《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 24



"Not my baby lord! not my baby!"

Today was a rainy sunny day. The whole city came out for Splain funeral. It wasn't the best way to bring to the hood out but it was a way to bring the hood out you know?

"Aren't you coming in" Santana asked Amour

"Funerals ain't really my thing but I'll be here when it's over" Amour said

Santana just sat there "I can't do it take me home I can't see that casket close on my brother like that" He said mumbling the last part

"You don't wanna do something you gone regret your whole life" she paused "come on I'm going with you" Amour said putting her shades on then walked around the car.

"You don't have to-"

"Hush I'm going already just come on" Amour said grabbing Santana out the car

The two walked inside the church seeing the casket made Santana grab Amour hand, Amour walked in front of him basically walking him down the isle.

Ant,Eli,Sevyn all sat in the front row with their heads down. Everyone was in disbelief over the whole situation.

"I can go sit in the back while you go up there with your family" Nuni whispered

Santana shook his head "Nah I want you up there with me" he mumbled

Santana stopped in the middle of the isle. Scared to walk to see his brother inside the casket. "Take your time" Nuni whispered rubbing his shoulders.

After a few moments of standing in the middle of the isle Santana finally built the courage to walk towards the casket. With Amour there every step of the way.

Santana stood at the casket shaking his head in disbelief. "This don't even look like him" he mumbled.

Amour turned around noticing all eyes were on her and Santana which made her feel uncomfortable. "Santana I'm finna go sit-"

"Wait I just need some more time" he said looking at Splain.

Eli, Ant, and Sevyn all walked up to the casket joining Santana and Amour. They were all feeling a common pain. Even though the three wasn't actual brothers to Splain they still acted like it.


"Man this shit don't feel right" Ant said looking at the casket

The church door swung open and in walked a young woman , who now felt like her life had no meaning. She was lost, the person who she felt like was her soulmate was now laying in a casket lifeless.

"Splain get up" Dayza mumbled "Kasten please baby get up I need you" she yelled

"I'm sorry you all but we must close the casket for the service to begin"

Dayza shook her head no "no wait please no don't do this" she said with tears going down her face "no I don't wanna say goodbye yet please"

"I'm sorry-"

"Can you wait we just need a few more minutes" Amour asked

Everyone got their last looks of Splain and returned to their seats. Expect for Santana he just stood their. "Santana baby listen to me Splain is with you wherever you go closing this casket is not letting him go okay" Amour whispered "so take my hand and let's sit down so they can start this service"

Santana slowly took Amour hand and walked to their seats, Amour sat Santana between his mom and Eli. As Amour turned around to go find a seat, Santana quickly grabbed her hand "I meant what I said I want you to stay by my side" he said pulling Amour in between him and Eli.

Santana mother was shocked he never seen Santana act like this over no girl. Ant, Eli, and Sevyn was also shocked because just a month ago they was going to kill each other.

The service was going good every once in a while Santana clinched on to Amour. She could feel his pain just by his touch.

Amour rested her head on Santana shoulder."One last thing before I let y'all go I just wanna say this the reality is that grief is forever. You will not get over the lost of a loved one. You will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the lost you have suffered. You will be a whole again but you will never be the same.Nor should you be the same. Nor should you want too." The pastor said "I want to let all you young folks know that my church doors are open to anyone I accept any shade,race,shape I don't care if you purple my church doors are always open" he smiled then walked off


Santana and Amour walked out the church hand and hand "If you wanna leave you can" Santana told Amour

"You said you need me right" Amour asked "so why would I leave you"

He nodded "i fuck with that" he said dapping her up like she his homie

"Not you dapping me up like I'm your homeboy" she said as they both shared a laugh

"Santana" Santana mother said coming behind the two

"I'll give y'all a chance to talk I have to go check up on Dayza" Amour said walking off to go find Dayza

They didn't talk for a minute "i just think it's crazy that Splain had to die for you to call me"

"Mama don't do that you know I be busy-"

"I know you be busy but damn Artist pick the phone up and tell me hi every once and a while" she said starting to tear up.

Santana started to feel worst about the situation he just felt like he should have been there to protect his little brother. He failed.

"But after the gravesite bring your little girlfriend to the house I would love to meet the girl that got my son acting like a gentleman"

"She's not my girlfriend" he said looking at Amour who was comforting Dayza "she just a friend that's helping me get through this"

He said that in simple terms cause he didn't want his mother all in his business.

"The way you just looked at her is the way your father looked at me when we first met-"

"I don't wanna hear about that nigga but it looks like they ready" he said walking his mother down the stairs.

"You don't wanna ride with us in the limo" she asked

"no it's cool I'll ride with Amour" he said

"But that ain't your girlfriend whatever you say Artist"

Dayza face was puffy, her eyes were red and low she looked like she been crying for days "I don't wanna let it go" She mumbled looking down at her rose.

The pain of losing your soulmate is different. Somebody who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with is gone. Dayza wish she could tell him one more time that she loved him.

Santana started walking away before they started lowering Splain he just didn't want to see it. Amour noticed that he had walked away so when she went to go catch up with him. "Wait where you going" Amour said grabbing his arm

"I don't wanna see that shit man" he mumbled

"I understand you can go get in the car if you want-"

"I'm actually going with my mom she having a dinner for Splain."

"You gone be okay"Amour asked

"Yeah I'll be fine" he mumbled

"Okay well send me the address I'll be there" Nuni said

"Amour you can go home now you been with me for a week and a half I understand if you ready to go now I ain't tripping" he said

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you want me to leave and I will"

He looked at her "I'm just not trying to force you to stay that's all"

"Can't nobody force me to do nothing, I'm doing this" she said pointing between the two "cause I want too"

He nodded "well let's go then shawty I got some people that wanna meet you" he said grabbing her hand and walking to the car.

From a distance the two was being watched and best believe it was going to be reported back to Ezekiel. Ezekiel didn't have a problem with Santana, he just needed Santana to keep his mouth shut about the information he knew until further notice.


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