《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 16


Amour sat in the back row of the funeral with her all black Nike suit on with her big shades on , she honestly didn't even know why she was here.

"Oh cause I don't wanna look suspicious" she said to herself and chuckled

Once the funeral was over Amour tried to walk out the church "Nuni is that you why you didn't come speak" Kash mom Debra said

Amour turned around slowly and sniffed "uh I-I just wanted to be alone for a little" she said then wiped her eyes

"I'm so sorry sweetie I know you probably mad that y'all weren't together anymore but she was really happy with Shawn like a whole new better person than she was with you"

If this bitch keep on going ima tell her ass I killed them Amour thought.

"Oh it's okay all I ever wanted was Kash to be happy" Amour said dryly then sniffed

Debra started wiping her tears "if you need me you call me , I know we didn't always get along but I'm here if you need me-" Debra was cut off when somebody called her name "you stay right here I'll be right back" she said then walked off

Amour rolled her eyes then walked out the church she had this feeling that she was being watched she looked around and noticed a familar car. Once she realized who the car belong to she walked back into the church trying to find an safe exit.

"Aye I think she just spotted us" Ant said

Amour pushed through the crowds getting looks and glares from everyone. She turned around a seen Santana was right on her trail making her dip in a office.

"Eli waiting at her car so she ain't getting too far" Santana said into the mic trying to catch Amour.


"Alright I'm by the back door waiting" Splain said

Santana walked through the halls looking and each room he couldn't find her in any of the rooms , he swung the back door open "she ain't here sweep the church she can't be too far Eli standing by her car" Santana said

"Alright me and you can go spin the block she can't be too far if she on foot" Splain said getting in the car

Santana cranked the car, Santana and splain instantly tried to grab their guns feeling the cold metal on their neck "Aht Aht don't even think about it" Amour said pushing the gun on the back of their necks "Before anybody do anything y'all gone tell me why the hell y'all following me"

"We was just trying to see if you was dead" Santana said dryly

"If you gone kill us gone head and do it we ain't got time for all this talking shit" Splain getting irritated

"If I wanted to kill y'all I would of did it a lot sooner" Amour paused "now what the hell y'all want we completed the mission so now we go about our lives act like we never met"

"It's not that simple we need you again" Splain said

"What if I told you we all got a common problem that we can help each other solve" Santana asked

"Continue" Amour said getting tired and just wanted to kill both of them.

"We can help you find yo bitch ass daddy" Splain said

Amour thought for a second as much as she wanted to do it on her own she knew it was more complicated and she was gone need a extra set of hands if she wanted to find her dad fast.

"Splain get out I needa talk to Santana real quick" Amour said


Splain smacked his lips "No what the hell how you gone try to put me out y'all get out and talk"

"Mane just real quick go check in on the others let them know we good" Santana said

"Y'all motherfuckers getting on my nerves" Splain mumbled then slammed the door

"Get yo damn feet out my seat" Santana said as Amour climbed in the front

"Fuck these seats" she mumbled

"What was that I ain't hear what you said come again"

"ima get straight to it what y'all want with my daddy is y'all his kids or something cause y'all more worried about him than me and that's weird" Amour said

Santana jerked his head back "no what the fuck type shit is that-"

"So" Amour dragged "what y'all want with him and don't lie I hate liars"

"He's our old boss we just got some unfinished business that's all"

Amour tilted her head "your lying" she paused "tell me the truth or I'm out I'm not helping y'all"

Santana leaned over the console and licked his lips "that is the truth"

"If I find out that it's deeper than that-"

"Girl shut the hell up that is the truth"

"Send me the location" Amour said opening the door

"Wait let me ask you some real quick" Santana said grabbing Amour arm


"You been drinking" Santana asked

"No-" Santana cut her off

"You smell like straight liquor" he paused "I ain't tryna tell you how to live your life but at a time like this you don't wanna be caught slipping cause you drunk"

"Are you finished" Amour asked dryly

"No actually we start at 5 in the morning"

"Oh that's cool but y'all out y'all rabbit ass mind if you think I'm getting up at 5am I got hair appointments and I gotta get my hair done so see you at 1pm sir" Amour said then got out the car

"Y'all I think I can see ghost" Ant said trying to touch Amour boobs , making Amour punch him "Girl I almost shot you that shit hurt" He said rubbing his chest

"Y'all haven't heard you can't kill a bad bitch" Amour winked then walked off to her car.


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