《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 11


Music blasted through the speakers as Amour walked through the crowded club , All eyes were on her as she made her way to the bar. She wore a red dress that displayed her breast nicely and made her body look perfect. She was nervous this her first time out on a mission in a very long time , she procrastinated on if she could really trust Santana them and would they really have her back if some shit goes down.

Eli whispered in Santana's ear "Yo girl just arrived"

Santana took a pull from his blunt and looked at Eli dryly "that's not my girl" he said as they both looked down at the bar.

"Damn" Ant dragged "she look good as fuck" Eli started laughing making Santana looked at them both with a blank face. "If you don't hop on that somebody else is" Ant said as somebody walked up to Amour at the bar.

Did Santana think Amour was fine? Yes , but she's the opp daughter. Could he fuck with her? Hell no it was too much shit going on , Santana don't trust it , Santana don't trust nobody.

Amour looked up on the balcony giving Santana a slight smile letting him know that she was good "aye the Santos just pulled up" Splain said to everybody they started to get in position they was all prepared to expect the unexpected.

Amour noticed the Santos walked straight passed the security with their duffle bags , she already suspected that something was up. Amour continued to scope out the scene and the people she noticed all the members of the cartel were there except one. Mikey.

The men all greeted each other in a nice manner , well expect for Santana he sat in the corner scoping out the others.

"So men in the corner don't speak" Aaron a member of the Santos said in an accent

Splain turned around to look at Santana "he do but let's get this started shall we" he said sitting down at the table

Aaron snapped his fingers , the men immediately threw the duffle bags of money on the table "it's all there the whole hundred million dollars"

Sevyn started to count the money in front of the men it took a few moments , Sevyn nodded his head at Splain letting him know to make the trade.

The men thought it was going good so far they thought this is their chance to get out of their before anything happens.

"Aye where are you guys going so fast you no want to have a few drinks with us men" Aaron said while the men around him laughed "come on drinks on me"

"Nah we gotta get out of here , we straight " Eli said , they started to walk down the stairs before they exited they purposely walked by the bar to get Amour.

Amour nodded and walked out the club with the men "We all gone meet at the warehouse everybody take different ways , if y'all suspect anything call-" Before Eli could finish his sentence gunshots were fired towards them , mainly in the direction of Santana.

People that were outside started screaming and running to their cars , Amour pulled her gun out along with others letting shots go off Santana grabbed Amour hand and pulled her to his car the two hopped in and sped off.


Santana called the others "everybody good" he asked in a rush

"Yeah we straight you" Eli asked

Santana cleared his throat"Yeah I'm straight I'ma talk to y'all when I get to the warehouse-" Amour cut him

"No don't go to the Warehouse it's not safe y'all don't got another location we can go" she said looking in the rear view mirror

"Fuck no how we know she ain't tryna set us up" Ant said , Santana muted the phone call and looked at Amour he knew that they couldn't trust Quinton

"You know a place we can go" Santana asked Nuni kinda already suspecting that She knew what was going on.

Amour didn't say nothing she just put the address in "it's safe just trust me"

Santana nodded in unmuted his self "im fixing to send y'all the addy" he said then hung up

"You trust me" Amour asked , Santana didn't reply "if you trust me don't trust Quinton that's my uncle and all but-" Santana cut her off

Santana looked at Amour "I'm already knowing"

"Good because I think he's up to something he usually-" Amour was cut off again but not by Santana , this time she was cut off by gun shots. The rear windshield Glass shattered everywhere cutting Amour and Santana. A all black truck pulled up on the side of them making Santana speed up. Amour started sending shots back.

Amour gun had ran out of bullets "aye where's your gun" she yelled

"Under the seat" Santana said as he still tried to lose the black truck

Amour took the gun from under the seat and started sending more shots back , the black truck swerved but still continued to send shots back , "that's Santos them" Santana said handing Amour his gun. "Shoot their tires , it's to many of them to take them out one by one"

Amour snatched the gun from Santana and starting shooting at their tires eventually the truck swerved into a concrete wall on the freeway. Santana and Amour took this as a opportunity to get far away.

Amour hissed as she touched her bullet wound on her arm "you good shordy" Santana said as he sped through the red light

"Yeah just a fucking bullet In my arm" Amour yelled "oh my gosh I'm bleeding I'm going to fucking die" she said sounding like she finna cry.

Santana looked at her like she was crazy "Girl calm yo ass down you not finna die" he said trying not to laugh

"You have arrived at your destination" the gps said

Santana helped Amour out the Car , the others were already scoping the perimeter out it seem to be safe.

"Aye who fucking house is this" Eli said grabbing the two attention "Yo where the fuck all that blood is coming from" he said as he seen blood on both Amour and Santana

"Nuni was shot where the fuck is Sevyn at" Santana said as they walked into the beautiful house

"Who house is this Santana" Santana asked as he helped Amour walk in

"It's mines take me to a hospital before I die" Amour said sounding like she's about to cry.

The men all looked at each other and busted out laughing "I thought you was a gangsta" Eli said as he crossed his arms


"I am but I never been fucking shot"

Amour said examining her arm "ow" Amour groaned "this really hurts"

"It's okay My boy Sevyn gone stitch you up real nice" Splain said trying not to laugh patting her head.

"Fuck. No" Amour paused "Fuck.No"

She groaned and started to grow more irritated "he not no fucking doctor take me to the damn hospital"

"You can't" Eli said locking the door

"If you go to the hospital they gone ask questions them cops can put two and two together and figure out that you was getting shot at" Santana said

Amour rolled her eyes "you know what the fuck your doing" she asked Sevyn

Sevyn nodded "aye Santana you might wanna come hold her down"

Santana groaned "I hate blood" he mumbled

Sevyn touched Amour's arm "Wait" Amour said Making Santana smack his lips.

"Mane if you don't hurry up and get this shit over with" Ant said as Amour walked through the kitchen

Amour opened all the cabinets making lots of noise to find what she was looking for after finding it she returned back to the living room and laid back on the couch.

"Bro you made all that noise for a gah damn Hennessy bottle" Ant said as he turned on the tv

Sevyn started to take the bullet out of Amour's arm "fuck" Amour said as she winced in pain.

"So um who house is this" Santana asked her while trying to make conversation with Amour trying to distract her.

Amour took a gulp of Hennessy "its mine" she said dryly looking around the house

Ant turned the tv up "aye y'all check this out"

"Twenty two year old Kashay and Thirty year old Shawn found dead in the two apartment , investigators say that Kashay killed her boyfriend then killed herself. After a autopsy was done it appears to be that Kashay was two months pregnant the family of the two are very devastated of this tragic incident , more information will be released as the investigation continues" the news reporter from channel 5 said

"That's fucked up" Eli stated as he walked into the living room where everybody was.

"Can you change the channel please , thanks" Amour said as she took a sip from the Hennessy bottle

They all gave her a weird stare "you know them or something" Santana asked

"Nah I just don't wanna hear that sad as shit" she said turning her head

"You wanna take some pain relief medicine in finna sew you up" Sevyn said

Due to Amours past with drugs she decided it was best to stay away from them "Nah I'm Big Nuni ion need that shit" she said as she took another big gulp from the Hennessy bottle

"Wasn't you just crying thinking you was finna die from being shot in your arm" Splain said laughing

She gave Splain a glare "shut the fuck up"

Sevyn started sewing Amours arm , he tried his best due to her not taking the medicine she was moving a lot "Santana" Sevyn said grabbing his attention "hold her down she moving to Damn much"

"My bad this shit hurt" she paused "fuck" she dragged

"Just calm down he almost done" Santana said examining her arm as he held Amour down

Sevyn finshed sewing her arm and wrapped her arm up "you done shordy"

"Thanks" Amour said looking at her arm , Amour walked out the living room and walked upstairs leaving the men amongst themselves.

"So what the fuck is the plan" Ant said

"Yeah Santana we survived that shit but we don't know what these folks want , we ain't did shit so what's the move" Eli said

"We gotta take out Quinton" Santana said in all serious tone "he's E-man brother , he set that shit up with Santos them tonight basically making us walk in a death trap" he said

"On some shit" Sevyn mumbled

"What about Amour" Splain asked

"She the one told that we had to take him out" Santana said dryly

"Ain't that her uncle don't that shit seem I don't know fishy" Splain added

"Yeah but he's the reason She got shot she ain't finna let that go I been around her for some time she don't let nothing go" Santana said looking up at the tv.

The men nodded "you gotta be on watch with her I still don't trust her" Ant said walking out the living room

Santana smacked his lips , he snatched the pills off the table and jogged up the stairs to the room Amour was in. He knocked on the door and waited for a response , "Nuni it's me Santana open the door" he said

Amour wiped the tears away from her face and opened the door "wassup everything alright" she whispered coming out the room with her robe on smelling like dove and coco butter

"Yeah I just came to give you these you gone need them" he said pointing at her arms , Amour walked back inside the room inviting Santana in and closing the door back.

"Uh I can't take those" Amour mumbled

Santana scrunched his face up "why the fuck not" he said sitting down on the bed looking at Amour pictures all over the wall , he guessed this really was her house.

"Uh I use to be a drug addicted a few years ago" Amour mumbled

"Oh" Santana stated dryly

Amour did a forced laugh "Yeah I don't needa relapse at a time like this"

It was a brief moment of silence.

"Take the pill" Santana said breaking the silence "I'll make sure you don't relapse"

"I don't think I can , I don't wanna risk it" she said pushing the pills away.

"That pain is going to be severe Nuni take the pill I gotcha" Santana said putting the pill In her hand , Amour looked back and forth between Santana and the pill. She finally took the pill.

Santana nodded his head and started to walk out the room "Santana" Amour mumbled "can you wait in here until I fall asleep please I-" Santana cut her off

"Yeah I gotcha" Santana said as he took his jacket off leaving him in a white beater and some sweats

The two laid in the bed in complete silence as Amour drifted to sleep she always slept the best with someone by her side. Especially with someone special.


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