

The sun travelled fast, while the clouds tagged along, making conversations in the sky, the low rumbles justifying it.

Out in the woods, crunched up drinking water from an area filled with dirt was Orion. His face had an expression of worry, tainted with fatigue on it.

His limbs had turned weak, due to the countless hours of him moving around the dangerous parts of the woods.

Making a groaning sound, he spat the whole lot of water out the moment it touched his lips.

Unable to savor the taste, he got up on his feet prepared to continue his journey, but took a halt as he sighted a group of people coming his way.

From his view, they hadn't noticed him yet.

Judging from the way they walked, he could tell they were tired and had walked for hours too.

He watched as they approached his way, when finally they were all stood facing each other.

Taking a close look at each of them, he was quick to recognize one.

With pursed lips, Bellona stared back, the fear filling her heart much evident on her face.

She bit her lower lip hard as her eyes connected with his.

The lips of Orion quirked, while he watched them approach him.

With clenched jaw and tight fists, Aiden and Pavlos, both drew their weapons out, pointing it directly at him.

They cautiously stepped forward while Bellona held Elpida behind. Despite the fact Orion had no army with him, and was left outnumbered, they all still felt threatened by his presence.

"Out of the way!" Pavlos barked.

"Same goes to you. You're the one who came my way. Seems you've grown fond of trouble" He replied in a calm manner.

His stares at them was touched with a bit of disinterest, not wanting to waste any more words and time, he took a step forward but was stopped by Pavlos' sword, pointed straight at him.

"One more step, and I'll run you through!" The man boomed.

The warm eyes of Bellona lingered on him, hoping he didn't mean what he said. She was in no way prepared to see more blood spilled in front of her. She had witnessed enough. So she thought.


"You wouldn't live a day to do that. It's best you step aside, and watch the clouds while you still can" Orion warned.

He was neither threatened by the sword of Pavlos, nor scared of Aiden directing an arrow at his chest.

"You're just like them all. One chance given, and you wouldn't think twice in taking our lives down" Pavlos spat.

Orion remained calm, watching him as he spoke, taking in all of his words.

"You've got the same heart as Cedric. Even colder"

At the mention of Cedric's name, Orion lunged forward, grabbing Pavlos by his neck and then pushing him to the grounds. They both tumbled, throwing punches at each other, Orion gaining the upper hand.

He viciously retrieved the sword from Pavlos and then stood to his feet, pushing the sword towards Pavlos threateningly.

"Don't you EVER mention that name anywhere near me!" He roared.

The sound of his voice caused Bellona flinching, while Elpida stared on, watching intently as rage overtook Orion.

Pavlos, still laid on the floor looking up at the blade pointed at him, and the wielder of it.

He dare not say a word or do anything foolish, as he was in a dangerous position at that moment.

He stared back at Orion in a daring manner, watching his every move and the anger which filled his eyes.

"The monster in you is awake"

The voice of Zephyra filled their ears as she put of nowhere appeared, standing right in front of Orion, and next to Pavlos who was still sprawled on the ground.

"Drop the sword" Zephyra uttered to him softly.

Gaining the distraction, Aiden went over to help Pavlos up and then moved away from the both of them.

"I've been walking for hours, here I am, following your directions and nothing good has come off it. Instead, I am met with them" Orion uttered frustratedly, his words directed at Zephyra.

He threw the sword angrily, clenching his jaw hard, while stepping closer to her.

"You'll get nowhere if you let rage get in the way of your quest" Zephyra said to him.


"I don't care about the quest! All I want is Cedric's head in my hands" He responded.

"That's not the way.

I, directed them here, just so they would run into you"

"What do you mean?!" Pavlos asked immediately.

"She has to go with him on this" Zephyra spoke, her eyes directed at Bellona.

Aiden spoke up immediately, stepping forward.

"All we seek is shelter, why all of this?" He questioned.

"I'm afraid, no one would be at peace until all is done. Orion has to journey to the Wispy meadows, retrieve the staff of Geneorah, and then go to the top mountain of Burmindow far across the Seven valleys"

"Bellona here has to accompany him on this"

"You're forgetting that our village just got ruined because of people like him" Pavlos uttered

"He holds no part in what happened to your village" Zephyra responded.

"You all seek the same thing, he, wishes revenge for his father, you, want justice for what befell your village"

"Everyone gathered here shares the same enemy. And that man, is Cedric. Put your swords down, push whatever grudges you have aside, and fight together. For only then, will you win this war"

"We're not leaving Bellona alone" Pavlos said to her immediately.

"Then my advice to you is to go with her on this journey. All of you, together"

"Join Orion in this. He needs you as much as you need him. And I'm sure you wouldn't wanna see your friend, go alone with someone neither of you trusts"

"Take this up, and do what's right"

"You know me better than anyone here, Pavlos. You know I'm telling the truth. I would never lie"

"You lied to me a while ago, telling me to come north, beginning my quest here!" A fuming Orion yelled.

"I never lied to you, Orion Brennan. Your quest, does begin here. Meeting up with them, took you a step further in it"

"What use am I in this journey?" Bellona, for the first time spoke.

Orion's eyes shifted to her at the sound of her voice, and immediately, he turned away, anger filling him yet again.

"My lips tell not all" Zephyra spoke softly.

"As you go, you'll realize how much needed you are.

Be with him, and you'll find all the answers to the dreams you've been having"

Shocked at how she came to know of her puzzling dreams, Bellona's lips parted lightly, while her eyes broadened a little, staring on at Zephyra.

She never for once had told anyone of those dreams, not even Pavlos, neither Elpida, hence the shock.

Zephyra turned to Pavlos, waving her hands across his face in a careful motion, and instantly healing the little bruises he acquired from the scrambles between him and Orion a while ago.

"Trust me, Pavlos. Go with them. All of you. Winning this is a must!"

"Go now to the kingdom of Sedona. Sima and Sonora, daughter of Queen Saidra will accompany you all on this. They await your arrival. You must leave Sedona and begin your journey to the Wispy meadows as soon as they join you" She said to Orion.

With that, Zephyra was gone, followed by the wind, tagging along her trails.

"She really needs to stop leaving like that" Aiden spoke, clearing the tension which filled the air.

His gaze turned to Orion and Pavlos, who had their eyes locked on each other, neither of them wanting to look away.

"We need to get going" Aiden spoke, stepping between them.

It took a while for them finally breaking contact.

Huffing and grunting, Orion tore his eyes of him, going in the direction which Zephyra pointed at, that, which led to the kingdom of Sedona.

He began moving, not bothering if they tagged along or not.

Rage ran through his veins, and being forced to travel with them, made him angrier. Mostly watching the calm, fascinating face of Bellona.

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