《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 25


"You at home" Amour asked

"Yeah" Santana said dryly

"Unlock the door bestfriend I coming over and I got food" Amour said smiling

"Alright" said then hung up

Not even ten minutes later Amour pulled into Santana driveway. She walked through the house noticing that all the lights were cut off she figured something was wrong with him.it's going to be a month next week since Splain died Santana have his good days, some days are better than others.

"Bestfriend I'm here and I brought you food let's watch Netflix" Amour said not getting no response, she opened his bedroom noticing he was sitting On the floor smoking.

"Bestie you ain't hear me I said I brought you food"

"Preciate it"

"How you feeling" Amour asked sitting next to Santana on the floor

"I'm feel great" he said in a dry tone

"Why you say it like that are you okay" she asked feeling concerned

"Nuni I'm okay stop asking me that"

"Your not but it's ok to not be ok you going-"

"Amour I really don't feel like hearing this spiritual it's gone get better shit" he paused "just get out I ain't tryna hear it today"

Amour smacked her lips and grabbed her food and went to the living room. Amour knew what Santana was trying to do he was trying to push her away but Amour didn't want that to happen she been in this position before were you push everybody away but in reality you just want somebody to stay and never leave.

With everything going on Nuni been trying to keep herself busy with her shop. She was completely done with missions so she really had to take it seriously. She set up a website so people could book appointments more professionally. She was hiring more people to work in the shop she hired a girl that did Waxes and now she's interviewing a lash tech.

Amour was also looking into opening another shop, overall she just wanted to be successful the legal way.

"I thought I told you to leave" Santana said coming out his room

"You did but you gone have to physically put me out" Amour said typing on her computer

"Fine You can stay but I'm fixing to leave" he mumbled

"You said that you needed me so I stayed now you pushing me away don't be weird you want me to leave I'll leave but I'm not coming back" Amour said grabbing her things

She was tired of it these past few weeks he been pushing her away. You can only push someone so much before they end up actually leaving.

"Wait Amour don't say it like that, i just I don't even know" Santana said

"Nah folk you good you wanted me to leave I'm leaving don't worry about it"


"That's cool everybody always leaving me" he said

Amour walked up to him and gave him a big hug because sometimes all you need is a hug.

Amour let go of Santana "I gotta go meet up with Eli we got some shit to handle I'll pull up on you later" he kissed Amour forehead "don't forget to lock my door my big head"

"Bye be safe out there"

"Always" he said then closed the door

Amour was working all night last night, she was up waiting for Santana to come but he never did she assumed he was busy cause she know how it be so she wasn't really bugging.

Amour just finished ordering new things for a shop. She was definitely sticking to her plan about changing her life around. She wanted to be a better person and she even wanted to get closer to God.

Amour got bored and started scrolling on Instagram, she hardly on Instagram unless she's posting hair. Which reminded her she wanted to upload some of her recent work.

9,765 🤍

@NuniDaDon: calling myself a goat would be a understatement! back accepting appointments click the link in the bio 🧞‍♀️

Comments 4,796

@chyna.d0ll : yessss you did your thing I love it 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

@lilygotfanss : How are you already booked for the month 🥺🤬

10,678 🤍

@_Santana: My big head ass bestfriend she get on my nerves but she gang though 💙🐍

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3,549 🤍

@Dayzanicole__: & it's still LONGLIVESPLAIN BITCH! #ripmyloml 💙

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(If the owner of this picture wants it taken down please let me know it will be taken down immediately I completely understand!)





"Who is this" she asked

"It's me Sevyn"

"Oh wassup"

"Santana got locked up last night he gotta do some time he got court in about ten minutes he wanted me to call and let you know"

Amour huffed "what did he do" she didn't want to ask that question because she felt like it would be something she didn't want to hear.

"He violated his probation, but don't even stress about it your bestfriend got a good lawyer he gone be home in no time" he paused "but I gotta go they finna start I'll keep you updated"

"K" Amour said then hung up, this was the last thing that Santana needed. With all this going on being trapped in them four walls would probably make him go sane.

She definitely wanted to speak to him.

Amour was snapped out of her thoughts when somebody started knocking hard on the door. She looked on her Ring app so she could see who it was.

"Nuni I need your help" Dayza said on the verge of crying "I-I can't do this anymore"


Dayza haven't slept for longer then a hour a night this past months. Her eyes were red, her hair looked like it haven't been done since the funeral. Her skin looked dead. She just didn't look like herself.

"Nuni I really need your help" she said pacing around

"Okay how about this you sit down right here and I'm going to fix your hair while you talk" Amour said grabbing her hair stuff

Dayza walked slowly over to the chair and took her hood off "Amour I can't do it" Dayza mumbled "i can't do it without Splain I need him"

"Yes you can and you will let him be your motivation to keep going" Amour paused "don't give up there is better days coming"

Once Amour finished taking down Dayza old Sew in she decided to wash her hair so she could give her a silk press.

"Do you want a blunt" Amour asked trying to get Dayza to relax from shaking. Dayza quickly shook her head no.

Dayza just sat there feeling calm but then as soon as she seen Splain on her front screen she started crying again.

"Nuni" Dayza paused "I'm pregnant" Dayza started crying harder "but-but it's not Splain's" Dayza started sobbing

Amour was a little shocked, she knew that Dayza and Splain had a on and off relationship but she didn't think that Dayza would be out there with other people.

"Oh my gosh I'm a horrible person" Dayza said still crying

"Day don't say that your not a horrible person was y'all even together at the time" Amour asked, she shook her head no "then you did no wrong y'all wasn't together"

"I know I know but it still looks bad on my end" she said trying to stop crying "I'm not even ready to be a mother" she mumbled

"I support what ever decision you make but just know you did no wrong y'all weren't together he was doing his thing you was doing yours" Dayza nodded "who's the baby father"

"You remember Tahj that we use to hang with our Freshman year" she asked "well whenever me and Splain would be off we would be on" Dayza paused "well first it wasn't even like that we was just old friends catching up, then I found out Splain cheated on me again so he was comforting me then one thing lead to another"

"Dayza I don't see no wrong and what you did, yes people might talk but understand you and Splain weren't together y'all always did y'all own thing. People are going to always have something to say but don't let them block you from having this blessing" Amour said touching Dayza stomach "they done took my good sis out the game I thought we was team fuck them damn kids" Amour said trying to make Dayza feel better

"I know right you up next" Dayza said laughing

"Aw hell naw no Im not, Ima abort the mission sending him straight back to the creator" she paused "you talking about you not ready girl I'm nowhere near ready"

"I feel like you would be a great mother" Dayza said in a serious tone

Amour shook her head "I don't even know what to do with a baby"

"But that's why you learn as you go I'm not ready but I'm going to get ready, Imani wasn't ready at all but somehow Loyal made her who she is today."

"So does that mean you keeping it" Amour asked smiling

Dayza nodded her head "Yes I'm going to try, should I tell Tahj but how" she asked

"It's not going to be easy but just tell him before it's too late or before somebody else does"

"Whew this is too much" she mumbled

"How far along are you" Amour asked trying to take Dayza mind off the bad

"I'm four months"

"Ooo we better start planning for a baby shower-"

"I don't want nobody knowing so if we is it's going to be really small like Imani's was"

Amour felt like she was going through the same thing with Dayza that she went with Imani. The only difference is Dayza baby still has a father she just going through a lot of shit.

"Nuni" Dayza said running her fingers through her freshly silk hair "I would never ask you to do something like this and I know you said your done with the street shit but can you please help me find out who killed Splain please" she asked on the verge of crying.


"Nuni please don't try to talk me out if it was the other way around Splain would be out here trying to kill whoever killed me I just wanna do the same"

"But Day y'all not the same Splain runs the streets you don't , let Eli them handle it-"

"They haven't came up with shit every time I ask they just be like dead end or we ain't working today like what the fuck" she yelled "if It was the other way around Splain wouldn't sleep until niggas was six feet!"

Amour looked at Dayza she could tell she was serious about wanting to get revenge but she don't want Dayza to do anything stupid where she'll miss out on her kid life.

"I don't want you to focus on that I want you to focus on this" Amour said touching her stomach "I'll figure out who did it just go get some rest"

"I wanna help-"

"No you got other shit to worry about I got it"




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