《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 5


I heard the door chime letting me know that someone was walking in to the shop

"TT" I heard Loyal yell

"Nephew" I dragged dramatically "where you been?"

Loyal is my nephew, West and Imani had a thing going on nobody knew about. She found out that she was four months pregnant when he died. Loyal looks just like West ain't no denial that Loyal ain't West Son ,

It's Crazy how life works right?

"I was I was I was at GG house with with GG" He stuttered

"You getting so big" I said playing in his hair

"Yeah mommy say I'm gone be tall like my daddy" he paused "was my daddy really tall TT"

"Yes baby your daddy was very tall"

He nodded and smiled

We always try to remind him who his daddy is so he won't forget him. It's hard though we can only do so much and show him so many pictures.

Imani dragged herself in looking like she had a ruff night "Bro I got worst hangover ever" she said taking her shades off and tossing them on the counter

I laughed "The only way to get over a hangover is to get drunk again"

"Ughhhh I'm never doing that shit again this why I only smoke weed , don't make you feel like this weed make you feel good"

"Girl but how was the little kickback"

She side eyed me "Let me tell you about that you remember that Eli boy"

"Yeah what about him" I asked

"Bitch" she dragged "he so fine you know I was feeling him or whatever we actually started talking he cool people and he wanna take me on a date"

"That's wassup proud of you" I said

"Come on Nuni don't say it like that"

"No i am proud of you, you finally finding your happiness as you should"

"For real you not mad" she asked

"Mani why would I be mad" I asked "you deserve to be happy you been depressed for way too long"

She started tearing up "Aw Nuni We really do love you"

"I love y'all too" I said looking over at Loyal who was playing on his tablet

"It's crazy how much he looks like West" she started crying "he just miss him so much and it's nothing I can do about it"

"Okay stop crying before you make me cry" I said rubbing her shoulder


I don't even know how to help when people cry...

She sniffed "I needa get my booth ready for this nail appointment" she said getting up

"Aye we got this we gone get through it together we just gotta be strong alright" I said , she nodded

"Who car is that in your parking spot" she asked

"Mines" I said dryly

"What happened to your car Nuni" she asked

I wasn't going to tell her the full story cause I don't want her worrying about it she'll try to make sure I don't do anything crazy.

"I got in a wreck nothing major I'm good"

"Nuni you can't be that good if you had to get a new car did you at least go to the hospital"

"Nah I'm good , I had Santana take me to hotel" I said

"You not just finna act like you didn't just say what you just said"

I stared at her blankly "What"

"Santana" she asked I nodded "Splain brother the one who just got out of prison" she asked

"Yeah he helped me out the car then he took me home nothing more , nothing less" I said wrapping the flat irons "well i take that back he ain't take me home I made him drop me off at a hotel"

"I was finna say cause you don't let nobody know where you stay at who hit you" she asked

"Uh hit and run no leads ima just let it go I'm good got the 2020 hellcat and you know it's a Srt so hey I'm not too mad"

"Yeah but you needa go to the hospital" she said

"If I start feeling bad ima go but I'm finna head out bye nephew TT love you" I said kissing all over his face

"Bye sis love you" Imani said

"Love you too" I said walking out the shop

When I got in the car I took two Tylenol my head been hurting all morning. I do needa go to the hospital but not now I got shit to do.


I was pulling up to Kash home I was informed a few moments ago that she had just arrived and that she was by herself. I put the silencer the gun and threw it in my purse and got out the rented car.

I rung the door bell it was immediately opened "Shawn- Nuni what are you doing here" Kash asked "come in" she said opening the door letting me in


I fake smiled "I was coming to tell you I want to get back together i was over reacting I know you didn't do what you did on purpose"

"That's cool and all-" she was cut off by the door bell "hold on"

Shawn smirked "Hey baby I didn't know you had company" he said coming in the apartment

Ahhhh Killing two birds in one stone I thought.

"Yeah it's just Nuni , Um go to the room I'll be back there in a minute" she said kissing him

This bitch.

"Uh back to what I was saying Nuni I don't think this was going to work-

"Y'all ain't think I was gone find" I said cutting her off

"Uh - Uh" she stuttered "what you talking about " she asked

"Y'all ain't think I was gone find out that y'all was the one that wrecked into me"

"Nuni you need to leave your acting crazy saying all this weird shit" she said walking towards the door

I got up and walked behind her and put the gun to her head "shhhh" I whispered

She shut her eyes "Please Nuni don't kill me he made me do it" she whispered

"Call him out her and you say something I don't like I'm going to blow yo brains out right here"

She sniffed "Shawn come out here real quick please" she yelled

He walked down the hallway "wassup baby"

"Ima tell you wassup get down on you knees and put your hands on your head" I said coming behind him and putting the gun on his head

"Kash bitch did you set me up" he said trying to charge at her

"Nah nigga y'all motherfuckers ain't think I was gone find out y'all was the ones that wrecked into me"

"Bitch-" I hit him with the gun

"Watch your mouth bitch"

"Nuni please don't kill us we were just scared that you would go run and tell people what happened" Kash said grabbing my arm "what do we have to do please don't kill us"

"I'm not gone kill y'all"

"For real" Shawn asked

"Yes for real" I paused "wait on second thought yes i am" I shot him right in his head his body fell in Kash lap

She started screaming and crying "No Nuni please don't kill me" she paused "I-I'm pregnant" she said backing up onto the couch

I looked at her blankly trying to see if she was lying

"Please Nuni we can raise the baby together" she said grabbing my hand

This bitch gotta be delusional.

I snatched my hand back "sweetie this not about us getting back together" I said playing with her hair with the gun "This about you leaving me there on the side of the road not giving a fuck if I lived or died"

She started sobbing "I begged for him to go back I really did he told me that we would go to jail and I wouldn't be able to raise my baby if we went back"

I touched her stomach and started laughing "I thought you was a dyke" I asked

"I was but that was before I met Shawn we just hit it off real good" she mumbled

"Cool that's wassup" I said

"I'm really am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" she said touching my shoulder

I looked at her hand and smiled "I forgive you"

She smiled back "now put the gun down" she said

I looked at her this bitch must think I'm dumb.

"Nah I'm good how many months pregnant are you" I asked

"Uh three months why" she said nervously

I picked up her cup "you know if you pregnant you can't drink right" I said sniffing her cup "this junk smell like straight up Hennessy"

"I-I didn't -"

"Stop lying you ain't pregnant"

"Ok I'm not I just don't wanna die please don't kill me" she said starting back crying

I started wiping the gun off "I'm not going to kill you" she looked at me "you going to kill yourself"

"No what the fuck Nuni I can't do that" she said backing up from me

"You can and you will" she started shaking "and if you don't i have somebody sitting outside of your mom house and if I tell them to they walking straight in there and killing your mom and your sisters so it's you or them"

She took the gun to her head and looked at me "please don't make me do this"

"Do it or I'm telling him to run in your people house" I said becoming aggravated

"It's like I don't even know who you are anymore" she said then pulled the trigger her body slumped over right next to Shawn's

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