《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》52. Surprise gone wrong


Maaz was horrified upon knowing that there was only one bathroom that will be shared by five members. He opened the door and scrunched his nose. The bathroom was tiny with a small bathtub few distances from the toilet seat. A thick plastic curtain separating the two. The bathroom was otherwise sparkling but the blue tiles gave it an ugly look according to Maaz.

'Everything alright, beta?' Shabana said sweetly. Maaz adjusted his expressions and forced a smile.

'Yup.' He nodded. Shabana smiled and asked him to freshen up. He nodded again. After she had left, Maaz felt a tap on his shoulder. He almost jumped on the spot. Azlaan smirked at him.

'Don't take all day, Richie boy. I have to bath as well.' He said and walked away. Maaz blinked at him. He mentally decided to be careful with his young boy, it looks like he might give him a hard time.

'Maaz,' – Anaya came out of the room, - 'you need something, tell me. Okay?' She said casually. Maaz looked at her and then smirked, - 'Yes, I will be needing a towel.'

'Okay, I will—' she turned around and was about to leave but he grabbed her arm. She froze and stopped mid-sentence. He pulled her closer and their gaze met.

'I will call you.' He simply said. Anaya smiled freely her hand from his grip.

'Please, this is not a 70s movie.' She teased him. He was disappointed as he watched her go to their room and minutes later, she came with a towel.

'Here.' She handed it to him. Smiled and walked away. Maaz sighed and gloomily walked inside the bathroom.

Anaya sat in her room, she kept thinking over her mother's words. She had spotted her with Maaz near the bathroom and heard their conversation. After that, she had schooled her daughter for "mistreating" her husband.

'If you want to be treated like a queen, you must treat your husband like a king.'

'If you want to be loved and respected, you should love and respect him.'

'Men never initiate all this, it's up to us woman. We must keep everything glued strongly.'

She bit her lip and played with the tips of her fingers. She regretted disappointing Maaz. She was just teasing him. He was trying to flirt with her, and she panicked. Anaya sighed sadly. Minutes later, Maaz entered the room. He wiped his wet hair with the towel and sighed. His gaze fell on Anaya and he frowned. Adjusting the towel around his neck he walked up to her.

'Hey.' He sat beside her.

Anaya looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and the two gazed at each other until Maaz looked away.

'I am such a dumbass.' He slapped his forehead. Anaya frowned.

'I have something planned for you, us.' He said brightly. Anaya smiled feeling excited. He sat up and hurried to his bag. Anaya watched him kneel in front of the bag with delight. He opened the bag and suddenly, looked at her.


'Close your eyes.'


'Close your eyes.' He repeated slightly agitated. Anaya clicked her tongue in annoyance and unwillingly closed her eyes.

'No peeking.' He warned her. Anaya sighed, nodding her head.

Five minutes later, he asked her to open her eyes. Maaz also praised her for sticking to her words.

Anaya stood up, - 'Now, give me my reward.' She forwarded her hand. Maaz clapped her hand with his hand and smirked when she gaped at him.

'Patience, wifey. For now,' – he brought his arm from behind him and passed it to her, - 'take this.'

Anaya nearly snatched the rectangular box and enthusiastically unboxed. She blinked in surprise as she looked at a gold sequin sage saree with matching sleeveless blouse.

'I want you to wear this for tonight. We are going on a date.' He said. Slowly, Anaya looked at him and then lowered her gaze with a smile. Maaz was relieved to see her smile.

'You will get a second part of the surprise then.' He said. Anaya blinked curiously at him. She could feel excitement built up. But Maaz left her with a lot of anticipation. She looked at the clock, it was 12am. There was a lot of time for the evening.

The rest of the day, Anaya spent being restless and clumsy, as pointed out by her mother, and Maaz spent it by teasing his wife and dodging Azlaan who kept eyeing and glaring at him, weirdly.

Finally, evening arrived, and Anaya happily dashed into the bathroom. Maaz informed her that he will be in their room and together they will go for their date. As Anaya was to enter the bathroom, she caught her mother's gaze and noticed a glint in her eyes. Anaya quickly looked away but couldn't avoid a crimson hue from adorning her cheeks.

Soon, she dressed in the saree Maaz had gifted her, but she was confused as how to accessorize with the dress. Then, she thought about her mother's jewelry and decided to take help from her.

Shabana was busy flipping through channels while Azlaan was sprawled on the sofa next to her and was engrossed in playing game with the huge earphones stuck to his ears.


Anaya walked behind the sofa and softly tapped her mother's shoulder. She looked up and frowned upon seeing Anaya looking apprehensively at her.

'This was gifted to me by my mother on my wedding day.' Shabana said lovingly as she made Anaya wear a full diamond delicate bridal necklace. Anaya touched it softly while admiring her reflection in the mirror.

'It is beautiful, Ma.' She complimented. Shabana smiled and asked Anaya to sit at the table. Anaya was surprised but her mother scolded her,

- 'This is how you will do on the date? Looking haphazard like a pagli.'

Anaya opened her mouth to protest but closed it instantly when her mother glared at her. She relaxed and watched Shabana in awe as she combed her hair.

Anaya was amazed at her mother's talent as she neatly did her hairstyle – a loose twisted side braid. She touched her hair and gave a thumbs-up. Shabana raised her chin with pride. She gained her confidence and suggested she did her make-up too. Anaya knew this would make her mother very happy and so, she encouraged her further.


Shabana did her make-up, made her wear long delicate golden danglers and diamond-studded nose hoop ring. Anaya admired her reflection and beamed at her mother. Mrs. Hussain smiled giving a small nod. She scooped kohl from the rim of her eye and placed a small dot behind her daughter's ear. The mother-daughter shared a warm smile. Anaya got up and hugged her mother.

'Thanks.' She felt grateful. Shabana had tears in eyes upon seeing her daughter so happy. She recollected the time, Sheeraz had come to see her and how miserable she was.


Anaya entered the room and was taken aback as the room was dimly lit. There were many scented candles everywhere along with few petals of roses. She smiled to herself.

'Welcome to our date.' Maaz announced. She looked at him and found him kneeling next to the window and lighting a candle. He looked at her and smiled. Anaya lowered her gaze and began fidgeting with the edge of her saree's Pallu.

He walked up to her and kept admiring as he extended his hand. Anaya's hand trembled as he held her in a soft grip. She avoided his gaze, a shy smile on her lips and crimson hue adorned her cheeks.

'Look at me, please.' He spoke in a soft tone. Slowly, she looked up and their gaze met.

'Now, is the time for another surprise.' He smirked. Inside, her heart was thumping with excitement, but she kept a straight face and calmer demeanor.

Maaz held her gaze as he got down on his knees. He kept holding her hand firmly. Anaya let out a small gasp and shook little with excitement. Her heart in her throat. He tugged his hand in his pocket and took a small red box. Anaya guessed what it could be, but she tried keeping calm. He let go of her hand opened the box and looked back at her. A round diamond halo engagement ring sparkled from inside the red velvet box.

'Miss. Has—Hussain, will you marry me?' He proposed to her. He kept his gaze locked with Anaya but inside he trembled with fear and anxiety. He knew what her answer would be, yet he was dying with nervousness. He could hear his heart beating erratically in his ears. He hoped she didn't notice he was sweating.

A slow smile crept on Anaya's lips and she nodded, - 'Yes.' She breathed. Maaz could feel his heartbeat calm down and he smiled. He stood up and they admired each other.

'Anaya, I.' – Maaz paused, - 'I love you.' He confessed. Anaya smiled lowering her gaze. After a small pause, he frowned, - 'You confess too.' He asked. She looked at him in surprise and smiled shaking her head slightly.

Typical Maaz

'I—' she avoided his gaze and couldn't stop smiling. She hesitated.

'You had no problem confessing in front of your mother but now you are—not fair.' He whined.

Anaya looked at him and whispered, - 'I love you, too. Maaz.' She confessed and quickly looked down. Maaz let out a breath and smiled. He held out his hand and Anaya placed her hand in his. He brought the ring to her ring finger and abruptly stopped when he noticed a thoughtful frown on her face.

'What happened?' He asked.

'You proposed to marry me, but we are married.' She asked. Maaz smiled and pulled her by her hand. Anaya stopped smiling and looked nervous again.

'Because I want to marry you again. This time it won't be a hush affair, but I will make sure it will be on the front page.' He said excitedly.

Anaya smiled lowering her head briefly. Maaz slipped the ring in her finger and sighed in relief. She asked him why and he was relieved, he replied by saying he wasn't sure if the ring would fit right. Anaya smiled at him. Maaz kept smiling at her until his gaze fell to her lips. Anaya's gaze darted towards his lips as well and her smile faded. Maaz leaned closer and she inhaled sharply. He held her cheek and felt the warmth of her skin. She felt his hand was cold and she closed her eyes as he joined their foreheads together.

They stood silent in the proximity of each other for a while, until Anaya sniffed and took a step back.

'Do you smell something burning?' She said sniffing the air. Maaz also sniffed and nodded his head.

'Did your mother burn dinner?' He asked. Anaya looked away and her eyes widened. Maaz frowned and looked at the direction she was looking. He was shocked to see the curtain had caught fire from the candle he had lit under it.

'Oh my God!' Maaz exclaimed in shock. Slowly, the fire had begun to catch speed.

'Maaz, get out of the room and get the fire extinguisher.' Anaya yelled pushing him towards the door. Maaz was petrified, he kept staring at the raging fire. Anaya grabbed his arm and hurried out of the room.

Shabana and Azlaan were alarmed upon hearing Maaz and Anaya's screams and then they came running out from their room. They were shocked to know about the fire. Without further delay and questioning, Azlaan ran to the kitchen and grabbed the fire extinguisher. Anaya had her phone ready for the firefighter team.

Fortunately, that wasn't needed and Azlaan extinguished the fire in time. Everyone was relieved and sat together for dinner.

'Who the hell lights candles all over the room.' Azlaan taunted. Maaz lowered his head in shame and fidgeted with roti in his hand. Shabana hit her son's shoulder and glared at him. Azlaan shook his head in irritation and got busy in eating. Anaya looked at Maaz and felt bad for him. Then, her gaze fell on the diamond ring glistening in her finger and she smiled a little.

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