《A Villains Bright Side (IzukuxOchaco)》Ch.13 Dancing With The Devil


Deku walks the empty streets of Mustufutu. (Ever since the news report, people have been scared to go outside. They only went outside if it was necessary. The UA kids and the heroes weren't scared to go outside, instead they stayed outside and guarded for any signs of Deku.

This was a bad time for villains that weren't Deku. Since the heroes are every which way on the street and roofs of places, the villains can't go anywhere and cause trouble. Deku however, wasn't scared of the heroes and haven't been more happier to not see a villain. So while Deku was walking and making sure that a hero can't see him because the last thing he wants right now is a hero spotting him and ruining his plan, he was thinking about....Iida.

Yes, Iida.

There was for sure a reason for this, and it's not that Deku has a crush on Iida. He was thinking of Iida because Deku realized that Iidas brother was a hero. So that might be good for his plan. So of all the heroes that Deku wants to see right now, it is Ingenium. Deku has done his fair share of research on heroes, so he knows who Ingenium was and his quirk.

Deku has a clear plan of what he is going to do.


Ingenium was on patrol and walked into a ally way, because that's where most villains and drug dealers are. Deku, being in that same ally way due to PLOT, was thinking about Iida again. Deku thinks, if he kills Iidas brother, then of course Iida will go after Deku for revenge. Deku didn't get to completely think through on how he was going to kill Ingenium, for the hero himself comes walking around the corner of the ally.

'Welp, looks like I'm just going to have to fight' Deku thought, staring at the hero, waiting for him to notice Deku standing there in the middle of the ally. After like, 5 steps into the ally Ingenium finally came face to face with Deku and noticed him. "Well, well, look who we have here." Deku said, walking closer to the hero.

"D-Deku..." Ingenium said, almost completely washed with fear. He knows that he is no match for Deku, no matter how quirkless Deku is, Deku can still slaughter him. Ingenium is very aware of this fact. "W-w-what are you doing in here?" Ingenium knows that no matter what happens, he has to at least try and put a stop to what Deku is planning, and end Deku once and for all.

Deku leaned against the wall, a sly grin making its way onto Dekus face as he stares at Ingenium. "I now don't have freedom to go outside for some fresh air?" Deku says, leaning his head against the wall. Deku puts his hand that is farthest away from the hero behind his back, ready to grab his pocket knife.


Ingenium caught on to Dekus hand going behind his back. "What's behind your back" Ingenium tried to hide his fear. "Oh poor poor Ingenium, I believe today is just not your day!" Deku happily exclaimed from the wall. "What do you mean?" Ingenium asked. Sure he was unlucky to run into Deku, but Deku of course has different meaning to that statement. Deku walks up to Ingenium.

Deku goes through all the notes on Ingenium inside his head. "Well....I guess you have everything better then I do." As Deku was going through his notes in his head, he all of a sudden had Ochaco cross his mind. "You must have everything you want." Deku said, his eyes never leaving Ingenium.

It is true that ever since Ochaco left Deku, she never left his head. So now he has a lot of problems coming at him all at once. It's really shitty, that's what he thinks about life. That is his life. "Say, do you have a love life, Ingenium?" Deku randomly asked, looking down at his shoes. "That is none of your business." Ingenium lowed his guard a little. "I do" Deku said looking at the sky. "She was the most precious thing in my life, I never wanted to give her up." Just thinking about her almost brings tears to Dekus eyes.

"Then the heroes arrived to take her away. I don't want her to be tied up in my job, I want whats best for her." Deku really truly does miss her. Ingenium never would have guessed that villains have love problems. Tensie, the hero's real name, would have never guessed that villains could fall in love. In the mind of a normal person, villains have hearts of stone, a black heart that would never beat for anyone. But then you meet Deku at the wrong time, and he will show you that you are wrong. He will tell you everything.

Then kill you because you know too much.

"That's not all that is happening in my life. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore." Deku walks a full circle around Ingenium, sliding the not sharp back part across his hero costume. Tensies guard goes full on back up again, knowing that Deku is a lion and will pounce at any moment. He will fool you into thinking you're safe, then once he sees that he has your trust, he will attack. That is the law of Deku.

"I have lost everything, I can't even see my mom anymore. And my dad? I don't even know." Deku puts the tip of his knife on Tensies chest. Ingenium doesn't know why, but something is holding himself back from fighting Deku. Maybe it's fear? He doesn't know. "But you know what?" Deku looked the hero into his eyes. "I always come back to wondering where all of this began. Like, was it when I got deemed quirkless? Or was it when all might told me I could never become a hero?" Deku looked back at the knife. Tensie was shocked. He didn't know if he should or shouldn't believe Deku on what he said all might told him.


All might wouldn't have been the one to create this monster. Is he? Now that is all that hangs in Ingeniums head. Deku strikes the knife, or at least tried to, right at Ingeniums heart. But Tensie dodged right on time. Who knows how. But he did. "hehe nice dodge." Deku laughed. And that is when the fight really began. Ingenium ran up to Deku and tried to kick him, he landed the kick. Deku hit the floor, but quickly got back up. Deku ran up to Ingenium and quickly stabbed him in his shoulder. Tensie screamed in pain.

"I got bullied all my life. For 12 years or more. They always told me I will never be a hero. They were always right. I once got told that every villain is a hero in there own head. But I know very well that I am no hero." Deku said, still hanging onto the knife that is planted inside Ingeniums shoulder. Deku is currently standing infront of a kneeling Tensie, who has a face full of pain, and trying to grab the knife and take it out of his shoulder.

Once Deku finally pulled the knife out of Ingeniums shoulder, the hero stood once again and continued fighting. Tensie kicked, Deku dodged, Deku hit, Tensie got hit but still stood. The fight went on and on. Deku talking about his life, Ingenium rarely asking questions. Deku had a lot to say, he did need a therapist, but what therapist wants to therapy a villain. "And for ALL THAT TIME, I BELIEVED THAT MY QUIRKLESS ASS CAN BECOME A HERO!!!! and in the end, here I am." Deku yelled as he now stands in front of a bloody Tensie, sitting against a wall.

"Honestly, I have to thank you for listening to my story." Deku said kneeling down to be face to face with the hero. "One more question" Tensie looked Deku in the eye. "Fire away." Deku said. "Your love. Do you ever plan on seeing her again?" Tensie asked. Deku didn't reply. He doesn't know the answer to that.

"Maybe one day....." And with that, Deku ended Tensie Iidas life.

"And still after all of this," Deku got up and stared at the dead body before him.

If it was anything that that fight did for him, it made him realize one thing

"I still want to become a hero." Deku walked away after leaving his mark. But this time not with his enemy's blood, but with his own. By cutting his own finger.


Iida was sitting on the common room couch in the dorms, when he got the call from his mom. Hid body started vibrating. "Woah Iida are you ok?!" Asked Kaminari, sitting on the couch across from Iida. "Oh, yes I am. That is just my phone." Firmly stated Iida. Ochaco was beside Tenya on the couch. She was amazed by how strong the vibrations from his phone is. Iida got up, walked out of the room and took the call.

But when he answered the phone, he was surprised when he heard his mom crying over the phone. "Mom! What is wrong!" Iida was worried. Well, who wouldn't be worried when their parent is crying over the phone. "Tenya! I-it's your brother..." She trailed off. "H-he...He's dead." She broke out sobbing. Tenya felt his blood run cold upon hearing this. He didn't know what to do. Tenya dropped the phone, and ran outside. Not being able to hold back his tears, just letting them all go.

Tenya ran. Just ran. not going anywhere. no destination.


Tenya finally made it home to comfort his mom. His dad was already doing that job, but Tenya can be apart of the comfort zone as well. While he was there, he learned that the funeral will be next Saturday. Tenya decided to stay there for the rest of the day. "D-do you know who killed him. Or how he died?" Tenya asked, sitting on the living room couch next to his mom.

"T-t-the *Sniff* The police say D-Deku killed him." Mrs. Iida grabbed a tissue and blew into it and wiped her tears. Tenya looked down and furrowed his brows. At that moment Dekus plan was going into action. Tenya wanted revenge. He was putting his foot down and saying enough. First Tenyas friend and now his brother. Enough is enough.

And now they all are doing one thing

Dancing with the Devil.













-weird kid

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