《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 47


I'm slowly dying but that's ok I was suppose to die along time ago....

She tried going out the same way she came in but it was security and other men so she decided to slip in a empty room, well what she thought was empty. Nuni closed the door softly. "Nuni" a deep voice behind her said, making her put her gun up.

"Put your gun down its just me, Mikey" Mikey said stepping out the dark.

Amour cleared her throat, "Mikey, um uh where you been?"

"I had to leave town it wasn't safe for me here" he paused "why you working with them?"

Nuni didn't say nothing she tried opening a window, She gave up realizing the window was sealed.

"Im going to keep it real with you" he paused "I've recently been in contact with your pops-"

"If you ain't gone tell me where he at then I don't care" she said walking over to the door.

"Nu I can't tell you he knows if you find out where he at you gone go looking for him which ain't safe" he paused "do you even know what Santana and his crew did?"

Mikey stepped closer to Amour, "All I'm going to say is they was the last ones to see West alive" he paused "but listen we can help each other-"

Amour pushed his hand off her shoulder "you know I don't need help-"

Mikey cut Amour off "Nuni yes you do these not no regular people they are ruthless they don't give a fuck you can't go against them on your own"

"Yes I can and I will" she began walking towards the door two gunshots went off making her back up.

"Listen Nu, you don't know these people you can't trust them-"


"I can't trust nobody, but it just don't make sense what was the motive. They was getting money, they were cool and the missions was straight it just don't make sense"

"It don't but we can make it make sense" he paused "Nu come on lil sis we go way back, you putting niggas over me that you only known for a minute"

"Loyalty over time"

Mikey grew frustrated with Amour he knew she could be a big help. "Listen if you don't kill them they gone kill you, it's all apart of Rico's plan"

"Who is Rico and why I'm apart of his plan" Amour frowned

"Rico is a old man, very known but he fell off a few years back. I guess now he wants his cartel back"

"Fuck that got to do with me I don't have a cartel"

"You do you just don't know you do"

"No I'm pretty sure I don't have a cartel, I don't move drugs or anything like that. But I do help kill people I think."

"Nuni when your dad dies you will have the key to the kingdom" Mikey paused "all the cartel shit will be yours and you won't have to fight with anyone for it"

"I don't want it"

Mikey nodded those words made him feel all bubbly inside.

"You can give it to me baby sis" he said touching her shoulder

"Nah I would rather see it burn to the ground, but tell me more about this Rico plan"

"It's simple make Amour fall in love then kill her and take everything she got"

Amour started laughing hysterically making Mikey feel uncomfortable "who suppose to make me fall in love?" She asked


Amour begin laughing once again "no they can't be serious"

"They are-"

Amour cut Mikey off " ok well Amour got a plan too" she smiled. "You want them dead so bad take out the one who calls the shots or just kill them all for god sakes. Actually go for Splain, Santana won't be able to live without him. She paused "then you take them out one by one by one." she laughed


Amour thought she could play with Mikey mind she doesn't trust him anymore so she thought why not play with his mind she knew he couldn't take Santana them on. He doesn't have a team Quinton will be dead in a few so who was gone help him?

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