《love stories》💚🟢Green Fingers🟢💚


Henry goes downstairs to the living room. He sees Kris and Jake, who are both sick. Henry is sick as well. Jake still wants to go play in a Dad-minton tournament (badminton for dads) and Piper, who is also sick, wants to go to the GloZella music festival. However, Kris says that they can't go and Henry can't go to work either. Henry goes onto the porch , turns on his watch and tells Ray that he can't go to work. Ray tells him that if he didn't go to work, Ray would go to his house and talk to his mom about it. Henry is convinced and goes to the Man Cave. Charlotte is also sick and then, Schwoz shows up with a plate of cupcakes. He offers it to everyone and when Henry goes to take one, Schwoz screams and drops the plate. Schwoz runs to the back room and gets a gas mask, He explains that he wanted to be famous by curing a horrible disease, He decided to do this by creating a horrible disease

What!!! - Everyone but reya said in his voice while Rei said "Typical chwoz "

Are you saying you think we have this disease? - Henry said frustrated

But I didn't go near your test tubes,' she told Charlotte

Yes, exactly," jasper said

Then how did she get the disease? - He asked Rei

Don't Know- He said chwoz

Then Henry he recalled that part of the day


Chwoz:Henry, Charlotte, jasper go to my lab and do this on the list

Should we glue this to the test tubes? - Henry said holding the paper

Yes-he said what's obvious

Ok-He was confused as to why he didn't say why he had to write it why he didn't say it

All three went to his lab

Jasper walked away from us and took one box of those test tubes

And Charlotte and I the other one

When I glued it to the test tubes I couldn't help but look at charlotte who's so pretty she's so focused on what she's doing

As I lied one test at a time I noticed Henry looking at me, I wonder why for some reason he has beautiful eyes


I couldn't look away and I don't think he took it away, omg what I'm doing, I can't fall in love with my best friend

I looked away and kept working and I saw that he did it too

About ten minutes later, all of them were done except for another one I wanted to get to do it, but Henry and I took it at the same time

I touched Charlotte's hand why I feel like this?

For some reason, I looked into her eyes, and I realized that we're very close to each other, and I feel like she's leaning higher and higher and... We kissed

After I realized what I'd done, we interrupted the kiss and away from each other, I actually ran away

Henry was pulled from his mind by a cough coming out of his mouth

Henry, how are you feeling?-He asked jasper

Come on, everybody, you're going into quarantine, chwoz said

All? - Henry said

Yes, everyone and rei is contagious

Charlotte replied with a confused look

I'm Henry Didn't you see rei had green fingers like you and Charlotte? - Said chwoz

Green fingers? - Said Henry lifting his fingers to look

Look, really, why are they green? - He asked henry

I explained all that, Henry, didn't you hear me? - He asked chwoz

Yes, if I had, just repeat that case," Henry said with a slight smile that turned into a cough

Chwoz rolled his eyes and said

It's one of the symptoms of my illness, and if all your fingers turn green...

What's going to happen to us?

He said rei nervously looking at everything in the man cave the most little genius in front of him

"Then everyone quickly went to Henry's house and started working on the drug," mr Chwoz said, increasing the tone to everything in the cave.


After about 20 minutes, they were all in Henry's house

Henry looked at his fingers and saw that everyone but one was green, looked around and saw that they were all the same

Henry decided to call the chwoz

Chwoz:This is Chwoz

Henry:chwoz, is the cure almost over?

Chwoz:no, but I'm going to need A little more jasper blood


Jasper: I'm out of blood

Henry started coughing and dropped his phone on the floor that broke

Chwoz:Henry, can you hear me, hello

Chwoz threw the phone away

He was approaching the jasper

I just need some more of your blood

But I don't have any more blood, Jasper said

You got it, he said chwoz, taking his head and shaking


Henry saw rea open the refrigerator and get up and move towards him

Rei, you can't eat,' Henry said in a sick voice

But I just want chicken," he said, squeating and opening the corner containing the chicken

Rei then realised he couldn't move his jaw and started belly-up his face

Rei chwoz told me that one of the symptoms is a locked jaw

Locked jaw-to-jaw, he said, taking the chicken and trying to put it in his mouth

But to no success

Henry looked at Charlotte sitting on the road, and smiled even if he was sick

I have to tell her how I feel-thought Henry He was approaching charlotte

Hey Charlotte-said Henry patted Charlotte on the shoulder and a cough came out of her mouth before she turned to Henry and waved at him

Henry, we've seen each other before why she's greeting me now-she asked a sick voice

Well, I didn't actually... It doesn't matter,' he said

I want him to tell you something, he said it and he started coughing

Say-she said getting up from her chair and coughing

I want to tell you that in my room, please-he said a little nervously pointing up the stairs

Charlotte, even though she was sick, looked at him confused

Okay, she said slowly walking down the stairs

Henry followed her

Charlotte and I are going to my room

Everyone said "good" in a sick and hoady voice

When they both walked into his room they started coughing Charlotte took tissues from the drawer and blew her nose

When she sat on Henry's bed, she looked at him

What did you want to ask me or say? - she asked him, Charlotte

Well, I started Henry, nervously rubbing his head.

Why do you look uncomfortable

She said charlotte looking at him

Henry got close to her and took a breath, started coughing

Henry looked at her fingers and they were almost as green as his

You can do it, Henry-he told himself and looked at charlotte who was already looking at him and he couldn't look into her pretty brown eyes

They looked at each other and leaned more and more and after a short time they kissed

Henry had such soft lips- she thought charlotte inside her as she passionately lilied to him

When they moved away, Henry said

I love you, Charlotte

Charlotte looked at him with a slight smile on her face

I've love you too, Henry since we kissed in the lab the other day

Henry smiled and kissed her again but this one is more terrifying than the first time

They both fell on the bed

Henry put his hand under Charlotte's shirt and started kissing her neck

She's the one who's been in good luck


Paper: my fingers, they're not green anymore

We're cured

Everyone jumped for joy until Henry's mom said

Where's Charlotte and Henry?

Rei: didn't they go to Henry's room-

Yes, I think they did," Mrs Hart said


Henry kissed Charlotte all over her body

Henry and Charlotte heard someone calling them

Charlotte: someone's calling us

Henry and Charlotte got off the bed and got dressed and got down there fast

Henry:yes Mom-said Henry coming down like and Charlotte

Chwoz: drink these two

He gave them something to drink, they looked at each other and had a drink

Henry looked at Charlotte and her fingers stopped being as green as he was

They were both happy to hug

But their embrace interrupted the twitching they felt in their bodies

Paper: and who's going to take me on a glycewl?

Mrs Hart, did you fall apart after everything we've been through

Mr Hart: we're not taking you to the glycewl

Peyper went crazy and I went to the door

Then I'il drive myself-she said coming out the other door

Mr and Mrs Hart immediateli got up and went after her

Henry and Charlotte looked at each other smiling and kissed again

They just heard


Henry looked at the people in front of him

It was everybody

Rei, chwoz, piper, and Mom and Dad

Mrs Hart: since you two have been together

Henry: from now on, Mom

Charlotte: yes

Everyone laughed and the two of them kept kissing

........................ 💚.....

I could have done better, but I hope you liked it

Sorry for the errors in the text

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