《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 15


Y/n's Point Of View.

"Of course, you took me to your house." I boringly said as I rolled my eyes once I got out of his car. "You seriously kidnapped me and now your father is probably tripping balls because you took me."

"He's old anyway, he's going to die soon."

I was shock, it looks like he was not even joking. He entered his house, opening the door for me. I don't even know what to respond to that.

"I'm not going in, I want you to take me back home already. I don't like this, this is wrong!"

"Now you think this is wrong? After all the things that we've done together?" He sarcastically raised his brows at me.

"Like what your mother said, you have a girlfriend so you're basically cheating on her with me!" I don't know why I suddenly yelled at him, because the fact that he still used me still makes me furious.

"And you have a fiancé, we both cheated on our partners so don't come clean." He has a point, but why is he acting like this? I should be the one who's angry here.

"Why didn't you tell me she exist? And why did you used me to take revenge on your father?" My questions are finally coming out without me controlling them. I wanna know why he did this.

But instead, he grabbed my cheeks. "We both used each other for excitement Y/n. I don't have to tell you every single thing that happened to my life."

I slapped his hands away, "That's right, because you're heartless.. imagine what those girls felt when they found out that you also used them. You're a fucking asshole."

"Didn't you enjoyed the chase? Don't act like all sorrow here when you started this.. I have no intention to deal with you back then. But you're the one who came for me, who's drooling over me." He said these words bit by bit to make me realize everything that I caused.


"That's not my fucking point! My point is why didn't you tell me that you have that bitch in your life-"

My words were cut off when I suddenly felt a sting on my cheeks. And then, I just realized that his just raised his hands on me.. I was shock, no man has ever raised their hands on me.

"Don't you dare call her that! She's not a bitch like you. Heather is for marriage, and you're only for bed so know your place!" He yelled.

I felt how my eyesight gets blurry due to my tears. I was in pain when he said that to me.. when he made me feel like a woman who people use as a bedwarmer.

"Then why did you take me here in the first place? What? To play with me again? To use me as your fucking toy again?!" I couldn't control my tears anymore. "I am not for bed only! I am for fucking marriage as well, you're just blinded by your stupid mindset that you share with your bitch mother that's why you're seeing me as a whore, slut, hoe name it all! You have no rights to judge me like this just because of how I dress and what happened to me in the past, is it because I just want to live a comfortable life I'm already considered as a whore?!"

He was quiet as I let all my words out. "You grew up with everything being served by you, I grew up with nothing! I want a better future for myself and even for my future kids, I have dreams too and you don't have the rights to make me feel like this because you're just someone I used for my desires as well! Someone I just fucked once, and someone who I'm going to address as my step son in the future!"


"You're the worser person here, Ran. You deserve to burn in hell with all of these games that you played with your father's ex-girlfriends and fiancé. You deserve nothing but pain, nothing but sorrow.. you're a monster, and I fucking hate you!" I felt a little better after talking crap about him, I feel much better when I release my anger towards him.

"You need some water, let's go in." he said in an irritated voice while frowning.

"Are you mentally ill? I said take me back home. I am not entering your house." I refuse, because he was mad at me seconds ago.. now he's acting all caring and shit.

"I said, you need some water. Get inside." His voice was demanding, it seems like he has power over me that made me obey him.

I fucking hate how I let him have the power over me.. he's Ran Haitani for a reason.

"Drink." He handed me a glass of water, and I obeyed him. "Look at your lips, you're dehydrated. Drink more."

Trust me, it's embarrassing to say this but I was crying while drinking every water he gives me. I feel like a little child, obeying him against my will.

"I'm planning to go get you some clothes and shit. But I'm not taking you with me, because you'll just escape so I'm locking you inside this house." He has his hands inside his pockets as he was leaning on the counter while I drank my last glass of water.

"I have decided.." I spoke, making him frown as he tilted his head while looking at me.

"What is?"

"I will break up with your dad, and I will run away with Koko." I was actually discussing this to my friends earlier, they agree but what if Koko doesn't wanna take me.

Ran chuckled, "Do you need some help with that?" He's basically being sarcastic into thinking that I couldn't do that or he wouldn't let me do that.

"Fuck you." I harshly put the glass down, causing a noise.

"Now?" He grinned. I swear to God he's literally mad earlier, he even slapped me.

I didn't respond to him as I turn my back on him. This bitch is not going to make me fall for his tricks again, he knows his way around this.. and it's actually fucking scary.

But seconds later, I felt him snaking his arms around my waist as he put his chin on my shoulder. Hugging me from behind.

"R-ran! Get off me." I tried to shrug him away but he refused.

"I'm sorry for what I did, love.. I didn't mean any of that." I was stunned when I heard that from him, he's all soft and gentle now. Unlike earlier.

"I'm not stupid to not know that this is your tactics. You probably have done this to the other girls-"

"I enjoyed being with you as much as I enjoyed being with them. You're a funny girl, Y/n. And I like that about you." He buried his face on my shoulder as he hugged me tighter.

Is he on drugs and thinks that I'm Heather?

"Ran, enough.. let me go." I whispered, no.. I actually want to feel his warm embrace more.. but I couldn't help not to think that he's only playing.. because Heather exist.

"Let's stay like this for a while.. please."

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