《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 28


"How long you been throwing up" Imani asked scrolling on her computer.

"A few days I think I got a stomach virus" Amour said sitting down

Dayza nodded "Mhm let me ask you this you been fucking"

"Ooooo" Imani dragged smiling "you and Santana be fucking"

Amour stood their in disbelief hoping that she wasn't pregnant, she was nowhere near ready to be a parent "uh- yeah Um we did it a few times" she said nervously

Amour started crying "Oh my gosh Amour don't cry" Imani said walking over to Amour

"I can't be pregnant I can't" Amour said wiping her tears

"I think I have a test in my purse" Dayza said shuffling through her purse. "Here" she said handing her the test.

"Do I stick inside the toilet after I pee" Amour asked in a serious tone

Dayza and Imani busted out laughing they couldn't believe how serious she was "no girl-"

"So do I gotta stick it up my vagina like a tampon-" she paused "can y'all help me and stop laughing I'm so serious"

"She's so innocent its cute" Dayza said laughing "I can't believe you having sex sex and not that scissoring shit"

"Here pee in the cup it then put the stick in there"

"Wait let me smoke real quick because if I am pregnant I won't be smoking for a long time" she said starting to tear up "Nah I want a shot-

"No go take the test" Dayza said laughing because she couldn't believe how serious she was.

Amour did exactly what Imani said to do "I hope I'm not pregnant" Amour said walking out the restroom "I'm not ready" she mumbled

"Girl Nuni you is ready you have a great income, a dope ass spot, and-" she paused "you will be a amazing mother that's all" Imani said smiling

Amour shook her head "I just can't be pregnant I don't want no kids not right now and with Santana that's a whole different story" she said pacing back in forth

"So if you is pregnant are you gone have a abortion" Dayza asked

"I want to" Amour paused "but that would be so selfish of me , so if I am pregnant I-I'll keep it but I don't even know" she said fidgeting with her fingers

"Aw besties y'all gone be pregnant at the same time" Imani said smiling

Dayza rubbed her stomach "But this motherfucker bet not be bad I hate bad kids then parents that don't do shit like pepper spray the little nigga what the fuck and go about your day"

"Oh- wow not pepper spray-"

The timer went off all of them ran to the restroom "what it say" Dayza asked


"I'm not pregnant" Amour yelled smiling , she ran full speed to the kitchen opened her liquor cabinet taking the Hennessy and pink whitney down.

"I know she ain't fixing to-"

"Yes the hell I am I was fixing to not be able to do this for nine months" she said taking three shots. "Y'all want one" she said sliding them a shot glass.

"Why not" Imani said taking the shot

Dayza looked down at her stomach "uh maybe a different day"

"Bitch here I want tell cps" Amour said handing her the shot

Dayza frowned "I'm kinda happy you not pregnant" She said putting the shot on the counter

"I'm kidding" Amour said taking another shot.

"Amour If I was you I would go to the doctor and get a actual test" Imani said

"Yeah them test don't always be accurate or you could be too early" Dayza added

"Ughhh" Amour groaned "please don't kill my vibe"

"You do need to go to the hospital though"

"I am I'm getting on some birth control" she paused "and to think I was fixing to let that nigga take me out the game hell naw it is still fuck them kids"

"Girl whatever-"

"I'm done with Santana though I don't how long he suppose to be in jail for and I ain't finna hold no nigga down"

"Especially one that ain't tryna be held down" Dayza added.

Imani and Amour nodded in agreement.


"Wassup" Amour said answering the phone.

"I got what you asked for you come over right now it's kind of urgent"

"K" Amour said hanging up. "I gotta go-"

"Nuni did you do what I asked you to do" Dayza asked

"I'm handling it don't worry about it worry about what you wearing to your baby shower" Amour opened the door "don't forget to lock my door" she said then walked out

Amina walked down the stairs in a white silky robe "Hey Amour I didn't know you was coming over today" she said

"Wassup and yeah E called and said he had some information for me" she said walking down the halls

"Well let me go put some clothes on I'll meet you down there" Amina said then walked off

Amour swung open the conference doors "Nuni glad you can make it" E paused "this is Kayla,Kayla this is my daughter Amour I was telling you all about"

"Hi it's so nice to finally meet you" she said sticking her hand out

"Wassup" Amour said sitting at the table "what you got for me" She asked

"Well people-"

"Can you leave please I don't want you in my business" Amour said to Kayla


Kayla looked between Ezekiel and Amour and scoffed "just give us a moment" Ezekiel said making Kayla grab her things and walk out.

"Don't be mean it's bad enough that your mom is here staying with us"

"Ain't my problem but what you got for me" Amour asked typing on her phone.

Ezekiel slid her a envelope "somethings you need to know is in there"

Amour took no time opening the envelope. The envelope contain lots of pictures and other information.

"Who is this man standing by Mikey" Amour asked

"That's Santana pops, Muhammad" E said

Amour looked closely at the picture "you don't think he had something to do with Splain's death" she asked

"I have no idea-"

"But why would he kill his son-"

"We don't know that he killed his son but we do know that Mikey was in town the same night Splain was killed but there was no sign of them the next day"

"But why go after Splain when Santana is the one that they want "

"Because they gone try to take out everybody that's closet to Santana that's why you need to stay away from him" he said standing up "I'm for real Nuni the streets talk if they hear you hanging out with him they coming after you"

"Don't worry about me I can handle myself" Nuni said

"Stop being so stubborn-"

"Stop talking to me" Amour said separating the pictures out

"I'm just saying-"

"And I'm just saying stop talking to me I'm tryna work"

"I thought you was done with missions" he asked

"I am I'm just doing a friend a favor" she paused "what's everybody problem with Santana"

"Why you doing this then"

"If you not tryna help then leave me alone"

"Santana and his crew done did a lot of shit-"

"For you though right" Amour asked

"Yeah but the blood is on their hands" he paused "a while back They took out half of a Cartel and some of their kids and bunch of people got killed, a lot of innocent people"

"On a mission you sent them on" she asked


"So why is nobody coming after you"

"Because I handled my shit when I disappeared and they got they retaliation"

"How" Amour asked

He huffed "Because they killed West"

Amour squinted and jerked her head back "And you ain't tryna get no retaliation" she asked


Amour started grabbing the pictures putting them back in the envelope "where you going" E asked

"getting out of here" Amour mumbled

Ezekiel rubbed the side of his knowing that he just messed up telling Amour what he just told her.

"Wait it's a few things you need to know some background information" he paused "Mikey is apart of the Santos and they coming after Santana crew killing Splain was just a warning"

Amour nodded "is that it" she asked becoming irritated

"No sit down there's more and them pictures not gone give you the information you need so sit"

Amour rolled her eyes "what's the rest"

"Santana and Splain are half brothers, Splain isn't Muhammad son. They mom had a fling with someone a while back when Muhammad found out he packed his shit and dipped" Ezekiel said

"So why they kill Splain" she asked

"I don't even think Muhammad know he going against his own kid, Muhammad don't know that his son go by Santana he thinking it's just a regular nigga"

"So is Muhammad the leader of the Santos"

"I believe so but they say the leader of the Santos don't show his face"

"So how come Mikey is so close to him"

"Because that's Muhammad son"

Amour mouth dropped that was so much information but still shit wasn't making sense "so that makes Santana and Mikey half brothers" She paused

"But how did Mikey work for you"

"Because the Santos was our alliance a while back and he was West homeboy so they use to do Missions together then they added Santana"

"So does Mikey know that him and Santana are brothers" she asked

"No I doubt it" Amour took all that in she was trying to put something together but it seemed as if she was missing something.

"Why Muhammad not dead" she asked


"They killed West so why they not dead" she asked "and if Mikey so called was West homeboy why he let his people kill him some shit not adding up you not telling me all of it"

"I'm telling you everything I know where you going" he asked watching Amour grab her things

"I'm going home what you mean"

"I just told you that the Santos killing people that be around Santana-"

"You said that they use to be your alliance tell them I'm your daughter"

"You know that I don't want people knowing your my daughter-"

"Mikey know I'm your daughter he apart of the Santos" she paused "I'm starting to feel like you just told me a whole bunch of bullshit"

"Amour just stay here for a few days till we figure something out"

"I'm starting to wish you stayed where the hell you was" she said walking out to find a room.

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