《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 29


"Kai Oh my gosh you gotten so tall" Amina said hugging her son Kai.

"Wassup Amina" he said sitting at the table after a long conversation with Kai he decided to met up with his biological mother.

"How are you, how's the family" she asked

"We good, how you been" he asked

"I've been better just got out of jail a few months ago" she said mumbling the end.

"I know I heard, how's Nuni I miss her" he asked he haven't talked to his little sister in years he was actually really concerned about her.

"From the looks of it she's doing ok, she got a hair shop and her own place" she paused "but we don't talk like that she barely hold a conversation with me now I'm out our conversation was way longer when I was in jail."

He nodded "that's wassup I gotta pop up on her she ain't got no boyfriend right" he asked

"I don't know last time I heard her little boo was in jail"

Kai shook his head "like mother like daughter she don't needa have a boyfriend she too young"

"she fixing to be twenty one Kai"

"Yeah whatever she still don't needa have a boyfriend how she been dealing with life ever since West died" he asked

"She doesn't talk to me about stuff like that I literally have to force her to tell me how her day went-"

"Can you blame her though you wasn't really in her life growing up then when you decided to be you went to jail months later" he paused "but while you was in jail she was the only person there for you Amina"

"Kai I know and I wanna make all of our relationships better-"

"It's a little too late for that we grown we got responsibilities to worry about all that other shit" he paused and shook his head "I got kids and when I look in their eyes I can't think of one reason to leave them."

"I'm sorry" she paused "I'll say it a thousand times if I have to I'm so sorry that couldn't be the mother y'all needed but let me fix it"


"Your twenty one years too late-"

"I know Kai but please I wanna fix it and I would love to meet my grandkids" Amina said with tears rolling down her face "please Kai I'm dying"

Kai jerked his head back "What the fuck you mean you dying" he asked Amina didn't say nothing. "Hello what you talking about"

"I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and they said that I don't have that long to live" she mumbled the last part

"Like months,weeks,days-" he paused "does Nuni know"

She shook her head "I haven't got the chance to tell anybody only you know" she said wiping her tears

"We can't get you no treatment or nothing we got money to pay for-"

"The doctor said it's too late it's too strong to fight it" she said

"So we get you a new doctor then cause that nigga don't know what he talking about"

"I tried" she said crying" every doctor said the same thing"

Kai sat there speechless even though him and Amina wasn't close she still was his mother "I'm not ready to leave my family I just got back to them" she mumbled

"You needa tell everybody before it's too late" Amina nodded in agreement

"I know you have your own family but grandma Kasi is having a Christmas party I would love for you to come"

"Yeah grandma already told me but I'll see what my people doing though I'll try" he mumbled

Amina grab his hand "I'm really sorry-"

"Stop apologizing that shit in the past we got bigger shit to worry about"

The two sat at the table in silence with nothing to say Amina was very sad that she had to bring this devastating news to her family, it was something she ain't want to do but she wanted to tell them before it was too late.

"You have my number don't be afraid to use it" Amina said hugging Kai

"I won't see you later ma love you" he said squeezing her tighter


"I love you more" she said as a tear rolled down her face.

"Hey Nuni what you doing" Amina said walking into the conference room.

"Work" Amour mumbled

"This the new shop" Amina asked picking up the paper

Amour snatched the paper back "Yeah" she said trying to keep the conversation short.

"Can we talk-"

"Amina can we do this another time can't you see I'm busy" she asked, Amour didn't mean to take her anger out on her she was just frustrated. The shop was stressing her out, She was trying to figure out what happened with Splain and on top of that she had a doctors appointment to get to in a few minutes.

"Yeah sure we can have this conversation another time" Amina mumbled and walked out the door.

Amour huffed she wasn't feeling well at all and she was just stressed out and needed a break.

Amour walked into the doctors office "name" the receptionist asked

"Amour de'lagado Savage"

"Ok your right on time if you just go down the hall it's the first door on the left"

Amour walked inside the room "hello Ms. De'lagado take a seat for me please" the doctor said "so you here for the birth control correct"

Amour nodded "yes"

"Okay well before we start I need you to pee in this cup for me please we must make sure your not pregnant before giving you the shot" The doctor said handing Amour the cup.

Once Amour finished she handed the cup back to the doctor "I'll be back in a moment"

Amour tried to rest her eyes waiting for the doctor to come back in her thoughts she tried to focus on positive things in the meantime. Her first shop was doing great and her second shop is almost up and running. She wanted to have it done in a few weeks because she wanted to celebrate the holidays with no work.

"Hello Miss.Savage , I sorry to tell you this we cannot distribute the birth control to you today"

Amour scrunched her face up "Do I need to reschedule an appointment"

"No Amour your ten weeks pregnant" Amour tilted her head "we took multiple test indeed you are pregnant"

Amour shook her head "I just took a pregnancy test" she said looking down at her hands

"Yes but they are hardly ever accurate especially this early in the pregnancy" Amour put her face in her hands it was too much going on to have a baby

"We do have other options like adoption or abortion-"

Amour shook her head no "no I'm fine thank you" she mumbled

"Okay that's good to hear you can make your first appointment at the front desk before you leave and you can pick up your prescription for prenatal vitamins" he said handing her a paper

Amour nodded taking the paper. She couldn't believe she was pregnant for real this time. "I should have finished my blunt fuck" she mumbled. She wanted to wait until she was out of her first trimester before she told anyone the only person she was going to tell was Santana. He's the father he deserves to know right?


Amour answered the phone "Bitch" Dayza said

"What hoe"

"girl Tahj the daddy" she said dryly

"Damn how you feel?" Amour asked

"Part of me happy that he's s the father because at least the baby will have a daddy" she paused "but I wish it Splain's so I could have a little piece of him" she mumbled

"That's understandable though have you told Tahj"

"Girl I been sitting outside his shop for thirty minutes I'm scared where you at"

"Go in there and nothing just left the hospital"

"Is everything ok?-" Dayza paused and ducked down "ooo bitch I think this nigga just saw me I'm not ready"

"Girl bye I gotta go" Amour said hanging up

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