《Cole Johnson x Reader》16


I grunt, as i jump off a rock, then stretch my arms.

"I am so tired! Can this finally be over! Please!" I call out before i sit down on the floor. Cole and Phoebie sit down next to me.

"Y/n i'm really sorry for not doing anything to help. I kinda just froze i didn't know what to do"

"Hey Phoebie it's fine, don't even worry. We made it out and now that fucker is dead haha. it's a win win"

"Sorry Phoebie for dragging you into the worst night of your life" Cole tells her.

"Believe it or not this isn't the worst"

"What? you can beat, rattlesnacks, a blood cult and death? I mean did you see Sonya's head?" He laughs.

"It's uh. Not the first time i've seen someone die"


"Well this just got awkward. Anyway, where's that cabin thing?" I ask.

"At the end of the lake, it's on this little hill thing. And you get the best view." She smiles.

"Niceeee" I smile. "Anyway, let's get moving. I don't wanna sit here and wait for my shitty brother to come along again. or any of his wacko friends. Let us make haist!!" I yell, then start walking.

"You are taking this, way better then last time" Cole chuckles.

"Y/n~ Are you ready to be a good girl?" The doctor asks. I pant, and wipe the blood from my lip.

"Fuck you!" He sighs, then pulls out the lazer and points it at me.

"Take the pills"

"No!" Then he tazes me in the throat. i gag, then hold it, but grunt and swallow them down.

"Good girl" I groan, feeling like shit, then collapse onto my side, and cough then up.

"You peice of shit! You're ugly! Weak! Fat! Disgusting. No wonder your family gave you up" Then he tazes me again, and pulls the needle out of his pocket.


"N-no. No!" I scream, but he pins me to the floor, and shoves it into my neck, causing me to scream.

"Thanks" I clear my throat and continue walking. But someone quickly jumps infront of us. We turn and see Allison.

But she laughs, and shoots a deer, it's whole top half coming off. We all scream.

"You killed Bambi!!" Cole yells.

"Boo hoo!" Ahe yells, then trys to shoot us but misses.

"hey! What about the journilist job!" Cole yells.

"Go on" She says.

"Cool, hot journalist saves kids from spooky canyon! You'd be famous! A hero journalist!!" He shouts.

"Yeah! You'd be the dream, everyone will wanna be like you! You'd be the most respected hottest journalist out there. If you jus help us" I smile.

"You'd do that for me?" She asks.

"Yes!!" We all shout.

"That's my line A-cups!!" She shouts, then shoots the wall behind us. But it bounces right into her boob. I wince, but we run away.

"My boob! Again?! Ugh! Come back here!!" We hear her shout.

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