《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 14


Y/n's Point Of View.

"Are your ears not working? I said let her go." This time, Mr. Haitani stood up from his chair as he was glaring at Ran.

I felt so awkward being in between of them. Ran has caused more drama. I don't know why he has to do this, now this rumor or issue will grow bigger. Especially the maids and his bitch mom is here.

"You let her go." Ran stated, staring back at his father.

"You don't tell me what to do, she's my fiancé.. she's mine." Mr. Haitani became more aggressive as he pulled me to his side. Ran's hands was remove from mine as Mr. Haitani kept me behind him.

The tension was getting more intense, I was scared as well.. but I don't have plans coming with Ran.

"Stop it, both of you!" Rindou yelled, but they didn't listen.

Ran didn't respond to his father, as he poke his inner cheeks using his tongue. Brushing his hair back as I was shock when he slightly pushed his father away to get a grip of me.

But before he could do that, Mr. Haitani grabbed his collar. I could feel how furious he was just by the way he grabbed Ran's collar.

"Stop it, please." I tried to hold him back, but he didn't let go of Ran.

"You have no rights to suddenly take my woman away from me. Know your position, Ran Haitani." He said this in a scary tone that I've never heard before. I was worried for Ran, but at the same time it's his fault for doing that stupid move.

Luckily, Rindou came to stop them. Mr. Haitani let go of his collar as Rindou stood in the middle of them.

"Are you seriously going to fight over a woman?" He was disappointed, meanwhile the bitch mom was just quietly watching.

"Stay out of this, I've had enough of him! You keep on doing this to me just because I divorced your insane mother!" Mr. Haitani yelled at Ran, pointing at Ran's bitch mom.

I was confused, what does he mean by that.


I saw Ran's expression was still sharp as he looked at his father. "Well if you're just contented with one woman I wouldn't hate you this much!" Ran yelled back.

"Oh for fuck sake! Is that what your mother told you? I cheated on her that's why we ended up in divorce? That's fucking ridiculous!"

"Stop it already, this is not going to end well if you continue this!" Rindou was still trying to stop the fight. But it seems like it's not going to stop until everything is revealed right in this moment.

"Me divorcing your mother doesn't give you the rights to fuck every woman I decide to spend the rest of my life with!" With what Mr. Haitani said, I was shock.. no.. I realize his point.

"So they'd leave me because of you, then you'll fucking leave them too because you're only flirting with them to take revenge on me!"

Hearing that, feels like multiple knives started to stab me all at once. Ran used me to get revenge on his dad, and he does this to every single ladies Mr. Haitani brings home.

That's Ran's technique.. and I totally fell for it.

That's probably why the maids got easily suspicious when they saw us together.. because history repeats itself. He wants me to leave his father for him, and when I finally did.. he will leave me as well.

I like playing with fire, but I didn't expect to be burned this bad.

I couldn't handle the truth anymore, the fact that I let myself fall for this mess made me just wanna run away from this family, run away from this asshole who sees me as an object that he can play around for the sake of revenge.

I was disappointed enough to run out of the room, I did heard Mr. Haitani and Rindou's voice calling for me. But I chose to ignore them. Yes, I ran away from the house.. without anything in hand. I need some time alone for now.

I guess everyone's impression of me was right. Because that's how Ran treated me, I'm just for excitement, someone he can easily fuck for the sake of revenge. That's how low he made me feel about myself.


Now, Im starting to hate that I decided to use him for excitement as well.. now look who's crying.


"He was giving you mixed signals, and he's good with it. Most of the girls would fall for that trick." Raven said, rubbing my back as I look like shit right now.

"See? This is why you should always listen to me. I've warned you from the start." Morgan sighed, "But we're always here for you, Y/n."

I don't really know why I'm so broken right now, he's not even my boyfriend. I guess it's just that, I've dated so many guys that I don't really like.. but when it comes to Ran. I guess I must've liked him even if I just recently met him.

"Ran is a jerk, I'm sure your sugar daddy will forgive you. He knows his son's evil work, he could've warned you from the start though." Raven added, as she was shaking her head.

"I don't even feel like being a sugar baby anymore. It's tiring, his ex wife is insane." I whined, making them giggle.

"I could recommend you some place for you to work." Morgan said.

Argh, do I really need to start working? I won't be able to afford more expensive stuff since I need to work on budgeting.

"I'll think about it-"


We all flinched when I suddenly heard someone yelling my name. I was too lazy to look at it, but meh I decided to.

But before I could even react, Raven already got out of her chair and suddenly slapped Ran on his cheeks. Making me and Morgan gasped as I wasn't expecting that to happen.

"R-raven! What are you doing!" Morgan came to pull her back, but Raven wasn't having it.

"You're an asshole, a jerk, and the son of the biggest bitch in the whole world, also a fuck boy who knows nothing but to pull down his pants and fuck every woman his father brings home! What a huge fucker!" Raven was not filtering her words as Ran was just accepting them.

How did he even found me?

"Raven, that's enough just ignore him." Morgan was trying to call her down. But she's not done yet.

"Ignore this fuck boy right here? Why would I do that? the whole world needs to hear how much of a whore he really is.. calling my best friend a slut but turns out he's the one who's been slutting around all this time!"

"Raven, enough." I stood up to stop her, I'm tired of these yelling and arguing.

"Maybe you should talk somewhere." Morgan suggested, bro I was shock since she's the one who keeps telling me to leave him alone.

"Y/n, we need to talk." Ran desperately held my hands together as he looks at me.

"We have nothing to talk to."

"Let's get in my car so we have more privacy, okay?"

"I said, we have nothing to talk to."

"Just hear me out, after that.. I'll leave you alone, I promised." He begged once again, "Do you want me to kneel down here for you to come with me?"

"You know what? Fuck it, you're just going to embarrass me so let's go." I'm so done with him, I'll just forgive him this time so he'll leave me alone.

So we both entered his car, I was tired since I haven't had good sleep yet. But boy I was shock when he suddenly fasten his seatbelts and starting running the car.

I panicked seeing the car moving, I also saw my friends getting out of the cafe.. and Raven pulling out her phone to call someone, but since the road was empty.. Ran got away easily and fast.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Stop the fucking car, Ran! Let me go!" I screamed at him, but he seems unbothered as he casually just drove.

"Are you deaf? I said let me go you fucking asshole!"

The insane man grinned, "I don't know, Y/n. I'm fucking crazy over you that I just can't let you go."

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