《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 23


"My baby" Grandma Kasi dragged hugging Amina "oh my gosh when did you get out"

"About four this evening , I missed you so much mama" Amina said hugging her mama tighter

"I missed you even more get in here" she said

Amour sat on the couch scrolling through her phone as her grandma and Amina talked and caught up.

"Amour let's go to therapy together" Amina said grabbing Amour attention

Amour mugged "now Amina why you saying it like that's just normal just cause you gotta go you ain't finna force me to"

Grandma Kasi walked in with food "it is normal I believe it would be good for you" she said thumping Amour forehead

"I'll think about it" Amour mumbled

"Have you talked to Imani I haven't talked to her since thanksgiving" Grandma Kasi asked

Grandma Kasi is a very caring person. She kinda helped raise Imani in a way. Imani lived in a abusive Foster home that was not too far from Kasi. One day Imani got kicked out so grandma Kasi took her in. Even though the two didn't know each other Kasi still wanted to do the right thing. But ever since that day Imani and Kasi had been very close.

"No I haven't talk to her or anybody at that" Amour said "but I'm fixing to go home I'm so tired haven't slept in days but I hope I can now knowing your home" she said forcing a smile at Amina

"Bye mommy" she said hugging Grandma Kasi

"You don't wanna stay here with us i know you tired I don't need you falling asleep behind the wheel"

"I'm good I gotta go get some stuff done anyways I'll be back though in the morning"

"Bye Coco" she said hugging Amina

"Bye baby be safe I love you"

"I love y'all too" Amour said then walked out the door

"She's back to calling you Amina" Kasi asked

Amina broke down and started crying "ma I don't know what to do I failed so bad as a mother it's ridiculous"


"Amina that stuff is in the past you have to let it go and be here now, don't let the past stop you from bettering your future"

"I should have stopped trying to be in the streets and been a mother" she said crying even more "my own son won't even talk to me, and my daughter barely talks to me and somebody who I really loved like they were my own" she paused "he's dead" she said sobbing

"Shhhh" Kasi said trying to comfort Amina "you out of prison now so fix those relationships call up Kai and let him know you want to talk"

"But what if he say no" Amina asked "he probably wants nothing to do with me"

"Then you try again but at the end of the day you can't never say you didn't try you understand me?" She paused "you was young when you had those kids, you was still trying to live that fast life all ima say is your not young anymore so it's time to put your big girl panties on and try to build a relationship with your kids"

Amina had Kai when she was seventeen and turned around and had Amour when she was eighteen. Kai father ended up getting full custody of Kai due to Amina being a unfit mother. Amina ended up giving her mom full custody of Amour due to her thinking she was a unfit mother.

She was eighteen with two different baby daddies, but instead of stepping up and raising her kids she decided to run the streets with her middle school sweetheart who was no good. Amina took many charges for Ezekiel and because of him Amina stayed in and out of prison. Kasi told Amina many times to leave Ezekiel alone it wasn't that she couldn't , she just didn't want too.

While that situation was going on, it was a even bigger one on the other side of town.

Amour walked inside her Condo noticing how spotless it was, she made a mental note to call Dayza and tell her thank you for cleaning up.


Amour heard wood creak making her try to grab her gun but she was too late, the intruder that was in her house had already grab her by the back of the neck and through her against the wall.

Amour groaned in pain as she fell on her arm that was recently fractured. The intruder picked her up from the floor by her neck holding her against the wall "you ain't think I was gone find out" he said

"Santana I don't what you talking about let me go" Amour said trying to get out of his hold

Santana put the gun up to Amour head "Where the fuck was you at two hours ago" he asked

"I-I can't breathe" she said trying to loosen his grip

One thing about Amour is she wasn't afraid to die. She was more afraid of the pain that would be brought to the ones she loved the most if she died.

"Where was you at two hours ago" he asked as tighten the grip around her neck

Amour started turning purple, Santana eventually let her go "where was you at two hours ago and if you lie ima pull this trigger then throw yo body on yo grandma porch" he gritted still with the gun pointed at her head

Amour gasped for air while she was coughing "I was at my grandma house my mother just got out of prison why are you doing all of this" she said bending over

Santana started walking towards the door "I meant what I said if you lying you might as well pick ya casket out"

Amour grabbed his arms and squinted "what happened why you doing all of this"

Santana looked at Amour for a long minute "hello answer my question" Even though it wasn't many lights cut on Amour noticed how dark Santana eyes were.

"Santana" Amour said waving in his face "what's wrong" she asked feeling concerned

Santana slid down the wall and dropped his gun "They killed my brother" he mumbled "they killed my fucking brother man" he yelled

Amour sat there debating if she should go comfort him, she knew what that pain felt like losing a brother somebody's who's been your best friend for as long as you can remember that pain hit different.

"Them lame ass niggas took my brother from me mane" he paused "my brother gone" he kept repeating

Amour slid down on the wall sitting right next to Santana and just pulled him into a hug the two sat there in silence for a while.

"Trust me I know what it's like to get that phone call, I'm not gone tell you that corny ass shit like oh it gets better because some days it just don't" she paused and wiped a tear that she ain't even know was there "you gone have days were feel like fuck life but then you gone have days were Splain is your motivation to get out of bed"

Santana dried his eyes listening to Nuni who was trying her hardest to comfort him. She ain't never did anything like this for anyone before.

"Life has a funny way working. We commit sins that we not suppose to commit. We question god even though we not suppose too but we still do. Like Why did god take my brother from knowing he meant the world to me" Amour quickly tried to wipe her tears away "it's just crazy how much life sucks" she said trying to laugh the pain away "don't tell nobody I was crying though"

Amour knew why Santana would think she had something to do with Splain death, I mean just the other day Amour was told that Santana killed her brother. She wanted it not to be true so bad but the moment she felt otherwise all hell shall break loose.

Santana and Amour didn't say a word for about thirty minutes. They just sat there in silence thinking about life.

"Amour" Santana said


"I need you..."

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