

A soft groan escaped Kyle's lips as he rested his throbbing head on a tree.

His boots were dirty due to hours of walking, while his face which had little stains here and there looked like he had just seen a ghost.

On the other hand, princess Iona sobbed, thinking of her parents, her eyes already puffy and filled with tears.

Her gaze shifted to Kyle who was groaning uncontrollably. Taking a step closer to him, she gently touched the knife which was still pierced in his shoulder.

Her soft touch made him wince in pain instantly.

"It's okay. I just need to dress the wound" She said in a low voice to him.

Despite the state she was in, and how it seemed disaster and sorrow was in wait for her, she still managed to speak with much poise and grace. Never leaving her royal background.

Hurrying away to search for healing herbs, she picked the hem of her dress up, and began her walk barefoot, stepping on dead leaves, twigs and branches.

She returned after quite a while, almost getting Kyle worried from her long absence.

Her fingers squeezed the bunch of leaves she got, while bending down to Kyle.

Slowly and carefully, she took the knife out his arm as the juice from the leaves dropped down onto it, burning and stinging him as they dripped into the open cut.

Grunts were heard fcoming from Kyle, with clenched jaw and gritted teeth, he struggled to endure the pains he felt.

By the time the the moon was fully up in the sky, she was done dressing the wounds. She moved away from him, squatting down next to another tree.

"Thank you" She heard Kyle whisper to her.

She gave a slight nod, turning her face away, and watching her fingers twitch due to the fear in her heart.

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