《Cole Johnson x Reader》2


I sigh as i stand infront of my new / old school. Everyone here apart from Cole bullied me. I was the lonely chubby kid that everyone picked on, i was the kid that forced herself to wear baggy clothing constantly, never showing any skin. I was the kid that used to get locked in the janitors office for hours after school. But that's all gonna change now. I wasn't that chubby. I was just like 3 stone above average. But it doesn't matter!

I gulp, then start walking towards it.

"Y/n?!" I hear? I stop walking, then turn to see a group of people looking at me with their jaws dropped.

"Uhhh. Hi?"

"Holy crap!" They all run over to me. I stagger back a little. But reconise them somehow? There all my bullies!? I gulp again. "You're hot now!" I akwardly chuckle.

"How was France?" Beth asks. I furrow my eyebrows.


"Everyone said that after that wacko kid Cole drove a car into his house, that you moved away to France?"

"Oh. Pfft yeah! I did move yeah! Sorry" I lie.

I sigh as i walk out of the guidence counsellers room. I rub my eyes in annoyance.

Why does no one believe me? I know it sounds crazy, but it sucks that everyone thinks i'm a liar.

"Heyyyy, Whoahh glow up!" I hear? i turn but see a bunch of people waving to someone? I raise an eyebrow and walk over and stand next to Melanie.

"What's happening?"

"Oh hi Cole. Y/n L/n is back from France and she's had this major glow up"

My eyes widen.


I look forward, but see Y/n walking down the hall smiling, waving to everyone, who are screaming at her. My jaw drops a little.


Holy shit.

"Y/n!! Let's be besties!!" I hear. Then she starts walking past us. My eyes widen more, as pink smoke surrounds her in slow mo. My heart flutters.

"Hey Y/n! It's me! Melanie!!" Y/n stops walking and turns to us, flicking her ponytail behind her then smiles with a wave.

"Hiya Melanie!!" But she looks over at me, making us have eye-contact.

"Hey Coley!" She grins then runs over and hugs me. I quickly zone back in and hug her back.

"Hi Y/n" I chuckle, we pull away and she has her finger up to me. i chuckle, then press my one against hers.

"Buzzzz" We say in unison.

"Can you believe it? i think i'm popular now!" She giggles.

"Yeah it's ins-"

"Well duh! You're super hot now!!" Melanie yells. Y/n chuckles.

"Thanks Mel. And whoahhh, you are stunning now"

"Aww thanks. Oh how was France?" I gulp, i'm the one that started that rumour.

"It was awesome!" My eyes widen.

"Did you eat snails?" Melanie teases.

"Ew gross! No" She laughs.

But then the bell goes.

"Alright bitches. I'm in form C4! Anyone else here in that?"

"I am" I say.

"Bummer i'm in D2"

"Alrighty then!!" Y/n interlocks arms with me. "Let's gooooo. Bye Mel!" My face heats up, but we start walking.

"Eww" I look down at her.


"You're taller then me! Gross."

I laugh, then we walk into our form.

"Y/n. Welcome back" Mr Nordy smiles.

"Oh hi Mr Nordy" Y/n giggles.

But then someone whistles. Y/n turns and see's a brown haried boy winking at her. She gives him a really bitch face with a smirk, then flips him off. Then I sit down. Y/n stands next to me, looking down at Oscar who sits on the chair next to me.


"Hiyaaa. Wanna switch pla-" But before Y/n could finish, Oscar jumps to his feet.

"Course! Here let me" He gently takes Y/ns hand and sits her down, then tucks her chair in.

"Uhhhh.... Thanks?" Y/n akwardly chuckles, then takes her bag off.

"Aything for y- I mean uh. You're welcome" Then he walks away. Y/n and i look at eachother but laugh. Then someone else walks in. A girl with heart sunglasses, with a strage yet nice hairstyle.

"Everyone this is our new transfer student Phoebie Atwell, She comes to us from the guardian angel program-" I start blocking it out, then turn to Y/n who's already drawing on her hand. I smile, then turn back to the front. But someone already throws a paper ball at my head. I ignore it with a quiet sigh. Me and Y/n used to be best friends. We would do everything together, and she would even come with us on family trips. She was like me, scared, and insecure, and we were bullied relentlesly, she even saved me with the blood cult.

"You ruined my life!" Allison shouts, waving the knife around as i'm cornered, i pant heavily. "And now i'm gonna ruin yours!!" She screams, then was about to lundge at me. But her head suddenly explodes?!?! I cry heavily, as her blood splatters all over my face. i groan, as i wipe it away from my eyes. But turn to see a shocked Y/n holding a gun.

"Holy shit!!" She shouts. "I was just aiming at her back! I didn't realise that would explode her fucking head!!"

I pant.

"I wanna puke"

"Same dude" She pants as she chuckles.

i shake the thought out of my head, and listen to the teacher. But she forces us to do that stupid rawr thing. We all do it lazily, but Y/n just looks around confused, then turns to me.

"Since when was that a thing?" She whispers to me.

"Last year"


"Alright Pheobe say three things about yourself"

"Well, i think snakes are the most misunderstood reptiles. My favioute movie vasilates between the deliverance or anything with Rob Reiner. And i'm late"

Y/n covers her mouth, holding back a laugh? I look at her confused.

"No you're not sweetie, you're right on time"

"No mrs, my period" My eyes widen. "By nine days"

"I love her" Y/n whispers to me. I chuckle.

"And goddam it i was on the fence with it but i think i might just keep it now. Because looking at all your beautiful faces makes me think about how beautful they might be. And you know what. i want to scream" Then she immediatly starts screaming. I jump, but Y/n chuckles.

Once she finishes, she smiles and dusts her dress down.

"Alright well Mr Nordy please continue" Then Phoebie walks over the ginger boy infront of Y/n.

"Move it, and keep the yogurt" He nods and quickly scrambles to his feet. Pheobie sits down and starts eating it. Y/n sighs happily.

"You are one crazy bitch" Sir tells her.

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