

Rustling leaves and breaking branches got Orion's ears perked, wondering what could be moving towards them, so fast.

The cawing and squealing of birds from trees proved their thoughts right about something being out there.

Pavlos' eyes moved around, trying to see if it was another ambush or just animals coming their way.

All of their worries soon vanished, as they were met with the faces of Kyle Brennan and Princess Iona.

Stupefied at the sight of Kyle, his brother, Orion stared on.

It was hard to believe he was actually seeing him after years since he left Brilthor to Grirendra.

"Orion" Kyle muttered softly. His voice remained polished with fear and confusion.

He was surprised to see him, but more scared of what their encounter could turn out to produce.

After he fled Brilthor, it was known all over the lands that he betrayed his father and went over to form an ally with Cedric.

Guilt ate him for days, hearing all of those, but there was nothing he could do, as he had already left for Grirendra.

He owed not an explanation to anyone for his actions, he did all of that just so he could for once do something for himself and not just walking in the shadows of his father, or his brother, Orion.

He never betrayed his father. He would never think of doing such. But rumors fly faster than the blink of an eye. So it is.

The respect he held for his father, Lucas Brennan was massive, and it was to remain that way.

"You swine!" The jaw of Orion twitched, as he spat at Kyle.

"Cause of that monster of a man you're friends with, father's dead!" He yelled louder this time.

At the revelation of Lucas Brennan's death, the corners of Kyle's eyes widened.


He got shocked hearing the message from Orion.

"What?" He breathed.

"Your departure from home already caused him enough trauma, and now this, eventually sweeping him off the face of the earth!" Roared Orion, while he stepped closer to Kyle with his sword out.

"Give me a reason why you shouldn't be slain right here, right now"

Silence filled the atmosphere, as both stared at each other, pain in each of their eyes.

Sympathy written on Kyle's face, while tears threatened to pour out.

Feeling so guilty hearing of his father's death, he looked away.

He could have been there to stand by him, protect him and show him how much he cared, but instead, he foolishly chose the side of Cedric.

"I have no reason" He muttered to Orion.

"I deserve every punishment" He began

"I deserve to be killed, to have my heart fed to the beasts of the night. But I want you to know that I hold no part in Father's death"

"Cedric, the man I once trusted, now wants me dead. His soldiers were sent to attack and kill me"

"I have wronged you, I have wronged father and I have wronged Brilthor"

Princess Iona, who was stood right by Kyle, watched on, listening to every word that came out of his lips.

She flickered her eyes to Orion at every moment he spoke.

Aiden, Pavlos alongside Bellona and Elpida all watched the scene in front of them. Watching the two brothers settle their differences.

"I'm going wherever the clouds lead me, right now, I have no place to be at" Kyle uttered.

"Then leave" Orion responded immediately.

Saying no more words, he brushed against Kyle, while walking right past him.

He kept moving not until the call of his name caused him to take a halt.


He turned to see Kyle staring at him with remorse.

"There's something you need to know before you leave" Kyle started.

"Now that father's dead, I think now's the right time to let you in on the truth.

"I am not your brother, Orion" He uttered.

"The man you grew up knowing as your father, isn't your father"

Glaring at him, with pained eyes, while clenching his jaw in anger, Orion spoke up.

"Lucas Brennan is my father!"

"Than witch said the same thing to me, and now you? The next man to say that to me will have my blade in his heart"

"I AM ORION RAY BRENNAN! Son of Lucas Brennan. No one, especially not YOU can change that!" He yelled at Kyle.

"Do whatever you wanna do Orion, but it is the truth. It has been in me for long, eating me out just to reveal it to you"

"Till we meet again" Kyle uttered.

He turned around after giving one last look at Orion, he walked off in the other direction with Princess Iona right beside him, off to Erinburg, where the Duke and duchess, Relatives of Iona lived. He was leading her there to stay with them and then, continue his journey in this world where he had little hope left.

Sympathy rushed to the heart of Orion, watching Kyle walk off.

Now matter how mad he was at him, he still took it upon him to forgive, after all what he did, the pain he caused.

He wanted so bad to stop his brother, and tell him that he had forgiven him. But he couldn't.

Rather, he turned around walking the other way, with Kyle's words of Lucas Brennan not being his father, ringing in his head.

He most certainly had grown up with the king, loved him, learnt from him and fought with him. No words coming from any man could make him see Lucas Brennan as less.

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