《Close friends》What kind of person is Tray?


Raymond's POV

After what happened last night I had to call the clean up crew I can't have my dead brothers house smelling like corpse.

Fun fact Tray isn't dead...he's just in a coma from all the stabbings...Yeah I lied but I didn't want anyone to finish the job and he's just starting to make progress. But again my question is what kind of person was my brother ?

I didn't really know him that well besides the fact that he took care of me and my sister who fun fact is currently missing in action. My mother is dead and my dad walked out on us. See my life is not as sunshine and lollipops and rainbows like y'all thought it was.

Right now I'm snooping around Trays room to find some answers, anything to tell me what he has done. I just want to get to know my family that's all since I'm alone now and shamar doesn't count, I sent his ass home a long time ago.

Then I found a box that was out of the ordinary so I opened it and found all kinds of shit. Like I'm talking money, pictures of enemies families, Tapes, letters, phones, and my birth certificate. Which come to think of it is an odd place to keep it so I took it out of the box to see a name who isn't my mother or father instead it was more like Cameille Johnson and Kristopher Johnson "Who the fuck?"I said

I take some more stuff out to see me as a baby and with these people in the hospital. Are these my real parents! I then see a little boy who looked about 3 years old and was snag a tooth and he kinda looked like Pim-No no it can't be!

Has my whole life been a lie? I take all the tapes and found a Cable box that had a VHS tape option. To see my supposedly real parents and my supposedly real older brother.

"Kris stop messing with your baby brother!"Cameille spats "But mommy he's so cute and new I always wanted a little brother!"The excited three year old says and the grown ups laugh while recording baby me.

(^Don't know wtf was going through my head when I made this part💀)

The camera turned around and I'm guessing my real father is with my mother "Kyrie Raymond Johnson... wow your already here little guy, but just know that no matter where you are or who you turn out to be you always got a family that loves you"he says then the tape stops and I can feel tears in my eyes as I put a new one in and kept on playing them until I seen all of them.


I was an emotional mess. I was being lied to and worse kidnapped from my real family by Tray, no wonder he didn't let me have any friends or go outside alone.

That fucking asshole lied to me! Why would someone do such a thing to a baby?

I took out all of Trays old phones and went through them to see any intel on my parents and I got weirded out as every picture in each phone was pictures of me. What made it even more strange was that theirs pictures of me in the shower and sleeping, the fuck?!

I put the phones away and the box how I had it but I stole all of those fucking tapes. Now I'm going to do the fucking impossible...I'm going to apologize for my actions wholeheartedly.

Sean's POV

We were all at Pimps house joking around and laughing until Reggie, who the joke was about, said something out of pocket to Pimp "AT LEAST MY YOUNGER BROTHER NOT DEAD!!"Straight up silence happened and Pimp got up and walked towards the kitchen while Reggie sitting there with a grinch smile because he believed that he won.

"Reggie watch your fucking mouth"Donnie spats "What y'all were going personal so I went personal don't fuck with me"Reggie says "I outta-"It's fine Donnie I'm cool"Pimp says while walking back into the room and sitting down. "Nigga were you crying for 20 seconds?"Ronnie asks "Maybe but I'm cool now, Reggie don't ever joke like that again unless you want yo ass beat"Pimp says and Reggie just nods his head.

Reckless ass 15 year old😬

We all started joking around again until the door bell ranged so I went to go see who it was. I opened the door to see Raymond and I groan while slamming the door on his face. He starts banging on it, of course he would find a way to find us.

"Sean I just want to talk!!"he yells and I don't budge "PLEASE!!"he yells then it gets quiet and then the door handle starts rattling. Shit I forgot about the key under the mat!

He opened the door and I immediately broke a expensive vase which set Pimp off and then everyone else came to instigate "AYE WHO THE FUCK BROKE MY EXPENSIVE CHINA VASE!! BITCH THAT WAS 30K!!"Pimp yells towards the front as Reggie came around to see Raymond and immediately fumed with anger and dragged him in the living room.


"Look who I found on our turf?!"Reggie says as they all give Raymond the look of death but something was off about him and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Pimp pulled out his gun and grabbed Ray by his dreads before I said the unthinkable "Give him a chance Kris"and they all looked at me weird.

Shit I felt weird! This baby was getting to me😭

"What?!"Pimp said through gritted teeth "Aye listen to yo girl"Ray chimes in and Pimp gets angry again "Ok to soon ok lemme explain"Ray says as the gun was under his chin. "Go on?"I said "Look I'm sorry about what I've done to y'all"Ray said "Partially"he mumbles really low.

"But I might know what happened to your little brother!"he says as he felt the gun getting ready to let bullets out. "Go on"Donnie says "I got tapes man now please let go of my dreads that shit is fragile it's my real hair"Raymond says and Pimp drops him. "Give me the tapes"Pimp says with a skeptical look.

20 minutes later...

"What's going on I fell asleep?"I asked as I woke up to find nobody around since I was in the bedroom but the others were by the door talking and Ray was near me but playing with his hands like a little kid. I overheard what they were talking about "We gotta kill him y'know finish him off"Donnie says "are you crazy I can't keep going to jail"Pimp says "Just because you have a child on the way doesn't mean your little brother wasn't stolen from you by a guy we thought was dead, killed out parents, and possibly sexually abused him!!"Donnie whisper yelled.

"How do we know if he's telling the truth?"Pimp asks while rubbing his temples "look I gotta friend in the lab whose good with DNA and it will only take her 4 hours to analyze it"Ronnie chimes in "alright but until further notice he stays here"Pimp says as he turns around to spot me awake.

"Sean welcome back sleepy bitch"he says "shut up"I spat back as I hoped off the bed. I look at Ray who took down his dreads after Pimp pulled his hair.

"Family meeting!!"Reggie yelled from downstairs and we all headed down except for Ray "Dad what are we gonna do these gang wars got to stop...plus I wanna move out of state I don't like it here in LA no more"Reggie argues "This is home Reggie what is their not to like"Ronnie asks "besides the fact that everyone is gunning for my head ever since my dad got out, I feel like I'm at home"Reggie sasses to Ronnie.

"And my mom would want me to be safe from all of this so please can we move"Reggie says, now keep in mind Pimp loves LA he doesn't want to leave "Ok"Pimp says and we all looked at him shocked.

"The kids right, LA just isn't hitting the same ever since I've became a big name. We need to get out of here ASAP before another gang war starts up and Sean looses our child"Pimp says. "Wow! Who knew being in jail for 3 and a half years would change your thought process cuz"Donnie says as Ronnies phone beeps.

"She sent it to me come look"Ronnie says and they crowd around him to see them groan "Pay up niggas pay up"Ronnie says as they both put 1 grand on the table and slide it towards them. "What's going on"I asked "oh we made a bet to see if or if not Ray was Pimps brother and I won Ray is in fact Pimps blood brother"Ronnie says while counting his cash.

"Now we really gotta move if Trays making progress"Pimp says "not for long though"Ronnie says "Listen Donnie, Sean, Reggie, Pimp, y'all have been there for the longest and let me show my gratitude and end this nigga and take over Pimps responsibility of being the biggest"Ronnie says "to far nigga but continue"Pimp chimes in.

"Look just let me run LA until the airs clear alright"Ronnie says "What about tray?"I asked feeling pissed that he didn't fully die.

Lucky bastard😤

"I'll handle him because Sean believe it or not but your pregnant and a huge target so y'all need to bounce I got it from here"Ronnie says "You sure?"I asked "Positive"Ronnie answers.

That right their was the actual last time I might see Ronnie because well...maybe he might survive for all I know.

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