《Close friends》Good or bad news


After we left the hospital we sent some people out looking for some loose screws aka our eyes and ears around the joint.

"Sean you heard him it gon be our ass if we don't get Reggie back"Ronnie says "I know Ronnie I was there just like you retard"I said "Woah woah hold up you don't ever use language like that are you sure this Sheila and Raymond shit ain't getting to you?"Donnie says .

See the problem with them accusing me of being on edge is the fact that I'm actually calm as fuck right now because I know I'm getting everybody back. "I'm cool nigga stop sweating me" I snapped and Donnie looked taken aback by this sudden outburst.

They look at each other and next thing you know they buying some stuff out of the pharmacy and hands it to me "Take this" Ronnie says and I look at what's inside the bag and groan "y'all think I'm fucking pregnant don't y'all?!"I said and they kept a straight face on.

"We just think I don't know it's about damn time" Donnie says "what you mean?!" I yelled "Sean Pimp has been goin in raw for years now and you never thought about how he might have never pulled out"Donnie says "first off I don't need this shit I know I'm not pregnant and we are wasting time we need to find the others" I snap at them.

"When was the last time y'all fucked again?"Ronnie asks "Yesterday why?"I said "take the test" Donnie says "fucking No"I said "take it"Ronnie says "Goddammit no"I answer "Take or I swear to the lords Sean I will-"alright fine" I cut Donnie off mid way and went back into the hospital since it was just across the street.

"Yes, um can i use your bathroom real quick" I ask "down the y'all take a left" the lady behind the desk smiles and points to where it was.

'I know I'm not pregnant their ain't no way'I thought and as soon as I looked down after waiting for the results it comes back...positive...I run out the restroom and street into a sleeping Pimps room and smack him hard as fuck.


"Damn what was that for" he says while holding his face "Fuck you"I yelled as I ran out and back to Ronnie and Donnie who looked at me. "Well?"Donnie asks "Shut the fuck up stoopid"I snap and they both laugh "damn I never thought I'd see the day where someone gets the, Sean, pregnant" Ronnie laughs.

"Whatever let's just do this plan and get it over with" I said and they stopped laughing "Your keeping it, right ?"Donnie asks "What! Why would I? Nigga I don't want to be worrying about no baby besides the state gon take my baby anyway"I said "What you mean?"Donnie says getting defensive "Oh Sean don't tell me you signed yo rights away before the lil nigga even got here"Ronnie says.

I mean I'm not lying I don't want no child because that's gon soften me up even more plus me and the baby daddy are convicted felons and if we go to jail it's only family is a man whore and a reckless 15 year old your tripping if you think imma let this innocence in this world in this situation.

"Your keeping it and that's end of discussion Sean"Donnie says as he walks off like the fucking hoe he is.

Raymond POV

"Ah fuck you bit me bitch"I Yelp in pain as this yellow nigga with a bunch of freckles bites my finger while I try and tie him up. "Aye Pablo mute this lil nigga"I yell and Breezy gets a gun and pistol whips him until he was unconscious. "Not like that nigga we needed him to talk to Sean!!"I yell in frustration "It don't even matter just send her a pic of him"Breezy says.

"You know your getting too fucking bold Breezy you need to know your place"I said and he looks me up and down "Fuck out here with all that I'm a real thug nigga talk first off who the reason you got him and everyone else?"Breezy states and I go silent "exactly my gang my way so you just sit back and enjoy the show because I feel like while you try to get your revenge on Sean I should do the same for Pimp"Breezy says while sitting the boy up straight.


"You still ain't tell me what he did to you"I said while wiping the blood off my floor "It's a long story that I'm not finna talk about right now Aight because I have a feeling we about to get a visit from Sean real soon"Breezy says while walking over to Hakeem and little red and ties they up and they struggled for the most part.

"I'm back and guess who is at the door"Sheila says in disgust "who we both say "Sean"Sheila says in utter disgust.

I hop up and run to the door so fast and open it to see Sean waiting there. "So you came to surrender huh love?"I asked and no response "I said love you came to surrender"I grab her by her shirt and she rolls her eyes and scoff "Whatever nigga! Are you gonna let me in or not!!"She spats in my face.

Hmph tuff talk for someone who is about to die by the hands of their own sibling though.

I laugh and forcibly drag her down the stairs and Hakeem,Lorenzo,little red, and Reggie all look up lazily with blood dripping down their faces. She looks at them with no emotion, strange because I was almost killed from hurting the freckled faced one🤔

Breezy and I grab her arms and Sheila comes out with the gun just as planned. "Remember sis I did this for me not you"Sheila says and still no emotion her face was just blank 😑

I wonder what's going on through her head...

Sean's POV

Shit.shit.shit.shit! I didn't think this far! Good thing I'm good at hiding my emotions or this would be way more brutal than it has to be.

I look at my sister and she looks at me like she's been wanting to do this for a long time. Just as she was about to shoot I heard a loud thud upstairs and a bunch of footsteps coming down towards the basement. The door busts open and it reveals so called 'Pimp' and a lot of rival gangs.

Raymond POV

"Nice of you to sho-"Sheila starts but Pimp shoots her in the center of the head and kills Breezy in front of me while some of the people behind him just got everyone free. Sean struggles in my grip and then she finally punched the shit out of me and I fell to the ground.

Damn can she hit hard😤

Pimp walks up to me and I couldn't even tell what was going on through his head all I know is that I see 2 people right next to him giggling "should we do what we did to Tray to him boss"one jokes.

I was about to say something until I noticed 2 large machetes in each of the boys hands as they giggled maniacally. I look back to see my older brother with a big x carved into his back and large slashes on both of his legs to the point where after he healed he was still limping.

I'm guessing they could tell how terrified I was because Sean walks over and grabs me by my dreads "Let this shit go now Raymond you think you know your brother but you really don't do leave this revenge shit alone and get out of the game while your still breathing"Sean says as she pushes my head and they all walk out of my house.

Which brings me to my next question...what kind of person was my brother if he really had so many enemies?

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