《love stories》💞Fake Connection 💘


Henry and Captan Manreturn to the man cave where Charlotte is waiting for them. Henry and Ray explain that a helicopter pilot fell asleep on his controls and was driving the helicopter in circles when it ran out of gas and fell in the Jandy River. Kid Danger and Captain Man didn't do anything except take video of it going down. Henry notices that he has eleven texts from Jasper and Charlotte says she has nine. When Ray asks why, they explain that Jasper doesn't really have any other friends, so ever since they started working for Ray, they had to leave Jasper alone all the time. Charlotte feels bad for Jasper. The three of them start to eat gyros. While eating, Henry says that it isn't cool that he and Charlotte have to lie to Jasper and leave him alone when Ray needed them at work. Ray suggests that they sneak into Jasper's house and brain-wipe him so that he forgets both of them. Henry and Charlotte refuse. Henry suggests that they just tell Jasper that he's Kid Danger. Ray refuses because he is worried that Jasper would tell everyone that Henry was Kid Danger, and a bad guy would follow Henry to the Man Cave and blow it up. Charlotte decides that before they tell him, they should test him to see if he can keep a secret. Her plan entails that they make up a big secret and if Jasper can keep it for a week, they can tell Jasper Henry's Kid Danger. Ray gives his OK, but he says that the fake secret has to be that henry and Charlotte are boyfriend and girlfriend

What!! They said charlotte and henry

I can't believe you just said -- she said charlotte

Henry looked at her "What did you mean by charlotte? " Charlotte saw in his eyes that he was offended by her statement but she wouldn't say it the way he understood it


Henry shouldn't have understood it that way, I just wanted him to say that I've never looked at you that way, you're like a brother to me and now pretendy that you're my boyfriend would be weird-She said Charlotte was trying to cheer henry up and managed to get a little smile on his face

Thank you, Charlotte, and I see you as the other sister- They smiled and hugged in, It was a long hug

Rei was just watching them he thought there was going to be something between them, I'm sure they love each other and they don't want to admit it to themselves and came to each other, he thought to himself watching them hug for a whole minute

Does that mean you don't accept my suggestion? - He said rei Getting close to them

They both stopped hugging and turned to the ray

Well, rei...- It started, Henry, but Charlotte interrupted him

We'il do it - She said charlotte

What? - Henry said, looking at his best friend's confused gaze

Come on, Henry, we don't have to kiss, we just tell the jasper we're together, it's not that hard-She said charlotte was looking at ray and henry who was thinking about what to answer

"I guess you're right, Charlotte," Henry said, patting Charlotte on the shoulder and approaching ray

You'il see that jasper will keep our secret and then we can tell the jasper that I'm a kid danger

First you do it and you rejoice you haven't even started,"" he said, pointing to Henry's face

.................... 🌙..................

It was about 6:30 andHenry and Charlotte were at his house setting up a dinner table for the jasper to tell him their secret

Who's going to start? - she asked Charlotte

Start with you - they said at the same time


No no no no- he said henry

Why not? - she asked Charlotte by putting glasses on the table

this is my house my rules-Henry said

They had a bit of a fight when they heard the front door open they knew it was a jasper so they quickly turned to him

Hi, Jasper! - They both greeted their best friend in their voices

Why did you invite me to come here? - He said jasper, They both looked at each other for a moment, so Henry spoke

What makes you think there's a reason, so we're friends, don't you?.

Charlotte nodded in the voice of consent

Sit down, jasper-She said Charlotte pointed at the table with her hand, so all three of them sat down at the table

Charlotte and I have something to tell you, - Henry said nervously

What? - Said jasper

But promise me you'il never tell anyone

I promise, I give you my word of honor, I won't

Charlotte and I.....

He looked at Charlotte and then jasper again

We're boyfriend and girlfriend-Henry finished the sentence in a slightly loose voice

What!!!!!! - Jasper rose from the place with his eyes wide open and his mouth open

Yes-she said charlotte

So you're finally kissing and all that?

Yes, very often - she said charlotte closed her jaws and a little nervous voice

So Henry, you finally confessed to Charlotte your feelings for her from the age of six

You didn't just say that-- Henry was out loud

What? - asks him charlotte surprise

Henry nervously left the table and went upstairs and went to the bathroom to wash his face

What did you do, Jasper, he said everything now Charlotte knows everything, now I've ruined our friendship

He was pulled from his mind by knocking on the door

Henry, Can I come into the bathroom

-It was Charlotte, I knew what to say to her, I thought to myself and walked my hands through my hair

Charlotte walked into the bathroom with a little smile on her face

Is it true what Jasper's saying? - she asked Charlotte

Hm? - Henry pretends he didn't hear how he'd try to get away from the question asked

I know you heard me, Henry- she said charlotte coming closer to him

Henry was very nervous, he was walking backwards but she was getting closer to him

Okay, I admit I like you very much, I never told you that because I didn't want to ruin my friendship, and i'm sure you'd hate me for the rest of my life and I don't want that," he said in a nervous voice rubbing his blonde hair

Charlotte laughed and said, "I love you too."Henry didn't get a thing to say because Charlotte kissed him, it was a long kiss

After about five minutes, they both smiled down at the jasper and continued to have dinner and discussed various topics

........................ 💞.........................

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