《love stories》🔴🔵Dodging Danger 💙♥️


Jasper is on a trampoline in the Man Cave as Schwoz and Charlotte throw dodgeballs at him. Henry and Captain Man land in the Man Cave and Schwoz accidentally throws a ball at Captain Man's face. Charlotte throws a ball at Schwoz's face and Captain Man gets two hot dogs and shoves them in Schwoz's nose. Jasper tells Henry that he was training for a Dodge-a-leen tournament, which was dodgeball while played on trampolines.Jasper was on a team called the Jumpin' Jaspers with Piper and he asks Henry to be the third member and tells him that his new hyper-motility would allow him to win for his team.

However, Captain Man tells Henry that he can only use hyper-motility for fighting crime and can't use it for a dodgeball tournament. So Jasper gets Oliver for his team instead. They would be playing the Bilsky Bouncers, which Mitch Bilsky was leading.

Henry had an ice cream cone in his hand

I'm going to go to the bathroom, charlotte said

Why? - Henry asked

Charlotte looked at him and said "for tennis lessons"

Henry let out a little smile

Now that you've been being sarcastic to me, you can't get my cone liz

Charlotte got mad and took a ball of ice cream and left him a cone and left

He saw Oliver choking on food and approached him

What's going on here?

Oliver chokes on food - he said jasper

Jasper asked me to play for his team.

Jasper said he wasn't here

But Charlotte did

So what- said the jasper

Then the narth came and said

Are we going to dance or are you two going to stand there and kiss

We're just good friends, jasper said

And besides, Henry's in love with his friend Charlotte - He said jasper

Oh, really, someone fell in love with us - mitch said pretending to kiss

Oh, Charlotte, how beautiful your lips are

Stop it - I screamed at him

You know what, Jasper, let's throw balls

That- said the jasper and that's when we shook hands and went out on the field

When we beat Mitch, Charlotte came in angry and then she gave me that look

Wow, she's beautiful when she's angry

I hit the jasper and I said, "Here's the look."

Jasper looked at her and then henry

Are you biting your lip?

Henry said nervously

Relax, I know you like her

Yes, I know, but she's not going to know it - I said trying to shut him up


Charlotte jasper and I were on our way to school the whole time I was watching Charlotte she was beautiful, she was telling us about her math homework but I didn't listen to what she was saying because I was looking at her lips beautiful and her beautiful hair...

And that's when I hit the lamppost

- I yelled at my nose

Jasper and Charlotte pulled over and came up to me


Are you all right, Henry - she asked me worried about Charlotte

Yes, I did - I said it and I saw Jasper laughing

How did you manage to hit the lamppost? - he asked jasper

Well, I...I didn't see her - I said with a nervous smile

That's when Charlotte split one eyebrow I knew she didn't trust me

Good? - she said Charlotte and started walking down the road to school

I stood there looking at her

Jasper hit me on the shoulder and pulled me out of my mind about Charlotte

Why don't you tell her- he asked the jasper

Mm - I asked

Tell her your feelings - he repeated the jasper even though he's sure he heard it

No, what if she doesn't feel the same way about me- I said it in defense

I'm going to ask her- he said jasper

Really? - I said with hope in my eyes

Yes, ask her and then I'il confess to her - I said it with a smile on my face

Okay- he said, and that's when we both went to school

That's when Jasper and I came to school

I saw Charlotte at my locker

She was so beautiful

Come on, buddy, let me talk to her now - he tapped me on the shoulder I understood what he was getting at and left

Jasper approached Charlotte

Hey, Charlotte- he said jasper waving at her

"Hi, Jasper, where were you?

Well, I'm sorry Henry dropped the key to the house so he was looking for it in the grass

Charlotte nodded and continued to lie to the locker

Jasper looked in the direction where Henry was and he showed him his hand like he was in the idea of asking her, tell her, go on

Well, Charlotte... the jasper started.

Gave... Do you like Henry? - he asked jasper

When Jasper asked me that, I almost didn't notice, I didn't expect that question

Of course I like it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a jasper tapping me on the shoulder

Does that mean you like it - he asked me

No, no - I said nervous but convincing

Okay- he said a little sad

I think you two would make a great couple, jasper said, and left

Pa neznam sa neke strane verujem dzasperu ali znam da je to nemoguće gledam henrija na taj način od kad smo se upoznali, nikad me nije primetio imao je kloi, bianku, veronicu. A mene nikad nebi primetio

Bila sam tizna svaki put kad je bio sa nekom devojkom, osećala sam se usamljeno, slomljeno svake noći plačem jer nemam ga ( Charlotte's face:😔)

Tada sam udahnula i ustala jer sam bila sedela na podu

Ustala sam i videla da mu se Henry približava

Ej šarlot - rekao je srećnim glasom i prelepim osmehom na licu

Hej Henry - rekla sam pokušavajući da sakrijem da sam plakala

I wonder why she's hiding from me that she cried when I literally saw her cry and my heart was breaking


I don't like to see her cry even though her tears look good I don't like to see her like this

Hey, Charlotte, why did you cry? - I asked her

She didn't answer anything

Charlotte - I called her but she didn't answer, she took the tusks and ran

What about her, I wonder

Škola se završila nisam video šarlot od jutros bio sam jako zabrinut za nju

Tada je došao dzasper

Ej Henry šta ima - pitao je dzasper

Hajdemo na posao dzaspere - rekao sam sa laznim osmehom

Ma daj druze, nemoj sad da budeš depresivan zbog šarlot

Da, valjda si upravu ali nemogu da prestanem da mislim na nju naručiti sad kad znam da nije htela da mi kaze zašto je plakala-rekao sam

Pa, kad sam je pitao za tebe nije plakala

Ali zašto je onda počela da plače? - pitao sam se u sebi

Pa, sve jedno nemisli na nju i misli kako smo juče razbili miča i njegovu ekipu


I was in the man cave looking at the computer and that's when I heard a sound in the elevator I knew it was jasper and my unofficial love Henry

That's when I went to the couch

There's no way the best part was when I threw the ball right in the face and he was like, "Oh, my Gosh, noooo."

He was playing Henry and that's when they both started laughing

That's when Rei left the secret room

And what are you two laughing at

He asked Rei with a smile because he wanted to know what was so funny

They started something, so rei and I were confused, but I thought it was more funny because I know they're both going to get hurt

That's when the jasper broke

I didn't want to do anything wrong, Oliver was choking on food, I was missing a player

Stop talking, Henry said, but jasper wouldn't listen to him

That's when Henry agreed to play and we won and now I'm afraid of the consequences,"" he said, sitting on the couch

You killed us,' Henry said, putting his hand on his shoulder

Henry, i'm sorry. - He started talking

How could you-- he's on his way but he stopped

How could you let Charlotte do that?

I!! - I said surprised

yes, well, you're the only one responsible here

I was in the bathroom- I said defensively, and I went to stand on the other side next to Henry

Jasper saw it and he looked at us both

Okay, you're not going to do it again- he asked Rei

yes, I'il do it again tomorrow

With all due respect, you're not my boss when he's out of work, so, henry said, getting up from the chair and heading for the ray

Well, I get it- he said rei fixing Henry's shirt

So that's okay with you? - he asked Henry surprised

No, but you keep going- he said it and went to the other room

That's when he turned to the jasper and me


I couldn't help but laugh

Since we're alone what do you say we play a game- I asked them

Yes, I guess - they both said

Henry sits next to charlotte - I said i'd show him a seat next to her

Okay- he said he and he was sitting next to charlotte

So, who starts first? - Henry asked

I! - I said

Charlotte true or dare? - I asked her

True! - she said with a smile

Are you afraid to choose a challenge? - I asked

No- she said

Well, don't see, you chose the truth

I said trying to get her to say challenge

Okay, i'm choosing the challenge- she said angry

Kiss Henry on the mouth- I said


Oh, no, no, that's what I was afraid of, what am I going to do

That's when luckily the alarm went off

Oh, thank heavens - I thought to myself and ran to the monitor

There's an emergency at the airport- I said watching Henry

Okay, I'm on my way - he said and took the chewing and he's transform kid danger

That's when rei came along and I told him about the emergency and he turned

That's when the jasper stopped them

Henry!!!! - he said calling out to him

Henry stopped by the pipe

yes I do? - he asked and put the pipe down

When you and Charlotte get back, you and Charlotte are going to have to kiss

That's when Rei laughed

What!! - He said surprised

yes, we were playing the truth or dare and I said he was challenging them to kiss

Oh, I'm going to have to see that- he said through a smile and they both left

And I wasn't feeling well

They came back after half an hour

Oh, no, I thought

That's when the two of them went down the pipe a little tired, Henry had messy hair he was really, really nice

Come on, now it's time for a kiss - he said jasper joyously

Henry and I looked at each other with anxiety in our eyes

That's when chwoz came along

Hey, people, he said chwoz

Hey, you just came to see a kiss between the two of them - He said rei, seating on the sofa across from the popcorn jumper he put in the middle of the table

Awwww - I need to see that.

Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss

a better throw,....

Everyone was shouting, I saw henry/ kid danger, coming up to me

I'm getting so nervous


I've always wanted to do that, I'il be grateful to Jasper for this

Now I was closing in on her she looked upset

And i'm not guilty there was a big British man on it

Hey, Charlotte- I walked up to her and tried to calm her down.

Calm down, let's do this to be left alone

She nodded

Then it's all whole by the way, we both got close and kissed

I felt her soft soft lips

My lips were like caramel, I couldn't stop kissing her my hands went to her waist I pulled her closer to me her hands were around my neck

I'll never forget this kiss ♥️

............. 🔵🔴💙♥️

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Henry danger and you

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