《Close friends》Look who's talking


Reggie POV

I walked to my new school you know to get a head start on what I'm missing since I haven't been going to school ever since my dad was in jail but since he out he forcing me to go and honestly I'm glad I am because I'm pretty sure him and Sean are having angry sex and I'm not finna hear how the future addition to the family was made.

I entered the doors of the school and people looking at me funny and I'm glaring at each face that I see as I get to the front office.

"Excuse me-"Yeah girl these kids are trifling"the lady says while putting a finger up to tell me to hush. "Girl what"the women on the other side of the phone says "You know I let coach Kenon blast his seed right in my punani but after he acting we just coworkers"the lady says and I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"Where was this friend"the women asks on the other side "Bitch in the janitors closet and that was the best duck ever honey"the lady says "Ok ok can you help-"I'm on the phone child wait!"she snaps at me. "Bitch! If you don't stop that shit and help me right fucking now before I come across this counter!!"I spat back and she looked at me not amused.

"A lot of y'all say that but you ain't gon touch me because guess what"she says with sass in her voice "What?!"me and her friend on the phone asks "All of y'all are scary okur so stay right there and close up mouth saweetie"she tells me "PERIODT!!"her friend yells on the other side.

They was laughing until I came across that counter and tackled her refrigerator built ass.

It took 9 students and 1 coach to get me off her ass and she looked at me like she was gon kill me. "That's it I'm clocking for lunch Kenon you handle this new brat! He just fucked up my lace!"she yelled while grabbing her shit "I fixed it! It was dusty and you could see the glee markings on it bitch!!"I yelled as she walked out the door and I was still getting held back.


See this why I don't go to school now! This rude ass adults they got up in here😤

"You come with me"The coach says as he drags me by my arm and I snatch my shit back after we made it into the office "Nigga damn! Chill!! My skin sensitive!"I yelled at him but he looked unfazed. "Name?"he asks "Reggie Brandon Johnson"I answered with a eye roll. "Age?"he asked "15 G now where my schedule at so I can bounce out this joint"I said just thinking about that weed I have hidden under my bed.

"Ha! You funny but um your right here"he hands me my schedule with a smile.

Fuck ass pretty boy😑

I was walking out until he said "I'm coach Kenon by the way and it looks like I'm your homeroom"he says "Looks like? Nigga you teach history for 1st period?!"I asked and he chuckled like the bitch he is "yeah because history is a exciting subject don't you think?"he asks.

"I don't like any subjects so I'm out chere fool"I said while beginning walking again and he grabbed my arm again and I glared at him "Nigga what's with you and this touchy touchy feely stuff! I know I'm sexy but I don't swing that way"I joked and he took that shit to heart.

"I mean I ain't even tryna go their with no 15 year old since I'm dead ass 20 and I'm a athletics coach but shit if you Dow-"This nigga tripping"I cut him off and I thought I said that shit in my head.

"Imma bounce"I said as I see this tall dark skin nigga "AYE TOBI WHATS GOOD NIGGA!!"I yelled at him and he snapped his head and he ran towards me and we did our lil hang shake or whatever and he escorted me away from coach Kenon. "Don't fuck with him that nigga bout crazier than a bitch"Tobi says "I don't fuck with dudes!"I said offended "that's what they say before they start messing with him"Tobi says while sighing and I smack his head.


"Shut yo dumbass up!"I snapped and he laughed at me " I'm just playing with chu B but are you ready to sell this shit"Tobi asks while handing me the grams and I took my half and we made it back and started selling to all the kids that requested it and I don't know how but I felt like something bad was going to happen but y'know Imma be slick with it.

Fast forward...

"So do you know why your here?"my dad asks me as I see the cops and Tobi standing around the couch as Sean holding back a smirk.

"I gotta go to the restroom-"Nah nigga come back!"My dad says. And I have to admit that was the worst 3 hours of my life on gang.

Sean's POV

Sad to see this nigga get caught selling but at the same time he had it coming. His lil friend was singing while Reggie ain't say shit, see you can't be trusting these people y'all.

Now Reggie's in his room going through the bottom of his bed looking for his stash but jokes on him Pimp sold all his shit for money. "It's not their B"I laughed and you could feel his eye roll "Man Sean how come you never get caught when you do it at school but I automatically get caught?!"Reggie whines.

"Nigga don't put me on your level! Besides you lucky you just got off with a warning since your dad knows people"I said "And you shouldn't be selling in the first place Nigga you to young for that"I said and he looked at me like I was crazy before shaking his head and turning on the TV.

"he says and I rolled my eyes at this nigga smartass remark.

He always gotta have a say in a lesson even if it's true ,but still it's a valuable lesson. I think...

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