《Close friends》Bad day


In all honesty I was dreading on going back to where I first got into a street fight which was the time I was officially disowned by my parents and might I say I hope they both rot in hell for the way things went.

I stopped my car right in front of the shot up house and I got out to look around for anything to make this day not as bad as it already is.

Let me tell you how my fucking day went...


I woke up this morning like a ball of energy but puked my brains out in the new house. I fucking hate throwing up because the after taste is worse than actually throwing up. Then I got a call form Donnie informing me that Ronnies in the hospital and I needed to head back ASAP.

I groan but do as said so I left the house while Pimp was asleep and flew back to LA just to get handcuffed by 12 because they wanted to ask me questions about how Ronnie was in his condition. "Ion know nothing about all that slime so can I go now"I said and they looked at me hard and I glared at them.

If theirs one thing in this world that I hate more than Tommy's dead ass it's probably 12.

I just hated law enforcement in general because they don't get shit done. Not saying it's easy because don't get me wrong I love all the lawyers that aren't crocket and the other cops that do what's right but other than them the rest can suck my imaginary dick.

"Ok miss Ranes your free to go"One of them says and I hop up leaving the room and going outside to find it raining hard as fuck.

I was running through that shit while texting Donnie to tell me which hospital they at. And bitch it gets worse because somebody's high ass had their community Rottweilers out so they was chasing my ass down all the way towards the hospital and my Usain Bolt activated because I don't fucking like dogs after one bit a clean bite on my left arm when I was 3.


When I finally made it to the hospital the lady told me they moved Ronnie over to a new one because he needed "special treatment" like the fuck was that even supposed to mean. He's an ordinary drug lord bitch and the only thing special about him is his uncountable baby mommas.

I had to run again and them demons was waiting for me outside so you know I had to juke them motha fuckas.

But, finally after running for a long ass time I made it to the right hospital this time and I got to see Ronnie. When I walked in a plant flew for my head and I dodged that hoe to see him and Tray ,who is at this specific hospital, fighting.

I was mad...no...more than mad bitch I was heated.

I grabbed a chair and started beating Tray until he was unconscious then I got on the ground put my arms around his neck and snapped it and to make sure he was dead I through his ass out the window and watched a car run over him. When one of the doctors saw I gave them a lot of fucking money just to delete everything and act like nothing happened.

Good thing I've been here multiple times or they would've said hell no and reported me.

"Damn Sean what's got your panties in a twist?"Ronnie asks "Not a fucking word"I said through gritted teeth and he shut the fuck up.

"Where's Donnie at?"I asked while looking around "He's at the trap. Why?"Ronnie asks and I started crying bro because my legs hurt from all that running and I'm hungry.

"Ok"I said through sniffles as I slowly walked out the hospital and started walking towards the trap house.

When I got there I see Donnie gambling. "Aye Donnie!!"I yelled and he shot up "Sean?"he asked "what are you doing here so early?"Donnie asks "because you told me to come"I said back "but I thought you would at least wait a week to come back?!"Donnie says as he looks around "wait don't tell me you left without Kris"Donnie says with a scared look.


"Yeah why? I've done it before"I said "he knew where you were before but your away like in La and he's in Miami, Florida kind of away"Donnie groans "he's going to kill me"Donnie starts and after he said that my phone started ringing.

I picked it up "Speak"I said while looking at Donnie "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AT?!"Pimp yells into the phone "Um...LA with your cousin"I said with a grinch smile at Donnie.

I know I'm petty but let's be real I ran for 3 hours straight and got chased by dogs you got me all the way fucked up.

"Oh really? Put my cousin on the phone"Pimp said and I handed it to Donnie with a smile "it's for you"I said and Donnie carefully put the phone to his ear and glared at me "Hello"his voice cracked and judging by his facial expressions, what was said is not something I wanted to hear.

Then Donnie hands me back the phone and then Pimp started dogging my ass. "What the fuck I do!"i snapped "YOU LEFT THE HOUSE WITHOUT ME KNOWING YOUR WHEREABOUTS!!!"Pimp shouts.

"Man... mmcht"I smacked my lips "Look Sean just be back by the end of the night ok?! I'll call in somebody to get somebody to fly you back over here ok"Pimp said "But-"No buts uh uh you are in so much trouble when you get back"Pimp says as he hung up and Donnie has a evil grin on his face "Kris? Kris!"I said as I got no reply.

*Present time*

And now I'm mad because the mood swings from this baby and that car outside, yeah that's Donnie's I stole that shit while he went gambling.

I got a phone call from one of Pimps goons saying it's time to go and I walk out and drive back to the airport.

I handed Pimps goon Donnie's keys and I told him "Make sure you crash this hoe so bad that it's not even ridable anymore"I say with a evil smile and he nods as I get on the plane for this flight back to Miami.

'Man what a waste of time' I thought to myself as I walked through the front door of the new house while Pimp was watching a movie. I tried to sneak back up stairs and today the stairs decided they were going to creak and he turns his head "get yo ass back down here"Pimp says and I groan but walked back down.

Today was just not my day...

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