bag, but turn to Max, just as he was about ti hit me. But Cole kicks him in the dick. I chuckle, then Cole grabs my hand.

"C'mon let's go" He smiles, as we run.

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