《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 16


Y/n's Point Of View.

Seeing Ran's car driving away from the house while I stand here looking like a prisoner made me regret some of my life decisions.

I was not stupid not to try ways how to get out of here. But Ran made sure that I have no way out, he literally kept me locked here while he probably goes to his other woman after shopping for my clothes.

Heather probably dress innocently that's why he slapped me when I called her a bitch. But he has to know that I didn't mean that, I was just furious when he called me like a bedwarmer.

I didn't know what else to do but to flop myself on the couch. Watching this boring ass show that's currently airing. I hated how I'm stuck here, I don't even have a phone with me so how am I supposed to ring Mr. Haitani?

I want to go back to him, that's something I wouldn't normally say.. but Ran is scary, he can get aggressive to me as if he's not talking to a woman. I was still hurt to the fact that he slapped me.

He apologized, but I didn't accept it.. I was just silent while he embraced me.

But I hated myself more knowing that I will forgive him easily when he didn't hurt me physically. I hate myself for being too weak when it comes to that man. I was weak even when he first met.. now I got weaker.

Anyway, my trains of thoughts were cut off when I suddenly heard a loud multiple gun shots. Making me stand on my feet as I covered my mouth. It was coming from the door, it seems like someone is trying to get in.

"What to do.." I was panicking as I crouch down to hide on the sofa, which is stupid.

But after some few shots, it stopped. And yes, hearing the front door open sends shiver to my spine. What if this is heather and she found out that her boyfriend is with me and she's trying to kill me?


What if she's with Ran's bitch mother?

I was stupid enough to peek when I heard the door creek open. Tell me, boy my jaw dropped when I saw this person casually entering the house while holding a pink paper bag.

What's his name again?

Right.. "Kokonoi?" I finally revealed myself as he was also surprised when he saw me.

"Ran and Rindou's stepmom."

Argh, I have a name idiot.

"What are you doing here? And are you the same person who's causing the gun shots earlier?" I know it was him but.. I don't know, conversation?

"No, what are YOU doing here?" he was teasing as he walked towards me to put the paper bag on the couch.

"Anyway, you don't have to answer that. I came here to send this to Ran.. But he didn't left me any keys so I broke the door." he sat down on the couch as he crossed his legs.

"What is that?" it was pink, so I was curious.

"His baton, he left it the other day and told me to bring it here."

So Kokonoi knows this place? As much as I remember, even Rindou doesn't know this place exist.

"So why was it pink?"

"It's cute, also it's perfect for princess Ran." He chuckled.

I sighed, now that Koko thankfully open the door for me. I can get the hell out of here now.

"Can you drive me back home, your friend kidnapped me after using me.. So I wanna go back to my sugar daddy now." I did sounded rude by saying that, but he's my only option.

"The oldest Haitani might kill me, but first you have to tell me how you got yourself in this mess, darling." He was smirking.

I didn't have any choice but to tell him everything. Like, literally everything. I know Kokonoi isn't the type of dude to snitch on me. So I told him everything.


"Okay fair enough. How about this.." he began as he fixed his sit facing me. "You make him fall for you for real. But then just leave him.. So he can have the taste of his own medicine."

I was shock to hear that coming from him. Aren't they friends?

"That's a good idea though." Not even going to lie it is..

"And after you're finished with your litte revenge, you can come with me." He winked.

Now that part was the most unexpected one. He didn't let me respond but instead he motioned me to follow him since he's driving me home now.

So he really has his eyes on me. Now I don't have to worry about my future with the Haitani when Kokonoi gave me a better option, which is himself.

I am not that picky to declined him. So while we're on our way back to the mansion, all he did was asked me about myself. And getting to know each other.. He also gave me some suggestions and warnings.

And I remebered all of that. He drop me off in front of the gate. So I thanked him before I got out of his car to enter the mansion.

I quickly searched for Mr. Haitani, and he was not hard to find since he's always in his office.

"Y/n!" he was happy to see me as he greets me as soon as I entered his office.

"I'm sorry for acting out yesterday.. I just need some time away from that drama.. You know I hate dramas." let the manipulator in.

"It's fine, it is not your fault. Now tell me, did Ran took you?"

I shook my head, "No, I was with Raven's and don't worry.. Me and your oldest doesn't have anything special for each other.. He did tried to hit on me.. But I refused because I am marrying you already. I was deeply offended by your ex-wife's words.. So I don't wanna see her face ever again."

"She will not step inside this house if that's what you want... Same goes for Ran-"

"No!" I cut him off, "Ran doesn't have anything to do with this.. He was trying to take me away because of your ex-wife. He become a nice friend to me, so don't kick him out.. We may not have any love connection between us, but he's a nice friend."

I can't let him kick Ran, if that happened.. My plan of revenge will be ruined. He needs to be here.

"Anything for you." he said, tucking my hair behind my ear as he kissed my cheeks.

"Now, change your maids. It seems like they're all working for your ex-wife."


I was sitting on the garden alone, drinking tea when I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

And when I turn around, it was Ran.. Having a messy hair look while sweats all over his face and he was panting.

"What the fuck, Y/n?! You fucking left?" He furiously yelled at me.

He looks hot, "Yeah, and?"

"Didn't I told you to stay? You even used Kokonoi to escape from me." he's really mad I'm telling you.

"Correction, he broke in to your house because you didn't left him any keys.. It's your fault for inviting a guest while you have a hostage inside your house." I giggled, completey pissing him off.

He walked towards me, as he grabbed my arms for me to stand up and look at him directly in his eyes.

"You are going back with me. Right now." He glared at me.

But I chuckled and said, "You are grounded."

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