《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 10


Everybody in the room was very tired they been working out all morning , Amour had them running and shit like they asses just don't got bad lungs from smoking.

"Bro what the fuck I can't breathe I got asthma" Splain said as he laid on the floor

"If you couldn't breathe you would be dead it's called you have trouble breathing cause smoke too damn much" Eli said kicking him while he walked around with his hands over his head.

Amour came through the doors with cold water "Here" she said passing them out , They took no time downing the water.

"I ready to get the fuck up outta here" Santana said walking to the door, when he opened the door Quinton was standing right there ready to walk in

"Sit yo ass down we needa have a meeting real quick" Quinton said pushing Santana back in the room

Amour started to grab her things and walk out the door due to the fact she thought the meeting had nothing to do with her.

"Rosemary" Quinton said grabbing her attention "sit"

Rosemary looked at him with a confused look , Quinton crossed his arms and huffed "sit" he said to her.

Rosemary rolled her eyes and went to go lean up against the wall closest to the door , "speak I'm listening" she said typing on her phone.

Quinton started pacing back and forth "Saturday night will be y'all first mission" he paused and rubbed his chin "it's going to be a very dangerous mission at that , we never traded with them before so you never know what to expect it's risky"

Rosemary looked up from her phone "what the fuck this shit got to do with me" she asked

Quinton looked at her "Because your going with them"

Amour jerked her head back "the hell no the fuck I'm not Quinton you already know how I feel about this shit I meant what I said last time , I'm done for good"

Ant put his hand up "Hold up how the fuck you gone add her to our team" he said emphasizing our "we don't know if we can trust her" he said looking around the room at everybody , they nodded in agreement with him.


"Y'all don't gotta worry about that cause I'm not going" she said picking her bags up

Amour started to walk out the building "Your going matter of fact your going to want to go"

"Give me one good reason why I should" She said crossing her arms and faced the door.

"Because" Quinton paused "Because Mikey is one of the head leaders on their team"

Rosemary slowly turned around , Mikey was West Bestfriend who she knew for many years. When West died Mikey was wounded pretty bad as well leaving him in a wheelchair they was told he would never be able to walk again. He left out of town and was never seen again some said he moved back to Arkansas with his grandparents but it was never confirmed by Mikey. But now that Amour heard he's a leader of this new team she's seeking answers.

Rosemary started Laughing "if you want me to go you don't gotta lie and make up story's , Mikey's in Arkansas with his grandparents in a wheelchair" she paused "ain't no way he helping run a Cartel in a fucking wheelchair ,that's pretty low unc to be lying like that don't you think"

Quinton snapped his fingers at his assistant "show her the pictures"

Quinton assistant , Natalia walked over to Rosemary and showed her pictures of Mikey. Rosemary swiped left at the pictures looking at them in disbelief the pictures showed Mikey walking around with no trouble , he was dressed very nicely and he looked to be healthy.

Rosemary smile started to slowly fade away as she swiped through the tablet , she threw the tablet on the table and looked up at Quinton "what's the game plan" she asked in a serious tone.

Quinton took a moment to speak "We are going to stick to the original plan. We will still try to trade the drugs at the club on 7th street , we gotta be in and out of there as safe-" Rosemary cut him off

"What's the plan for Mikey" She stated in a serious tone while sitting at the table with the other men making the men uncomfortable.


"There is no plan for Mikey, you need to go to the club and act like it's a regular Saturday night , be on standby just in case some things go down scope out the place watch their every move." He paused "Am-Rosemary don't go out there and do nothing crazy"

Rosemary stood up from the table , grab her things "I can't make no promises" She says then walked out the door.

It was silent for a brief moment.

"How the fuck we suppose to trust her to know she won't do anything crazy" Ant said breaking the silence

"She's not" Quinton said

Eli did a dry laugh "We don't know that, she real life just told yo ass she ain't making no promises"

"Mikey wouldn't hurt her" he paused and walked around the table "and y'all friend right her wouldn't let her get hurt" Quinton said grabbing Santana shoulder and walking out the room leaving the men by themselves.

"What the fuck is he talking about" Sevyn asked

"Nah for real , Santana you got some you wanna tell us" Ant asked

"I ain't got shit to tell y'all especially not in here" Santana said looking directly at the camera that's was left in the room.


The men were at Splain's trap house , They all sat in silence thinking about their next moves.

"So" Sevyn dragged "how the fuck did you and Amour just randomly meet" Sevyn asked breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Santana mugged "Nigga did you listen to anything I just said I already addressed that shit"

Splain stood up from the table "Nigga you wasn't gone tell me we had the opp daughter sitting right at our house and shit" he yelled kicking the chair

Santana stood up in front of Splain "Nah folk you don't do yo research you let the opp sit at yo shit nigga I was in prison so get the fuck outta here with all that"

"Alright y'all brothers chill the fuck out" Eli said stepping in the middle of the two.

"Santana you gone tell us the plan or what" Ant asked

Santana looked Splain up and down "the plan is to act dumb act like we don't know that Quinton and is in contact with Ezekiel" he paused "I honesty don't think Amour knows what's going on so-"

"Folk is you just saying this shit cause her pussy good" Sevyn said causing them to laugh, Santana looked at him blankly

"Like I was saying I been watching her she don't know shit , all she do is go to work then home nothing else , she don't even know that her pops back in town" He paused "we needa keep her around that's how we find Ezekiel , just trust my plan" Santana said

The men continued to talk about their plans they discussed how they would go about the mission. As the others men discussed their plans and expressed the opinions Santana sat in deep thoughts thinking about Amour , he ain't want his Homie little sister getting hurt but in this game it is what it is.

Sevyn snapped his fingers "Santana you listening"

Santana nodded "BB4L" they all said in sync showing their matching hand tattoos


"It's all set , the plan should work" The man on the other side of the phone said

"My brother" Ezekiel paused "did Amour believe the story"

"Hell yeah especially when she seen the pictures of Mikey standing , she probably thinking this got something to do with her father missing"

Ezekiel nodded "Amour won't get hurt right"He asked

"As long as the plan goes as it should she should get out of there safely before everything goes down"

"Good and What about Santana" Ezekiel asked

"He gone be carried out in a body bag" Quinton said

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