

~Back In Brilthor~

The goblet which relaxed perfectly in Orion's hands shook lightly as he brought it to his lips.

He was sat in the large throne room of Brilthor, alongside his father, Lucas Brennan, discussing the developments and happenings of the kingdom.

A few royal friends, along with the king's advisers were also around the large table.

They wined, dined, chatting and laughing, having the time of their lives.

Maids were going in different directions, taking away empty dishes, just as they replaced them with new ones.

There was enough food for everyone and even a fountain of wine gotten from plucked berries, rested at the center of the table, flowing endlessly.

Some guards were stood by the door of the throne room with swords in their hands and their heads held high.

"Eat up people, there is enough food for everyone" The voice of the King, Lucas Brennan rang out in the large room.

"Of course, My lord. There's cause to be happy" Baldric, a Noble known all around Brilthor spoke.

"That reminds me. The patrol I sent out to hunt at dawn returned with lots of catch and good news. In all the lands and kingdoms, Brilthor remains the most fruitful in regards to food and crops. Let's not forget how loyal the people are"

"We'll forever be loyal and grateful to you my Lord" Another noble, Elias uttered

"Father" Orion called in a low voice.

"While we were out hunting during the day, we came across a few people from Lorwich"

The room suddenly went silent, as everyone turned their attention to Orion.

The manner in which he spoke brought everyone to a pause, earning their endless gaze.

"According to our spies, the people of Lorwich have been stealing our food and crops. But you need not worry father, I dropped a message for them........One which I'm sure passed on to them well. They'll be bothering us no more"

"We're all proud of you Orion. I remember you being so little, how you loved riding on your Father's horse and playing with his swords. Now look at you, grown into a fine young man. Brilthor would be nothing without you, Orion" Elias uttered.

He took a sip of his wine, then brought it down as soon as he heard someone call his name.

"That's enough Elias. You talk about Orion like Zeno doesn't exist. Zeno still remains the son of King Lucas" Lorraine spoke immediately.

"Forgive me, but one can't help but admire the strength and agility of Orion. We're all aware of how great Zeno is, still, we can't forget what he did to the kingdom"


He quickly cleared his throat realizing what he just said.

The king who had his bent for just a brief moment, immediately tried to the ease the tension that filled the air, by speaking up.

"A toast to good life"

"And happiness" He muttered, after a long pause.

Raising their goblets high up in the air, they cheered loudly while sipping from it.


"Have a look"

Orion turned towards the direction which Hugo pointed at, chuckling after realizing what he meant.

"Thanks, but I'm not Interested in my father's maids"

Hugo scoffed immediately, stroking his chin with his thumb.

"And who's that who caught the eyes of Orion?" He joked.


At the mention of that, Orion's head snapped towards Hugo's direction.

"Why do you say-" He began, but was caught off immediately by Hugo.

"It's okay Orion. You can lie to everyone but not me"

"I know of your love for her" He said.

"I do not love anyone" Orion brushed off immediately.

"But she's always on your mind" Hugo jeered.


They chuckled together, drinking from their goblets and conversing.

"Trust me, she's pretty and all, but I would NEVER advice you to go after her. She's deadly, Orion" Hugo said all at once.

A maid walked by at that moment, earning Hugo's gaze, causing him to drop his wine down, getting up immediately, and then going after the maiden, while Orion laughed, watching them chat together, standing at a far corner of the room.

Murmurs and laughter was heard in the throne room, when suddenly silence filled everywhere as the shouting of guards and clanging of swords was heard from the large halls of the castle.

The king looked around the throne room, wondering what was going on. Orion who had dropped his goblet already, stood to his feet the same time the throne room burst open.

The castle bells rang loudly, a sign of peril, the sound of which awakened Orion deeply.

Sound of boots clopping echoed in the large halls as soldiers of Cedric poured in screaming, holding their swords up, while Zamarion who stood at the front led the attack.

With panic and a disturbing look of fear, Orion drew his weapon out, realizing the palace was under attack.

Maids scrambled out screaming, some being lucky to escape, while others crashed into the arms of Cedric's soldiers, who wasted no time in ripping their throats.

The King, Lucas, drew his sword out immediately, ready to defend his kingdom no matter what it took.

Soldiers coming from different directions lunged at them, attacking Hugo and Orion who were stood side by side.


An arrow outta nowhere came flying towards Hugo, and as if he ran out luck, it went through his right arm, resulting in him screaming while he fell back, holding his arm in pains.


Orion called.

One of the soldiers snuck up behind him, taking slow steps forward, like a Lion hunting its prey.

He held a dagger in his gloved up hands ready to strike, not until Hugo who had recovered from his pains grabbed his arms, kicking him back in the process.

The soldier rolled back, picked a sword which laid on the floor, then turned to Hugo.

Both of their swords met in the air, in an instant.

Groaning loudly, the soldier slashed the injured arm of Hugo while pushing him back aggressively.

The man went on with piercing the leg of Hugo, causing him to fall on one knee.

The deep cut of the wound made Hugo bellow, squeezing his arm tightly while grinding his teeth.

With his sword raised high, the soldier pushed forward, ready to gash the neck of Hugo, when the latter blocked the sword coming at him, using the last strength he had.

Fighting tiredly with his bleeding arm, he groaned and cried out, the pains from his arm, hitting him.

He fell back as he received a kick in the gut.

Slowly, he got to his feet, about to lunge forward when a sharp cold metal went through his chest.

He gave low gasps, staring down at the blade which was sticking out of him.

His body suddenly went numb, the veins on his neck bulging out while he spat out blood.

Orion stared in shock, dropping his sword and looking at his friend who was already laid still on the floor.

Zamarion the commander, went after the king who had his sword drawn out already.

Both men fighting for a while, grunting and spitting words at each other.

"Rot!" Zamarion hollered, grabbing a caltrop from his boot and immediately stabbing the king with it.

A grin crossed his face as he watched Lucas clutching his stomach, gasping for breath while he staggered back.

"Cedric sends his greetings to you" Zamarion scorned in a low breath, staring at the figure of Lucas Brennan laid on the floor clenching his jaw.

He took the caltrop out, then stabbed the king once again with a dagger, spitting on his forehead.

"Father!!!" Orion roared from across the throne room.

He jumped over the large table, dodging weapons that came at him, and running over to meet Lucas Brennan who was on the floor struggling for his life.

With his sword raised high in the air and a loud wail, Orion brought his sword towards Zamarion but missed just an inch of his target.

The sword only slashed the side face of Zamarion, resulting in him tumbling back, gripping his cheek where he was cut.

His expression turned dark immediately, anger filling his soul.

He at once got into a brawl with Zamarion, and soon overpowering him.

With no hesitation whatsoever, he pushed his sword forward, but it only met with the arm of the commander, resulting in a deep cut.

The rest of the soldiers came to the aid of their commander, pulling him away from Orion who had on the expression of a bear whose cub had been pried away from its warmth.

Orion who bothered not going after them, soon knelt beside his father, gazing at him while clutching tightly to his fingers, which were already falling limp.

"Father" He called softly.

"You'll be fine. I'll send for the best healers" A tear slipped from his side eye as he spoke in a low voice.

In his entire existence, he had never been brought to a helpless and vulnerable position like he was in now. He felt lost. Completely torn.

"No, Orion. Not even you can save me" Lucas croaked.

The king let out a sigh, holding his favorite sword which laid by his side.

"Have this" He said.

"Remember I'm here with you. Always and forever"

"I'm proud of the man you've grown to be, Orion" his voice was weak already as he spoke.

"You are my son, Orion. My son"

With that, the king fell back breathing his last breath with his fingers secured tightly in Orion's.

The throne room which was now being set ablaze by Cedric's soldiers suddenly made the whole place hot.

Orion wiped his tear-stained cheeks, picked the sword which was given to him, and then hurriedly jumped out through the windows of the throne room.

Fortunately for him, he landed on the soft grounds of the castle, rolling through and jumping trees as Cedric's soldiers shot arrows at his figure.

Soon as he was far away from the castle, he turned back one last time, watching what took generations and ages to build, burn slowly to the ground with screams erupting from citizens of Brilthor as the whole kingdom got destroyed.

With an aching heart, he fell to his knees, groaning and roaring loudly, his raspy voice echoing and traveling through valleys, while he gripped his head in pains and anger.

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