《A Villains Bright Side (IzukuxOchaco)》Ch.12 All his fault


3rd POV

A month after Ochaco got kidnapped, things went back to normal. There was times that Ochaco woke up and thought Deku would be there to tell her good morning. And every time that happened, and she saw that he wasn't there, she would feel a little sad. But other then that, she was happy. Happy to see her friends again, she can't see her parents because she lived away from them, but the can text them again.

Classes for her went on like normal. Kaminari and Kirishima messing around the whole time though. And Mina not even paying attention.


Ever since the league found out that Ochaco escaped, things have been rough for Deku. The league turned a little towards the...abusive side. They would hurt him mentally and physically. Just like his middle school bullies, but worst. Waaayyy worst.

"Get out of here you scumbag!"

"Why are you even here you worthless peace of shit"

"You really are just a worthless Deku"

Yeah Deku has soften up. And the league was very aware of this, because if they said any of that to the old Deku, they would just be puddles of blood on the ground. But this Deku knows what mercy means. This Deku likes peace more then violence.

And the abuse has gotten so bad that the old Deku has started to show again. But he is nothing like the old Deku, he is way worst. The missions only got more brutal to the point where the detectives had to bring in barf bags every time they investigated one of his murders. They were brutal all right. And I don't think the police even needed to investigate on the murders, for his name was on the wall

with his victims blood.


"The villain Deku is at it again. What stopped his spree of crime and murder? Is this the end of the world?" The news reporter said. Ochaco currently sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone, looked up at the mention of his name. "That's right, the villain Deku is back, and is worst then before. This might be the end of heroes. And end of the world." the reporter repeated herself to make sure that this is serious.


And it really isn't one of there false alarms. Even the heroes themselves are starting to believe this. Ochaco looks back down at her phone. 'Come on Deku. I know you're better then this. I know you have a good side, deep inside of you. I have seen it many, many times. So please stop scaring everyone. And show them what you showed me.' Ochaco thought, tears filling her eyes with the memory of his warm smile.


Deku these days, is not the same. He is quiet on the edge, or something. Deku at times, just starts randomly giggling. He will just start twitching to, and would start mumbling something that nobody knows anything about. Something like going into a corner, huddling into a ball and whispering, "I'm so scared" other times he would be lost in memory, or just start crying and moaning.

He became weird, really weird. But when he's in action, he will start toying with you, and would laugh when you cut him. He smiles and giggles when he sees his victims on the verge of dying, and he would let them die a slow and painful death. It's like Deku was cut into 3 different people.

Deku doesn't even know if he belongs in the gang anymore. Maybe he's better off alone. Deku wonders if he was even apart of the group in the first place. He figures not, because once again, he is better off alone.


It was time for the sports festival, and everyone was ready and prepared. Deku had his TV on, a notebook in hand, ready to take notes on how people in that class fought. And not because it was hero analysis or anything, no, it was for a plan that no one but himself knows about.

At this point, Deku was just a freeloader in the bar of the league of villains. of course the league doesn't know that Deku left the group. For they still think that he was apart of the league. But Deku has different plans then them, they only care about ending all might, he cares about ending way more then all might.


The festival starts off with a race like thing.

Deku still has the papers of the students in UA. He studied the paper really good, then wrote down all the students in his handydandy notebook.

Deku watched the race closely as he somehow found information on the kids from this race and wrote it down. Later after a whole 2 rock kids get smashed by giant robot and icyhot and blond explosive porcupine race for 1st place, the race was over. Todoroki winning the race. Next was a calvary battle.

Then that's when everything around him stopped. That's when he saw her. Sure it was through screen, but it still had the same effect on him. Where his mind went blank. He didn't realize it, but he started softly smiling and blushing a little. Then the screen changed to someone else. And he went back to normal.

Forgetting Ochaco was ever on screen.

Turns out that icyhots team won the calvary battle. Izuku wrote down all that he got off of Todoroki. Then it was time for the 1v1's. In the end Izuku admired Ochaco for defeating Kacchan. So Todoroki in 1st Ochaco in 2nd Kacchan in 3rd. But Kacchan was mad he lost. So he had to be chained up to a pillar.

But now it was time for Izuku to stop watching the hero wannabe's for he had enough information that he needed on them. His plan was going to be flawless if he can do everything in order and correctly. But he is going to have to find the right her to make a entrance on. It all has to be perfect.

After all, Deku thinks that the news stations are correct.

It's the end of the world

And it's going to be all his fault.












-weird kid

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