《My Best Mistake》I'm ready


Dedicated to all of you amazing readers.

'Love you' that's what he said. I know I heard him say that. With all the years I've known Theo he's never said 'love you' to me. I mean what does he mean by that. Is it a friendly love you like you say to friends and and family or the type of love you that has a way deeper meaning.

You see this Is what I'm talking about, why do men have to be so difficult.

I'm over thinking things. It could be nothing. Yeah nothing, God I hope it was nothing.

Okay it's eleven thirty and he's gonna be here at one.

"Tyler" I call an soon all I hear is the energetic stomping of his little feet.

"Yes mommy"

"Uncle theo is gonna come over for lunch do I need you to pick up all your toys and put them in your toy bin ok"

"Ok is uncle Theo gonna play games with me"

He really loves Theo. Every time I mention him Tyler just lights up. I remembered once when Tyler was one he called Theo dada. Theo thought it was cute but I had to drill the name "uncle theo" in his head.

"If you pick up all your toys and ask I'm sure he'll play with you.

With that he dashes to the living room too pick up his toys.

I head to the kitchen to start lunch.


'Ok' I say to my self as I finish lunch. I had 20 minutes to spare.

Made Tyler macaroni and cheese with cut up sausages. I made Theo and I tomato soup with club sandwiches. I did pretty good. All I have to do now is wait.

Soon I hear y he door bell rin g and I start to have anxiety.

"Calm down" I tell myself. It's not like this is our first lunch.

I walked to the door and open it. Oh God he looked so handsome.


"Hey" he said with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey come in" I closed the door and called tyler. He came running and when he saw Theo he ran up and jumped in his arms.

"Hey little man"

" hi uncle theo" he said giggling

I watched the two converse and I couldn't help but smile. Theo will make such a good father.

We all sat down to eat but Tyler Stole the conversation, he couldn't stop talking to theo telling him about his day and everything. Theo listened with such intent and answered every question Tyler asked.

They all but forgot about little ol me. But I didn't mind I was enjoying watching them it made me feel like we were a family and starting to like it.


After lunch we all played a little but I had to put Tyler down for his nap. Of course he started to get fussy but I don't know what theo told him but he just laughed and dashes upstairs.

Of Course being the mother i am and knowing my son i had to check If he was really in bed. To my surprise he was.

I came down to see theo sitting on the couch. " what did you say to him, he's actually in bed. Usually takes me half an hour and promises of ice cream to get him to take his nap".

"Nope not telling, a magician never reveals his secrets" he Says waving his hands.

I scoff " oh what ever"

" so we should talk" he says

"Just getting right to business huh"

"Well I'm sure everyone wants to know"

"Who's everyone"

"Don't worry about that" he says with a smirk

" ok first off when we kissed I was surprised but I didn't not like it"

"Really, I couldn't tell with the way you were holding on the me".

"Your real cocky aren't you. But seriously I did like it and it also left me with a lot of conflicting feeling"


"Well you already know how I feel"

I look at him side ways" no, you just attacked me with your mouth"

He leans in closer " I'm pretty sure you heard 'love you' at one point from me".

" you meant that as in your in love with me"


"How do you know. This can just be some crush" I was in such disbelief.

"You wanna know how I know I love you. As cliche as it sounds I knew I loved you from the moment I saw you. Remember the first time we met. that day you are at the supermarket in the baby section and your hair was a mess, you had stains all over your shirt ,you were still in your pajama bottoms, you had two different shoes on and you looked like you haven't slept in days but you had a smile on your face. the moment you picked up that baby food you had a smile and I thought you looked so beautiful.

so I 'accidentally' bumped you with my cart.

I started to make conversation with you and as time went on we kept 'accidently' bumping into each other at the supermarket, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to ask if you are married because you were too amazing not to be but when I found out you were divorced and why I thought 'what an idiot' , that I would never do something like that to you and I only knew you for a short time. you had me feeling ways that I never even felt before with anyone else.

The first time I met Tyler he was such an adorable baby and seeing you with him I feel like I had a family. I didn't want to tell you my feelings because I knew that you were still hurting and the last thing you needed was another guy in your life when you already have a little one that you needed to take care of. so for years I was just the best friend and Tylers godfather.

Everytime I see you I think you are such a beautiful kind hearted smart curious helpful nurturing and all around good person and a wonderful mother, that the best part of my day is when I get to talk to you on the phone or see you and Tyler so that's how I know that its not a crush because if it is I've had a crush for---

3 years 2 months 1 week 4 days 7 hours ". He says as he looks at his watch.

"You do know that that's a little creepy right" she said snickering

" Yeah I know I have great memory and math is my favorite subject"

We both started laughing

I remember the day i first Met theo. tyler was with my parents. I had to go buy food and I I didn't even care how I looked I just knew my baby needed food.

At this point I'm crying so hysterically, I never knew he felt this way and to hear him say all these things about me and Tyler just made him that much more of the already amazing guy he is. I keep thinking to myself what the hell am I doing worrying about someone else who hurt me when I already have someone so great sitting right next to me. Who loves me.

I may not know if I love him but I know I'm willing to try to find out.

"Yes" I say you theo.

"Yes?" He has a smile so big.

" yes" I say smiling and hugging theo.

He gives me tight hug and kisses me. I felt all his emotions on the one kiss.

" your finally mine, after all these years you're finally mine" I laughed when he says that.

I ready, ready to open my self up back to someone.

I'm glad that someone is theo.

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