《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》51. Lost Trust


Anaya's sobs echoed in the small room. Maaz passed her the tissue paper for the hundredth time and scrunched his nose upon seeing her blow into it.

'Are you alright?' Maaz asked cautiously. He sat awkwardly beside her on a single bed.

'I thought—thought,' – she sniffled, - 'that you were going to divorce me.' She sobbed.

'I would have.' Maaz replied coolly. Teary-eyed, Anaya looked at him. She hoped he was joking but he looked serious. She lowered her head and let a small cry escape her mouth.

'Have you come here to tell me this?' She avoided looking at him. Maaz smiled to himself.

'I was very mad at you for staging and framing me for such a heinous crime.'- He paused as she looked at him, guilt in her eyes, - 'okay, I understand you were under pressure and all that but, but when we became friends and I repeatedly asked you about you and confessed everything about me then. Then, also you didn't tell me. Why?'

Anaya sniffles lowering her gaze, - 'I contemplated many times, but I couldn't—I feared you will leave me and I,' – she looked at him, - 'didn't want you to divorce me.' She looked away. Maaz hesitated before placing his palm over hers. She looked at him.

'I would be very angry because of what you did but it wouldn't have hurt this much. At least, I wouldn't have felt so—betrayed.' He confessed. Anaya lowered her head again. Maaz eyed her and then, he caressed the back of her palm with his thumb. Slowly, she looked at him again.

'I have not come here to accuse you or make you feel guilty.' – he gulped softly, - 'I have come here for you to know that—that I will never divorce you.' He said seriously.

Anaya looked at him in a daze, - 'Why?'

Maaz scoffed clasping her hand in his grip, - 'You are stuck with me, Mrs. Hasan.'

Anaya let out a small laugh, - 'Hussain.' She feigned anger. Maaz chuckled.


Mindlessly, Anaya leaned against his arm and he stopped smiling. She sighed resting her head on his shoulder, hand in hand with him. She felt happy being in proximity to him. Maaz moved his free hand and held her chin. Anaya abruptly stopped smiling. She shifted and looked at him. He smiled at her, but his expression changed instantly. Anaya noted his pupils dilate as he gazed into her eyes. She gulped upon feeling his thumb caress her skin sensually. Maaz held her gaze with his as he leaned towards her. Anaya's gaze fell to his lips and she inhaled sharply licking her lips.

Maaz gazed into her eyes and his smile widened. Slowly, Anaya looked up into his eyes. Their faces were only inches apart. He placed his index finger under her chin and lifted her face, then tilted his head, coming closer to her. Anaya could feel butterflies and quickly shut her eyes as she felt his lips brush against hers. Maaz could hear his heart thumping in his ears, feeling her soft but slightly swollen lips. He smiled a little. But before he could kiss her there was a knock at the door and both jumped apart.

Maaz cursed under his breath while Anaya looked around red-faced. The door opened and Azlaan walked in. He was in his usual attire checked pants coupled with red graphics Tee and huge headphones around his neck. He looked disinterested.

'You forgot this.' He pushed a huge wheeled suitcase. Anaya frowned and looked from her brother to Maaz.

Maaz walked confidently and held the handle of the suitcase. He beamed at Anaya and cleared his throat, - 'I will be staying here with you for a few days.' He said.

'What?' Anaya exclaimed as she happily leaped from bed, - 'Really?' Her eyes twinkled. Maaz gave a firm nod. A moment later, Anaya's smile faded, - 'But,' – she dared not believe what Maaz just said, - 'the hotel? You are the boss there and—'

'Relax,' – Maaz held her shoulder with his free hand, - 'Dad said he will take over the business until I return. He also said I can take as much time I need but I should just get his daughter-in-law back.'


Anaya smiled little and then frowned, - 'Time for what?'

Maaz clicked his tongue in agitation and explained, - 'To impress your Khadus father.'

Anaya looked at him lovingly and he looked back. Their eye-lock was interrupted by Azlaan's fake cough.


Zainab sat in the recliner, tapping her fingers on the armrest and rocking slightly in her place. Her blood boiled every time she recollected the day's event. It had been two days since Anaya had been kicked out and she was relaxed. So, what if Maaz hasn't divorced her, he would eventually. She was about to talk to Mona, her friend, for Rukhsar and Maaz but her son ruined everything.

'I have decided, Mom. It is final. I am going to get Anaya back.'

'But why? What she did to you wasn't enough?'

'Because Mom.' – he paused, - 'I love her, and I don't want to lose her.'

'Love? What rubbish? What is so special in that middle-class woman.'

Maaz stood silent for a moment before answering, - 'you won't understand, Mom.'

Zainab clasped her fist tightly, - 'I don't understand.' She muttered through clenched teeth. As she sat rocking in her seat, the door to their room opened and Rashid walked in. She looked up and noticed he had a scowl on his face. She looked away. He walked towards his wife. Slowly, she looked up again and found him looking intently at her.

'What?' She shrugged angrily.

Rashid sighed and kneeled in front of her. Now, the two were at eye to eye level. He held her hand in a soft grip.

'Why?' – he paused, - 'why did you drop your standards so much?' - he paused again, this time Zainab frowned, - 'in your hatred,' – he licked his lips, tapped their joined palms with his palm, - 'you dragged a nobody, a simple chef into our family matter.' He said sternly and watched the color drain from his wife's face. She slipped her hand from his hold and shifted uncomfortably.

She opened her mouth and Rashid shook his head slowly, - 'Don't lie, Zainab. That chef, Gabin, he had come to meet me and told me everything. Zainab,' – he shifted closer and she leaned, quivering against the chair, - 'I had never been so embarrassed in my life.' He stood up and kept glaring at her, - 'you wanted Maaz to divorce Anaya for betrayal. Then, what should I do for your—'

'Rashid!' – Zainab stood up in anger, - 'Are you comparing me with that middle-class woman's cheap tactic.' She scolded him. Rashid scoffed.

'Don't forget your roots, Zainab. We both were middle-class before setting up this business.' He warned her. She gulped.

'You—you won't divorce me, right?' She asked looking nervously at him.

Rashid took a moment before shaking his head, - 'I am not shallow like you, Zainab. I don't keep divorcing my wife for simple reasons.'

Zainab sighed in relief, then she changed her expressions, - 'Simple reason? Framing someone for marital rape is a simple reason.'

'It is a strong reason,' – Rashid placed his palms in his pockets, - 'but not strong enough to not give a chance for the person you love to explain themselves.' He answered and then walked towards the door. He stopped at the door and looked at her.

'I love you, Zainab but after what you tried to do has hurt me very much.' – he paused, tears glistened in his eyes, - 'do me a favor and please don't show me your face.' He said angrily and without waiting for a response, walked out of the room.

Zainab gaped at him, her heart began racing at the possibly of Rashid distancing himself or worse divorcing her. She fell on the chair with a thud and let out a loud sigh.

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