《please notice [chris sturniolo]》016.


: i saw you're in la

: would you like to meet up or something?


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i saw you're in la

would you like

to meet up or





this is so random



im going to the beach

tomorrow with some

friends, would you like

to come with us?

i can pick u up

im going to the beach

tomorrow too!

oh :(

where are you going?

imagine we both

end up in the same place lol

santa monica


me too

wtf this is so weird


we should meet up!!

oh definitely


are u going w

ur friends too?


maybe we can all

hang out together

oh yesss

that would be so

much fun

nick is dying to meet



what about you?

what about me?

dont you want to

meet me?


most definitely



"Are you texting Sadie?" Matt asks him with a teasing smile.

"Huh? No, Camila." Chris replies absentmindedly. "We're meeting with her tomorrow."

"Camila who?" Nick questions

"Garcia." His brother blinks slowly, like he's not getting what he just said. "The singer?"

"I know who Camila Garcia is, thank you." He rolls his eyes. "Why are we meeting up with her tomorrow when you'll be with Sadie?"

"I mean, it's not like we're dating."

"Are you serious?" Matt frowns. "Like, are you for real?"


"Chris. You're telling me you've been shoving your tongue down Sadie's throat for the past week and you're not together?"

"Uh..." His cheeks burn red. "Yes, sort of. We never stablished we were together, I'm not even sure she likes me that way."



"She said she was confused." He shrugs. "I don't know, girls are confusing."

"What about you?" Nick asks concerned.

"What about me?"

"How do you feel about Sadie?" Nick clarifies.

"I told you. It's more than a crush for me. I like her." He takes a sip out of his Pepsi. "She doesn't, so that's that."

"You're assuming she doesn't like you, which is completely different." Matt shakes his head. "Talk to her."

"I did."

"Then do it again!" Matt rolls his eyes. "Maybe she's just scared."

"You met her like 10 days ago, did you expect her to instantly want to jump into a relationship with you?" Nick holds back a laugh. "Plus, it's very well known she had an abusive relationship, maybe she's scared— like Matt said."

Chris stays silent. Then he sighs. "I'll keep talking to Camila, it doesn't have to mean anything."

"Knowing you it does." Matt mumbles.


When Sadie rings the bell for the triplets manager's home, she wasn't expecting to be greeted by Matt's worried look on his face.

"We need to talk."

"Huh? Why?" She raises an eyebrow as Matt drags her back to her car. "What's happening?"

"Camila Garcia is flirting with Chris." He bites his nails. Sadie figures out he's doing that out of anxiety (for talking about Chris behind his back).

She slowly frowns, not able to control her facial expression. "Is this your way of getting back at me for calling you lover boy? Because if it is, it's not funny at all."

"I'm being serious." He looks uncomfortable at the door, then back at Sadie. "I know you told him you don't know what you're feeling, but is it confusing enough to let him go out with her?"


"No." She answers quickly. "I mean, i don't know! The whole point about being confused is not knowing what the fuck is happening!" She grabs his hand to stop him for chewing further on his nails. "Is he going out with her?"

"They're meeting today, Camila messaged him yesterday and they've been talking literally non-stop."

"Oh." Suddenly, she doesn't feel as frantic as before, instead, her shoulders slump a little bit and she leans on her car, letting go of the brunette's hand. "Good for him, then." Sadie bites the inside of her cheeks. "He shouldn't wait around for me to make up my mind."

"But..." He rand a hand through his hair and then sighs in defeat. He walks beside her and leans on the car too. "Why can't you just tell Chris that you like him?"

"Because I can't tell if what I feel for him is real or if it's just my inability for independence wanting to be with someone." She looks at the sky. "If I hadn't kissed him on that stupid party we could all be simply friends and-"

"Can you honestly tell me, that you could have met Chris under normal-friendly-platonic circumstances and be just friends?" He scoffs.


"Let's fucking go!" Chris yells from the door, hurrying his brother and Madi.

"Don't fucking yell!" Nick screams.

"Stop yelling!" Madi walks out with a tote bag on her shoulder and a pretty smile. She spots Sadie's and Matt's serious expression and frowns a little bit. "Is everything okay?" She asks, stopping in front of them.

Nick and Chris walk towards them, weirded out by how serious the pair outside look.

Matt glances at Sadie. "Yes." They answer at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Nick questions, squinting his eyes.

"Yup." Sadie then walks towards the trunk and opens it, avoiding everyone's eyes on her. "Put your stuff here."

"Sadie." Chris calls her, but she simply smiles at him and doesn't try to greet him.

"Matt hop in the front with me, will you?" The blonde girl says as she opens her door.

"Can't get enough of me?" Matt smirks, his playful tone surprising everyone. He gets in, despite Chris' annoyed look.

"Sure thing, lover boy."

"Can you not?" He groans. "It physically pains me."

"Aw. Why is that, lover boy? Does a pretty girl calling you names make you nervous?" Nick teases as he puts on his seatbelt with a devilish smile.

"Shut up." He blushes. "I don't mind pretty girls calling me names, it's just-"

"Oh, so you think I'm pretty then?" Sadie bats her eyelashes at him with a smile.

Chris stomach turns at the sight of the girl blatantly flirting with his triplet brother.

"Can you just drive already?" He shakes his head. "Jesus." He mumbles.

Chris watches as she nudges Matt softly and passes him her phone so he can play anything he wants.

His own device, lights up with a DM from Camila, making him instantly smile. He types back a response, unaware of Sadie watching him through the mirror.

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