《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 14


"Amour can you hear us" Santana said communicating through an ear piece

"Yeah I'm almost at the camera room keep the lights off for about two more minutes" Amour whispered

Amour finally reached the camera room she slowly opened the door trying to not make any noise "hold On I'm trying to see what's wrong with the power" the computer man said turning around "Rosemary what are-" Amour Cut him off by sending two shots to his head.

Amour started to turn off each camera "Y'all can cut the power back on , get ready to move in security really heavy in here so be careful" she said into her mic

Amour turned off each camera but one screen caught her attention the screen showed her condo from different angles , Quinton had been watching her every move she started to piece together that that's why he had her train Santana crew so he could keep an eye on them two but Amour question is why? Why is Santana her fathers enemy and why does Quinton play such a big role in it.

Amour heard gunshots outside the door indicating that people where getting closer she took that as a opportunity to get out of there before shit got serious.

She tried going out the same way she came in but it was crowded with security and other man so she decided to slip in a empty room well what she thought was empty she closed the door softly "Nuni" a deep voice behind her said , making her Put her gun up.

"Put your gun down It's just me Mikey" Mikey said stepping out the dark

"Splain I'm coming in it's too many for you to take out one by one" Sevyn said coming through the house

"I'm on the left side of the house try to stay low and quiet" Splain said


"Eli , Santana y'all good" Ant asked

"Yeah we headed in now , have anybody heard from Nuni" Santana asked

"Nah she's been quiet for a little minute ever since we cut the lights back on" Sevyn said

Eli looked at Santana "you better hope she ain't out there doing nothing crazy i ain't got a problem with killing that bitch" Eli whispered

"Put your silencer on and take the ones out in front of the steps it's a lot of security over here so that must be where Quinton is" Santana and Eli started taking out the security one by one leaving dead bodies all in front of the stairs.

Glass broke making them snap their heads in the direction the noise came from "should we check that out" Eli asked

"Nah I'll just tell Splain them to check it out when they make a sweep" Santana said the sound of glass breaking occurred again "we got bigger shit to worry about" Santana kicked the door letting Eli take down some guards and other men.

Quinton came from behind the door and shot Santana in his chest luckily his vest stopped the bullet. Quinton kicked Santanas gun out of his hand, Santana reach for his gun off his ankle but Quinton punched him making him stumble back, the two begin to send punches back in forth. Eli came into the bedroom and hit Quinton with the back of his gun , Quinton grabbed the back of his head and ran into the restroom becoming trapped by Eli and Santana.

"Dumb ass" Eli said shooting Quinton shooting in his back making him fall over.

Santana and Eli stood over Quinton "Santana" Quinton said while chocking on blood that was coming out of his mouth "When Amour find out what you did to West , E-man ain't gone be the only one that's gone be trying to kill-" Santana cut him off by emptying the clip on Quinton.


"Self destruct countdown ends in one minute and thirty seconds" a computer system said over the intercom

"Aye everybody needa get the fuck up outta here" Eli said as him and Santana ran out the room looking for an exit

"We headed to the truck everything good" Sevyn asked as him and Splain walked to the truck

"Nah these crazy motherfuckers fixing to blow this bitch up in about forty seconds y'all take the truck and get the hell up outta here" Eli yelled

"Anybody heard from Amour" Santana said as him and Eli exited the house

"Nah we still haven't heard from her" Ant said as he and the others drove off

"Self destruct in 5,4,3,2,1 the house blew up into flames. The house started to collapse missiles where flying everywhere.

Santana and Eli uncovered there eyes Eli looked at Santana "just wait a minute" Santana mumbled

Eli looked at him confused "nigga I know she was yo homegirl and all but she's dead if she survived that shit than her ass immortal and if she is than she needa stay the hell away from me with that crazy voodoo shit" he said as he looked up at that the house that was burning down.

A few moments passed by Eli cranked the car he looked at Santana , Santana gave him a head nod letting him know that they could leave....

Amour got out the pool gasping for air "fuck" she groaned her whole left side of her body was hurting. When she heard about the Self Destruction thing she was too far from the front door to run out she wouldn't have enough time, she went out the back door not having enough time to run she jumped in the pool and hoped for the best.

"Nuni" Mikey groaned "we gotta get up out of here" he said as he heard sirens

Mikey picked up Amour and carried her to his car.

"You gotta drop me off at the hospital and then you gotta get the hell up out of here if anything you told me Is true listen to me I know my father"

Mikey nodded and did as Amour told , he trusted her Amour was like a little sister to him. Mikey and West main priority was always to make sure that Amour was safe , then and now that's still their both main priority.

"As soon as you get far away from here call me okay just let me know your okay and safe please don't stay gone too long Again" Amour said as she walked into the hospital

Mikey kissed her forehead "love you little sis stay strong and complete the mission"

"You know I always do" Amour stated

"I don't know how they did it but they did it" A friend of mine said

I started laughing "mane what you talking about" it was a brief moment of silence "what are you talking about" I repeated sitting up

"They did it They killed Quinton and wiped off more than half of his Cartel" he said

"Santana and his crew they killed Quinton and most of his men?" I paused "Nah that shit ain't even possible it only like 5 of them who helped" I ask starting to become furious

"Your child" he paused "Amour you have to stop her she causing to many problems on our end"


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