《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 15


I walked out the hospital "ughhhh" I groaned putting my hoodie on. It looked like it was fixing to rain , I had no car,no phone, no nothing.

"Excuse me ma'am can I see your phone for a second" the nurse looked very hesitant, I mean I did look like I just broke out of a mental hospital with this arm cast and busted lip. "Please I really need to call a friend" the nurse looked up at the sky and nodded her head "here you go"

I quickly dialed Imani number , she finally picked up on the third ring "uh hello who is this" Imani said

I cleared my throat "Imani it's me I need you to come pick me up , I'm at the hospital downtown I'll explain everything later"

"On my way" she said then hung up

"Thank you so much" I said handing the nurse back her phone , she nodded and walked off "rude" I mumbled

I sat down on the hospital bench thinking about what Mikey told me.The more I thought about it the more angrier I got. I already knew that Quinton was evil but I ain't think he would be ok with me getting killed just so he can kill Santana. It be yo own family

"Where is this girl at" I said looking around

As moments passed it started to rain harder and harder. "Beep Beep Beep" I looked up seeing Imani Mercedes pull up.

I got in the car "thanks" I mumbled

"Why were you sitting in the rain" She asked driving off

"Because that hospital depressing with all them dead people" I said taking my jacket off

She nodded "so you gone tell me what happened"

I tilted my head at her "I really don't want to but just know shit finna get crazy so because folks know that Loyal , Grandma Kasi , and you are the people I loved the most they might try to go after y'all so-"

She huffed "I'm already knowing we gotta get out of town"


I nodded "just for a little until I get some things handled"

"Are you coming with us" she asked

"Not now I will eventually though just not now" I said "Nuuh don't take me home take me to the old old trap"

She swerved lane to lane"When do you think it's going to be safe for us to come back" she asked

"I'm definitely going to try to get y'all back home before thanksgiving"

Loyal, Grandma, and Imani are the ones I love the most I'll die for them literally. I know how these streets is folks be grimy be tryna play games by going after them. That's why I'm sending them to a safe house. I'll set the whole world on fire if something ever happen to them and then ima turn around and smile in my mugshot about it.

Imani pulled up to the old trap "so many memories" I said looking at it in awe getting out the car.

"Where Santana them at I thought the was going with you on the mission " she asked getting out the car

"Hell they probably think I'm dead" I said unlocking the door "I'll explain later" I said tossing the keys on the table

"You always say that but never do" I heard her mumble

"Y'all needa get up outta her before night" I said throwing her a duffle bag it had money,credit cards, phones, passports, and guns. "Y'all taking the bullet proof Tahoe" I said tossing her the keys

"What you gone drive" she asked

"The camaro" I said grabbing the keys

She started shaking her head "no it's not bullet proof we will take my car you keep the Tahoe"

"I will be fine y'all needa go hurry and pack and get the hell up outta here" I said setting the alarm and locking the door.

"You need to communicate with us everyday ok?" She asked I simply nodded "I love you sis and if you need me call me I'll come speeding down the highway"


"I love you too sis kiss my nephew for me and call me when you get there" I said hugging her

"Be safe" she said walking to the Tahoe

"Y'all too"


"Damn I remember it like it was yesterday that she was thinking she was finna die cause of a bullet to the arm" Ant paused and took a pull from his blunt "now look at her dead cause her Uncle a psycho that wanted everybody to die"

Splain stale faced him"My nigga cause it kinda was yesterday"

"Y'all know what would be crazy what if she made it out on time and now she on her way to kill us" Ant said then started laughing "now that's some crazy ass shit" he mumbled

They all sat there in silence.

"Sevyn you think you can tap into the cameras and see if you see anything" Eli asked

"If them motherfuckers ain't blow up the system and ruined the hard drive I could" he mumbled

"So is that's a yes nigga" Eli asked

Sevyn grabbed his computer and started typing , I just sat in the corner listening to them go back in forth. They wasn't talking about nothing anyways.

A few moments later "aye y'all check this out I think I found something" Sevyn said waving for us to come over. "Look" he said showing us the computer.

The video was very blurry it showed the house blowing up and all that other shit, the back door flew open then the video cut off and went black. "Uh how is this suppose to tell us if she dead or not" Ant asked

Sevyn rewinds the video and zoom in on a particular spot "that's somebody shadow, that's a chance she could be alive" he said

"Damn nigga you got some good vision I ain't even see that shit" Ant said squinting at the computer

"What we finna do?!" Splain asked "we gotta make a move now" he demanded

"Yeah but we need a plan how do we figure out if she dead or not" Eli said

"Well we need to think of one fast" Splain said looking at Santana "if she alive you already know the bitch is crazy she could be on her way to kill us we needa be a step ahead of her"

"We needa get to her before she get to us , you know where she be at" Ant asked "you said you been to her house let's pop up there and kill her"

"That ain't gone work" I said "she too smart to go back home now she somewhere in hiding until shit cool down then she gone come out" I said

"So what?!" Eli asked "we suppose to hid from this bitch"

Sevyn shrugged his shoulders "Nah I think I might know where she gone be at tomorrow" I said grabbing my phone I scrolled looking for the obituary that I found on Instagram of Kash.

I showed them the phone "how the fuck she gone help us she dead" Ant said

"Duh but Nuni use to fuck with her nine times out of ten she gone pop up to the funeral"

Splain snatched the phone "ain't this the broad that was on the tv" Splain passed the phone to Eli "Nuni didn't even show no emotion like she ain't know her"

"Maybe cause she already knew she was dead" Sevyn mumbled

"Nah for real" Ant said agreeing with Sevyn

"Cause she did , she killed them" I said making them snap their heads in my direction.

"And you wasn't gone tell us that we was sleeping in the same roof as a murderer" Ant whispered

Splain smacked the back of his "nigga we all murderers shut yo dumb ass up"

"So mane what's the plan" Eli asked

"We finna go crash a funeral" I stated then everybody got up and went in they own direction

"Nigga gone say crash a funeral like that shit just normal I'm finna stop hanging around y'all" Ant said shaking his head

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