《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 48


one shot went off.

Lots of secrets were revealed.

Missing pieces of the puzzle was finally put together but still there was no clear picture.

Could it be peace now?

We all thought the storm was over.

But some believe it just started.

Others believed after the dark clouds the storm begins.

"Two African American females one was pronounced dead at the scene and the other is suffering from a bullet wound to the neck"

"Emergency room now! and someone go to the lobby to get the names of both victims" the doctor said then rushed to the emergency room.

Amour family and friends sat in the lobby waiting to hear something from the doctor.

"Family of the victim who was rushed in a few minutes ago?" The nurse asked.

E and Dayza rushed over to the nurse.

"Name of the victim and date of birth?"

"Amour Rosemary De'lagado-Savage" Ezekiel paused "how she doing?"

"I can't give out any information until we have proof that you're immediate family" she paused "date of birth?"

"I'm her father pull up her birth certificate or something the hell" he paused "I just want to know how my daughter doing"

"Sorry you'll have to wait" she said lowly then walked off.

"That's bullshit" Dayza yelled to the lady.

Twenty two minutes ago Nicole was shot in the head by Santana. As the bullet exited the skull of Nicole it entered Amours neck.

So now Amour is in the hospital fighting for her life.

"We gotta get Amour some security" West whispered to E

E glared at West "what happened?"

"A- Nu helped Mikey kill Splain" he whispered

E shook his head. "Santana wanted to kill her?"

"Not sure the bullet went out of Nicole head then into Nuni neck" he paused "it's possible though she been in his face knowing she helped kill his brother pops"


"I'll call some people to help I want security on every entrance, a couple on the hall, and outside the room"


Santana walked inside the hospital with Sevyn and Ant following.

Santana had a look that nobody could read.

"Where she at?" Santana asked everybody

"She's in surgery, she should be getting out some time soon" Ezekiel said standing up.

Sevyn cleared his throat, "we all suppose to be family right?" He asked looking at West.

"Yeah man"

Sevyn nodded then sat down.

Ant scoffed then walked outside.

Santana stood there no emotions, no thoughts, and no feelings.

"Family of Amour Savage" the doctor said walking over to the group.

Grandma Kasi rushed over to the doctor "please tell me my baby is ok"

"Surgery went well we were able to remove the bullet and we also stopped the bleeding" he paused "but after surgery a nurse went to check her vitals and Amour was no longer there uh well let me put it like this Amour has gone missing we can't find her we have searched the whole hospital and we still have people searching now"

"What the fuck" Grandma Kasi paused "how?"

"We have called the cops, we don't know if she been kidnapped or possibly misplaced in the wrong room but I wanted to come out here to tell y'all first and give y'all my most sincere apologies"

"No. No police we can handle it ourselves" E said

"I'm sorry but detectives are already on the way, hospital protocol" the doctor said then walked off

Grandma Kasi huffed and marched over to E, "I'm sick of this bullshit" she gritted "you ruined my daughter's life now you are ruining my granddaughter's"

E didn't respond he just rolled his eyes.

West walked over to Santana, "why you here to see her? if you was just gone get yo people to kidnap her" he asked


Santana laughed "come on now west you know I do all my dirty work" he paused "I'm not her only enemy" Santana started to walk off until a nurse approached the group.

"Hello, the hospital wanted me to give y'all Amour belongings" she said passing them her dress that was covered in blood, along with the jacket.

"Thanks" Dayza mumbled

"Oh one last thing this letter fell out of her pocket when she was rushed in"

Grandma Kasi hurried and snatched it from the nurse. "A letter from Nuni to Santana" she mumbled then passed it to Santana.

Santana frowned then shoved the letter in his pocket then walked out the hospital.

"wassup? She still alive?" Ant asked

Santana shrugged "she missing"

"As in somebody kidnapped her?"

"Yeah folks"

"Well let's hope they kill her so you won't have to" Sevyn said patting Santana shoulder.

Sevyn and Ant started walking to the car leaving Santana by his self. He took the letter out his pocket "A letter from Nuni to Santana" he mumbled.

Santana then threw the letter in the trash. It meant nothing to him even though he didn't read it.


Everyone had went home to clean up and get some rest sitting at the hospital wouldn't bring them no justice of finding Amour. It was ruled that she had been kidnapped.

"So what we gone do" Ezekiel asked West.

"Keep an eye on Santana that's for sure" West paused "look into Nu enemies new ones old ones maybe old missions were she didn't kill everyone"

Ezekiel shook his head pouring a drink "I don't know why Amour helped Mikey" he paused taking a sip of his drink "at thanksgiving dinner she had already knew they didn't kill you. So what made her double back and help Mikey kill Splain?" E asked

"Then what made Mikey turn on her? When he beat her ass at the shop had her ass thinking he was on the way to kill Imani"

"Maybe it was a setup to have us think they was going against each other when in reality they was working together"

"Well hell her dumb ass would get kidnapped that shit just put us in a weird position" West said

His head began to hurt trying to put things together. He knew Mikey was dead so he couldn't go there for answers. Even though it was only the first day he had no leads or any possibilities other than Santana.

"First thing tomorrow morning give Santana them their last pay gone ahead cut ties with them until we figure some shit out" E said then walked out the kitchen.

An hour later...


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