《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 9


It was a Early Friday morning Quinton made his new team be there bright and early before the sun came up. Quinton runs a drug cartel that is expanding and growing. He needs a new team so he can cover more ground in the south and what's a better team then one that his Brother in law already put together.

"Mane why we gotta be here this early to train" Eli groaned

"Cause we got a lot of shit to work on"

Quinton said walking inside the area the men were in.

"So what the fuck we waiting on" Said a sleepy Santana who was very irritated this morning and who is not a morning

Quinton looked down at his watch wondering where his neice is she was suppose to be here thirty minutes ago , being late isn't like her "We waiting for my neice , she's the one that going to be training y'all today" Quinton said

They all started laughing "Boy fuck outta here ain't shit a broad can teach me that I already don't know" Splain said

"Don't call my neice no broad the fuck wrong with ya and She's the best in the game she can teach you lil niggas some shit" Quinton said

"Well where the fuck she at" Eli said

As soon as Eli could finish his sentence the door swung open a girl with big shades on and all black on from head to toe walked in

"There she is Rosemary this is Eli , Splain , Ant , Sevyn and over there and the corner thats finna fall asleep is Santana"

"Wassup nice to meet y'all" Rosemary said as she took off her shades

Splain jerked his head back "NUNI!" He said loud making Her jump

"Uhhh wassup" Amour said as she stood there awkwardly

"Y'all two know each other" Quinton asked


"Yeah we all very familiar with her this my girl homegirl" Splain said nodding

"Is that gone be a problem" Quinton whispered in Rosemary ear

"Nah Unc let's get started I got shit to do"

All the men walked over to the mat and stood and looked at Rosemary

"Let's go over a few things-"

"Do you want me to call you Nuni , Amour , or Rosemary" Splain asked trying to be sarcastic

"All them Damn names" Eli mumbled side eyeing Rosemary.

"Rosemary is fine for while we here but outside of here Nuni please" Amour faked smile "Back to what I was saying there's a few rules in this game not the same rules that y'all use to" she paused "Rule one : always check your surroundings from this day forward y'all will be targeted the greater your team is the more people will try to take you out" She said walking back and forth

"Don't nobody wanna look over they shoulder all they life" Splain frowned

Rosemary started speaking immediately after Splain' comment "Rule two : Don't trust nobody not even the people on yo team hell don't even trust yo mama"

" I Ain't gotta worry about that all my niggas day ones we riding for life" Splain said dapping everybody up

Rosemary laughed " Realize Everybody Ain't Loyal" she paused "that's what real means , anyways

Rule three : Always know what's going on them folks across the border will try to play you , play with yo money , play with yo time , and they will play with yo life if you let them"

"How many more gah Damn rules there is I like Nuni better , this Rosemary chick talk too much" Splain said getting laughs from everybody but Santana

"Can you shut the fuck up and let me finish Damn you bugging" Rosemary yelled "back to what the fuck I was saying Rule four : don't be no dummy to the bullshit as soon as you see some shit you don't like let yo team know rather be safe than sorry"


They all nodded in agreement and started following Nuni "Another Rule it's not the last one but it's very important Rule five : if you gone pull the trigger you better pull it to kill don't ever let no enemy walk away if you do just know that they coming back to get you. Shoot to kill simple as that" she said then slid a wall back revealing all types of guns

"Step up pick a gun any gun we starting at the shooting range" Rosemary winked and walk off to

"Not gone lie she can get it" Eli dragged while they watch her walk off

"You wouldn't even know what to do with all that" Splain laughed "and I thought you was talking to her Friend" Splain asked

"Yeah but Amour a different breed too bad she don't swing this way" Eli said opening the door to the shooting range

"Pshhhhhh Put the right dick on her make her never wanna look at pussy again" Ant said making everybody laugh

"everybody just pick a spot first we gone start with knives y'all must know how to use any weapon y'all never know what might be the only thing in reach" She said typing on her phone

The all squinted the eyes and gave Amour a "what the fuck" look

"Start what the fuck y'all waiting on" they all smacked they lips and started throwing the knives at the target missing terribly , The was all so bad at it they was finna hit each other with them.

Rosemary laughed at all of them it was so horrible but she had plans to fix it.

"Uhh my knife don't work" sevyn said examining his knife

"Or yo ass don't know how to do it" Eli said pushing Sevyn out the way and missed the target as well.

Rosemary laughed "since you laughing let me see you try" Eli said trying to hand Rosemary the knives

Amour shrugged her shoulders and stepped up she took the knives from Eli. She threw her first knife hitting right In the middle of the target

"Well-" Sevyn started to say but was cut off by Nuni throwing all the knives one by one hitting them all in the middle of the target.

"Nah these knives work perfectly fine" Rosemary said

They men were very shocked , Amour been doing this shit since she was 14. She's book smart and street smart that's what made her one of the best people in Quinton cartel.

"It's all about aim bend your knees slightly and you shall succeed" Amour said smiling hard

Moments later They started getting the hang of it looked way better than before Amour took the time to examine their personalities, Splain talked too much shit which she already knew that. She thought that Sevyn is quiet kinda and standoffish he observes everything about. Ant was a goof ball he always gotta talk shit about everything. Her thoughts about Eli was that he was the glue of the team he's probably like their big brother. But she couldn't really say much about Santana he doesn't show no emotions to nothing he doesn't say much but you always gotta watch the quiet ones.

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