

I found myself looking at him,

desperately longing for him to

protect me in his arms.

But he did otherwise.

He turned his back to me,

walking away, leaving me with

not an ounce of hope.

Loud screams of men approaching, filled the air. All armed head to toe, one could tell they were Cedric's army from the armor which covered their buff bodies.

They shot arrows as they ran forward, Screaming.

"Defend yourself!" Pavlos yelled at Bellona, placing a dagger in her hands.

"W-what. I can't do this" She stuttered.

Her eyes immediately rested on Orion who lunged forward, raising his sword up and then sending it down on one of the soldiers, not afraid to spill blood at any moment given.

His heel connected with the man's chin, which sent him crashing.

Holding his blade out, he began attacking the soldiers, his hair shaking furiously, while he swung his sword high in the air.


The ear-piercing scream of Aiden grabbed Bellona's attention. She turned to look at him, laid on the floor, with blood dripping out his arm.

He was struck by one of the soldiers, and needed help desperately.

Elpida on the other hand had fear in her eyes watching Aiden groan while trying to save himself.

Her eyes focused on him, thinking of a way to help, but had no control of her own powers. She knew not how to summon them.

She pushed her hand forward, in a bid to send the soldier flying, but nothing happened. Repeating the same thing and yet nothing happening, she ran forward jumping on the soldier and then wrapping her hands around his neck.

The soldier turned around endlessly, with Elpida on his back, trying to get her off him.

He found a tree, and then struck her back hard on it.


Kicking her in the guts, he turned around to go face the rest.

Pavlos on the other hand, fought with the men, making sure to take everyone who came his way down. At every second that passed, he turned his gaze back and forth, checking on the others battling, to see if they were okay.

He slashed the neck of a soldier running towards him, and then gutted him with his knee.

Aiden got to his feet, fighting with his injured arm. He hurried forward standing next to Pavlos, helping fight the soldiers off.

"Are you okay?!" Pavlos yelled at the top of his voice.

"I think so" He responded. He used his other arm, striking blows at the soldier who was stood in front of him, and then shoving him backwards.

Another man ran towards Bellona, pushing his feet towards her chest, but missed as she ducked right in time. He sent her flying with his hard boots, and then ran forward to strike her.

Rolling out of the way, Bellona swept the dagger up which laid on the ground and then blocked the blade which was fast approaching her face.

Grunts escaped her lips as the man's sword clanged with her dagger.

At every step the man took forward, she retreated, eyes holding much fear, terror crossing her heart.

Her hands were already weak from the impact of the blades.

It happened so quick as her dagger was sent off her hands, leaving her weaponless.

Staring at the man with a look of terror, she stepped back while he moved forward towards her.

He smacked her across the face, sending her to the ground.

His boots connected with her chest leaving her in pains as whimper sounds escaped her lips. Repeating the same thing, he kicked her hard, but this time right on the throat.


Gagging and screaming loudly at the pain she felt, her eyes at that moment, connected with that of Orion's.

There was a look on his face, one which she couldn't decipher. He stared at her, watching as she groaned in pains.

Bellona's eyes pleaded, while soft breaths escaped her lips.

Her eyes were focused, hoping he would do something, but flinched as she watched him thrust his sword into the guts of a soldier who was sneaking up behind him. With his back to the soldier and his eyes still on her, he pushed the sword further into the soldier.

Her mouth dropped as she watched him pull his sword out of the choking soldier, while blood escaped his lips.

Orion held his sword out, giving one last look at her, he turned away, ignoring the fact that she was about to be slain.

The battle cries around her seemed distant, while her vision got clouded with tears.

She never imagined dying this way. Definitely not by the sword of Cedric's army. She held her head up staring at the man, waiting for the blade to come down on her.

She whispered silent prayers to heaven, waiting for fate to take place.

Hearing the clanging of Swords and stomping of boots, she waited to breathe her last.

At the sound of the man's battle cry, her eyes froze immediately, as a low grunt escaped his lips, and slowly, her gaze moved down to the blade sticking out his chest.

It took a while for her brain to register the shiny sword which was sticking out of there.

Blood dripped out immediately, the face of the man scrunched up, turning pale. She jolted slightly as the man fell to her side, revealing the person who struck him.

Warm eyes stared back at her, chest heaving with low breaths escaping his lips. A current of air pushed his soft hair right in his face giving him a fierce look.

His lips parted lightly while his eyes rested in hers.

Pushing his sword in its scabbard, he turned his back to her, and then walked away.

Shock englobed her body as she watched him get far in sight away from her. Her eyes turned to the dead soldier who was sprawled on the ground next to her figure and confirming her thoughts, she panted.

She just got saved.

Never in a thousand years did she think it would be Orion saving her.

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