In Serial

Stella's Feathers

8 130 40
Author: Type:Male

A beautiful soul was born on Earth

The Goddess of Fortune decided to bless this soul to a life of fortune

But the Goddess of Beauty became jealous and turned fortune to misfortune

And so is the life of this soul lives, until at 16 where she dies to save a kind child from her cursed misfortune

Watch her grow as she learns to deal with her new surroundings, new friends, and the authors best attempt at a heartwarming story


nice to meet you, please call me Star, this is my first novel and I will no doubt make lots of mistakes so please feel free to comment on anything you feel like might help the story. while constructive criticism is helpful I will just ignore trolls or laugh at them so feel free to do the same. I am terrible at spelling and I'm not doing this for profit but as a way to relax so no paid editors. I will warn you that if this book gets impossible for me to write I might just end it, but I will write an end even if it's ended abruptly I hope it won't get that bad though. well hopefully that won't happen, by the way, the ending will be the same it's just the difference of whether or not there are loose ends.

this is mainly an adventure/fantasy, the romance will likely be cringe-worthy with just how slow it will be, either I won't know how to advance or won't want to due to the circumstances I make, on purpose or accidentally. if you have suggestions for story progression feel free to help, I will, of course, give you props if I use them.

Have Fun


on hiatus for very personal reasons and will get back when i can.


so, im rewriting the story. after i rewrite the existing chapters i will replace the existing ones. to those who have enjoyed the story so far thank you for giving me your time and i hope you find the new version even better. it will take time to rewrite the existing chapters but i hope to see you again soon. the story will change quite a bit so im sorry to those who wanted to see what happened next in the original. i hope to see you soon!

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