《Cole Johnson x Reader》4


"Ah Cole wel- Oh" I smile at Mrs Johnson.

"Hey i like your hair Mrs Johnson" I smile.

"Hey Y/n... Wait! Y/n!!! Honey! We have a special guest!!" She yells, before pulling me into a hug, causing me to giggle and hug her back.

"Wow! Look how much you've grown!" She smiles, as she holds my shoulders.

"Thank you" Then Mr Johnson stamds at the top of the stairs.

"Oh hello." He comes down the stairs.

"So you must be Cole's new lady friend, it's nice to meet you" He holds his hand out to me.

"Honey!" Mum chuckles, lowering his hand. "This is his old school friend Y/n"


I nod.

"Hiya Mr Johnson"

"Y/n! I totally knew it was you" We share a hug. "Wow you've grown! How was the asyl-" But Mrs Johnson elbows him in the stomach.

"It was good! It was really fun! I had pizza everynight, i watched movies, played board games. And yeah it was cool, and it really helped y'know with the whole, getting stabbed and missing brother thing" I chuckle.

"Well i'm glad it was good? Cole are you taking your meds?"


"Are they uh, helping your imagination episodes at bay?"

I furrow my eyebrows.

Imagination episodes?

"It wasn't my imagination"

"Course" They say.

I was about to speak up, but Cole grabs my hand, and starts dragging me upstairs.

"B-bye Mr and Mrs Johnson!" Then he drags me to his room. I walk in, and look around.

"Whoah, your room has not changed" I chuckle. But look at his window.

"I am not doing that!" I say, as he starts climbing out.

"C'mon Y/n you'll die!!"

"OPEN THIS DOOR COLEY!!" Max yells from the door.

"Y/n please! I know you're scared of heights! But you have to do this!!" I gulp, but start hold onto the bed sheet, and start climbing out.


"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" I say, closing my eyes tightly, going further down, but the bedsheet starts going up. I look up and see Max looking down at us smirking.

"Hiya" Then he starts pulling us up. We scream as we try to pull us down more. But he pulls us up higher.

"LET GO Y/N!!" I look down at Cole.


But he quickly grabs the back of my shirt, and let's go, dragging me with him. We scream as we fall, but crash our backs onto the floor. I gasp, loosing the air from my lungs, but groan in pain.

"C-cole. A-are you okay?" I whimper.

"Y-yeah. Ow"


"Yeah?" I ask, pulling my eyes away from the window, looking up at Cole.

"I'm really glad your back" He smiles, then holds something out? i raise an eyebrow then look down at it, seeing that its a small white box with a red ribbon around it.

"What's this?" I chuckle.

"You uh gave it to me, the day you left. It's soemthing stupid, but you told me to give it back when we saw eachother again"

"I did?" Then i gently pull on the ribbon, then open it up. My eyes widen, and i look up at Cole with a smile. "Whoahh, i forgot i did that. You kept it?"

"It was your favioute thing in the world of course i did. You said it was the only nice thing you've ever owned. so i had no choice to keep it"

I chuckle, but lift it up gently.

"This is so cringe, whoah, i actually can't believe you kept it!" I laugh, then hug him tightly.

"You're welcome"

"You're so amazing Coley"

"You are to" I smile, then pull him away, but put the necklace on.

"Thanks" Then i gently put my bag down, then jump onto his bed.

"So comfyyyyyy" I giggle, hiding my face in his pillows.

He lays down next to me. I look at him, but laugh and hit him in the face with the pillow.

"Wowwww" He laughs. Buthits me with a pillow.

"Oh so it's like that!!" i laugh, then we both jump up and start hitting eachother with the pillows, us laughing hysterically.

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