《Cole Johnson x Reader》3


"Hey Y/n! Want me to pay for your meal?" A guy asks as Y/n and i walk into the cafeteria.

"Uh no thank you, i already have my lunch"

"O-oh okay" Then he walks away.

"What's everyone's deal? One day their all treating me like shit and now none of them will leave me alone" She sighs. We walk into line.

"I'm uh not sure"

"It's a tad bit weird. But anyway, that Phoebie girl is amazing! She's so cool!"

"She screamed in class"

"Yeah, whoah."

"She's pregnant"

Y/n looks at me with a blank face, before laughing.

"W-what?" I akwardly chuckle.

"No she's not. She was joking" Y/n laughs.


"I would so be her friend. Oh my god, she likes the deliverance, that films amazing! And Rob Reiner movies are awesome!"

"Well i don't think you can"

"Why not?"

I point and she turns to see Pheobie sitting alone.

"Even better! We're both technacally new. So it's fate!" I pay for my food.

"I think you're obsessing over her a little to much" i chuckle.

"Pfft no way, she's lonely, we need to be friends. C'mon" Then she starts walking towards her. Y/n gets excited really easily, and if she sees something she likes, she will like hyperfixate on it for ages. She's like a child. It's been two years, and apart from her glow up and confidence, she's still the same. Sort of. Old Y/n would rather die then talk to anyone on purpose.

I smile, then follow her.

"Hiya" She smiles, sitting infront of Phoebie.


"I'm Y/n. This is Cole."

She looks up at me then nods.


"Best Rob Reiner film. Go"

"You watch Rob Reiner films?"


"My favioute... Probably... Harry met Sally"


"Oh i love that one! Second favrioute!" Y/n giggles.

"What's your first?"

"Kinda basic, but princess bride. I used to watch it everyday when i was a kid"

"No way same"

I smile at Y/n, then she looks up at me.

"Sit down then Coley" She smiles. I nod, then sit down nex to her.

"What's your favioute Rob Reiner film?" Y/n asks.


"No wait! I know this!" I chuckle as she thinks. "hold on. Fuck..... The wolf on wallstreet?"

I smile.


"Fuck yeah! See i do remeber things"

"Oh really?" I smirk.

"Yeah really"

"When's my birthday?"

Her smile falls immideatly.


Phoebie chuckles at this.

"December.... No! Wait june! NO! Uhhh. Defenantly december. Uhm.... 17th?"

I wince and she groans.

"2 days away. 15th"

She groans more, but i chuckle.

"Give me credit, we haven't seen eachother in two years!"

"What? Why?" Phoebie asks.

"Oh i moved to france"

"France? Can you speak french?"


"Uhm. No"

"But you lived there for two years?"


"I love your glasses" I say, changing the subject.


"This place still sucks" I say as we stand infront of the school.

"Yeah.......... I'm sorry about, everything" I look up at Cole, who just looks straight forward.


"Well, i forced you to come over, that night, and i couldn't help you when you needed me, i am the reason you had to get sent away. I'm sorry"

"Aww Cole" I hug his side, resting my head on his shoulder. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault, they were physcos! Now i have a cool job, with care free carrers, and now i'm with my bestie again! It's awesome!!"

"Thanks Y/n"

I nod, then we pull away. But he takes some pills out of his pocket?


"NO!!" I cry out, fighting the other nurses.


"NO!!" Then the doctor shoves like 20 pills down my throat, with hot tears running down my face. i gag, as i swallow, but it immidatly comes back up. I gag, then hang my head over the bed and puke onto the floor.

"YOU FUCKING FAILURE!!"He yells, before slapping me across the face. I pant, crying, looking up at the doctor. But get a needle into my throat again causing me to scream

"Y/n!" I zone back in and look up at Cole.


"You okay?"

"Yeah course, i just zoned out that's all" I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Wanna come round?"

"Sure! I've missed your parents" I grin.

But then he suddenly get's a ball thrown at his head. My eyes widen, as i cover my mouth. But grab the ball and turn to the people who are laughing at him, which is the footballers.

"HEY!!" i yell, then throw it back, but it lands right into one of their dicks. I laugh, and they cheer for me. I giggle, but look up at Cole, and ruffle his hair.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah i'm okay" I smile, then we interlock arms and start walking.

"Do they do that often?"


"I will kick their asses if they try it again. Okay?"

He chuckles.

"Okay thanks"

"No problemo!"

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