

Kyle Brennan, upon arrival at Zorllonah was welcomed warmly by king Amreth and Queen Veda.

He was accompanied by some guards who made sure not to leave his side, taking quick strides while being led straight to the throne room

Hundreds of Servants hurried around the palace, keeping to their day's work, receiving orders from the superior Maid-in-Charge.

It was yet another bustling day for all workers.

Some villagers lingered around the palace, waiting to lay their complaints to the king with hopes of providing answers to them, but the palace guards armed with weapons, prevented anyone from gaining entry into the halls, unless it was an official meeting, just like Kyle Brennan was there for.

"Kyle" The king called out with a smile on his face which had noticeable wrinkles here and there.

"An honor to have you on the soil of Zorllonah" He added.

With a curt nod, Kyle bowed before the King and Queen, his hands loosening up at his side.

"What brings you to my palace?" King Amreth asked. He was relaxed on the throne with his wife rested next to him.

"Just a little message from Cedric, and that aside, who could ever resist coming to a great kingdom like yours being ruled by a king with unmatched strength and a beautiful Queen to go along with" Kyle uttered. The corners of his lips rising up a little.

Touched by his words, a smile grew on the Queen's face. She sat upright on her throne, paying all attention to Kyle who just couldn't stop with the compliments.

"Much thanks to you, Kyle" The king said.

"Now to the reason why I'm here, Cedric wants you to meet up with your side of the bargain" He finally stated.

"Of course, of course. I'll give him what I promised just as long as he saves my kindom and its people, the stress of being disturbed"

"That wraps it up, then. My work here is done. I have to ride now" Kyle with a polite bow, comported himself and got ready to leave after hearing all what the king had to say.

"Why dear do you choose to leave so soon?. Please come dine with us" Queen Veda urged.

"Forgive me my Queen for refusing your proposal, but it's a must I leave before sunset, seeing as to how Grirendra is a day's ride away from here"

Stopping him in his words, he got interrupted by the strolling in of someone who seemed to grab the attention of everyone present in the throne room, including the King and Queen.

His eyes turned to the object of admiration, wondering what it could be.

With much poise and confidence to leave anyone agape, the princess of Zorllonah walked in with servants-in-waiting at her side.

Heads turning to her direction, upon her grand entrance.


From afar, her crown made of crystals glistened under the light which peered in from the large throne windows.

Sitting perfectly on her body was a dress which spoke of much elegance and grace. One which matched her creamy skin and swept the floors as she walked.

A smile grew on her rosy lips as she approached her parents slowly, while Kyle who couldn't get his eyes off her was left in transfixing awe.

"Father, mother!" She greeted in a beautiful manner, curtsying right in front of them.

Her bright teeth came into view as the king and Queen took turns in planting kisses on her forehead.

"Kyle?" The king called in a calm voice.

"Meet our daughter, Iona" He breathed.

The legs of the once brave Kyle, soon turned weak as he stared at the princess in front of him.

"You have a daughter?" He finally brought himself to speak. He swallowed at the sound of his voice which came out as a whisper.

"What can I say? You rarely visited" King Amreth responded.

After a brief silence, Kyle slowly moved closer, reaching for her hands, and planting a kiss right on it, while giving a curt bow to her.

The cheeks of the princess flushed, as she watched him step away from her quietly, both of their gazes never leaving each other.

"Forget all what I said. I'll dine with you right away" He uttered.

"Oh, how spectacular of you to give it a second thought. Please, after you" The king announced, gesturing and leading the way to the dining area.

Accompanying them were servants, ready to heed their calls and serve, showing them the way to the table.

But just as they were about taking their seats, arrows flew in the air, crashing and destroying things.

Glasses were shattered, as tons of arrows came flying in.

At the King's order, the guards drew their swords out bracing the throne room, ready to defend their King.

The Queen and princess ducked low, hands over head, screaming and calling for help.

"What treachery have you come with?!" The king demanded of Kyle.

"What?" Kyle stuttered.

"It's a setup isn't it? Knew I shouldn't have trusted YOU or anyone coming from Grirendra" King Amreth spat.

"No, no, no, no, no. Hands over heart, I tell you I know nothing about this" Kyle pleaded, trying to prove his innocence.

"Get out of here. Now!!" The voice of the king boomed.

"Believe me, I have no idea what's going on also"

Kyle moved closer to speak, but was stopped by the blade of the king being pointed directly in his face.

His hands raised up in a surrendering motion, while his eyes lingered on the King who had suddenly gotten filled with anger.


"I'd suggest you leave the palace grounds now, before my blade runs you through" The king muttered to him

"Amreth" Kyle called in a low voice.


Kyle retreated slowly, with disappointment on his face, and a fallen heart.

In all sincerity, he was innocent and had no idea what was going or why the castle was being attacked. He was never one to pick fights with anyone, especially not King Amreth. A man he admired dearly.

"Stay low" He heard Queen Veda Yell to Princess Iona who was struggling to move out of harm's way.

All of her maids moved closer to her, laying low on the ground and helping.

The Queen tore her court heels off her feet, hurrying towards Iona when an arrow came piercing through her belly.


The voice of Iona halted Kyle, who was already evacuating the palace grounds.

He turned around immediately, only to see her knelt next to the Queen's body weeping and calling for her.

King Amreth rushed to her side, pulling her up and talking to her.

"You need to run"

The tears that filled her eyes shielded her from seeing the seriousness which rested in her Father's face.

"You have to go now, Iona" His voice came out raspy as he spoke. Filled with concern of having his daughter leave his side, he kissed her hands slowly.

"I'm not leaving. Mom's dying" She croaked.

"She won't make it" The king replied.

Shocked by her father's words, she slowly backed away from him.

"Please, Iona!!!! You need to leave"

"I'm not going anywhere!" She cried

The king who wasn't taking 'No' for an answer, brought his sceptre out immediately, presenting it to her.

"Don't do this, father" Iona cried.

Sadness appeared on the king's face as he kissed his daughter goodbye. He never braced himself for what was to come. He always remained relaxed, believing he had no enemies and all was well, but now his wife, the Queen was slowly passing on, and he couldn't afford to lose his daughter, the heir apparent to the throne.

Summoning all courage, he freed his hands from hers, a shadow of sadness crossing his face.

"I Love You and always will." He uttered in a low voice.

Silence ensued between the two as Iona took one last look at her mom who was already cold on the ground. She turned to her dad, then crashed into his arms.

Rush of emotions as Amreth stroked her hair, not minding the screams that were coming from behind him, and the amount of bodies falling down.

He urged her to go on, turning away to join the fight.

Zamarion for the first time, stepped into the throne room with soldiers behind him.

"Kill them all" He ordered.

"Kyle Brennan included. Orders from Lord Cedric" He added in a dangerous voice.

With no hesitation whatsoever, Kyle drew his sword out and then ran towards Iona, pulling her hands as they took a passage, that led out the throne room.

An arrow flew past their heads, missing them by just a bit. The pair running, not bothering to stop, not until Iona heard a loud ear-piercing scream from her father.

Turning back immediately, her lips quivered at the sight of Zamarion piercing his sword through the king.

His eyes snapped up towards the passage which they took, and just at that moment, he locked eyes with her.

With a firm grip, he pushed the sword deeper into the king's body, a devilish grin appearing on his lips as he saw the look of terror that appeared on the lady's face.

He was more than amused by the pain she felt from seeing her father being killed.


Her voice echoed through the passageway, while she screamed at the top of her voice, tears staining her cheeks.

She tried to run back to the king, but got caught by Kyle just in time.

Her eyes widened as she saw Zamarion approaching them with the blood-stained sword in his hands.

"We need to go, Now" Kyle said to her.

Shocked at the whole scene in front of her eyes, she lost a hold of the sceptre which was handed to her by her father, dropping it to the ground while Kyle pulled her away.

"The sceptre!"

He turned back immediately, just to see Zamarion picking it up with much satisfaction appearing on his face.

With clenched teeth and fists pumped, he moved back towards Zamarion in a bid to get the sceptre back.

Quickly pulling his knife out from his belt and standing firm, Zamarion threw it at Kyle who was fast approaching him.

The voice of Kyle, laced with pain rang out and filled the walls as the knife directly came at him, piercing his right shoulder blade.

Huffed breaths escaped his lips as the young man tried fighting the pain.

"Why this?" He uttered in a low voice.

He felt betrayed, knowing he put all of his trust in Grirendra, and most of it in Cedric, the one man he left all for, just to give his complete support to. Leaving his own kingdom, his father, his brother, just to stay faithful to that Tyrant, he thought a friend.

"You're a fool to think Lord Cedric an ally"

"You of all people, should know he keeps no friends. Not even YOU"

He managed to get to his feet, escaping Zamarion and then pulling with him, Iona as they both ran, fleeing the castle, with the knife still pierced in his shoulder.

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